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About the HP books being full of stereotypes (2007): "Harry Potter has helped change loads of stereotypes. Where else, in fiction, can you find a character as clever as Hermione, who is an absolute feminist and won't accept to be second to none? Gosh! It's true that they're children books, but they cover most important subjects like life, death, politics, the importance of friendship and the choices that need to be made. Harry Potter really makes children think, it's not just like any other production for teenagers."

New Staff // 14 June 2007

Hi everyone,

I’d like to announce a few additions to the team. Julia was invited to join our staff a little while ago, and Maud and Aga were selected from the graphics position applications. Please give them a warm welcome.  🙂

Thank you to everyone who applied. I’m sorry I kept you all waiting. It took a long time to go through all the applications, and then come to a final decision.

Have a great day!

[ dook ]

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33 Responses to “New Staff // 14 June 2007”

  1. Chris says:

    Congratulations to you all. A fantastic site to be working on. All the best.:smile:

  2. superG says:

    whey congrats

  3. lala16... says:

    3rd yay ! Congrats to the new people ! x x x x

  4. Holly says:

    congrats in potd emma doesn't look like emma lol…

  5. kiakkia says:

    congratulations!!!! 😆 🙂

  6. kiakkia says:

    ….beautiful POTD 🙂 Emma is lovely 😛

  7. Paulo Henrique says:

    Congratulations 😆 I want a new Watson Weekly 😛

  8. EMMA W RULZ says:

    welcome and all the luck congrats 🙂

  9. Emily says:

    Congratulations 🙂

  10. D'Nash_Love says:

    Congratz everyone!Wish you luck!

  11. btram says:

    Congratulations. You guys did a good job. 😆

  12. Light_Dementor says:

    Congrats Julia, Maud and Ada 😉 hope you do a great job 😉

  13. Hey says:


  14. Imene says:

    Hi everyone, CoNgrAtUlaTiOnS to Julia, Maud and Ada 😉 ! I'm sure with you this GREAT website will be the BeSt 🙂 ! ! ! Big kisses to all 🙂 …

  15. Adam says:

    Congratulation for the new staff posts. I whish you all good luck to do this wonderful site even more wonderful 😉

  16. Cathrine says:

    Congragtulations you guys 🙂

  17. Silvia says:

    congrats!! Sure you'll do a wonderful work!!

  18. XRespectMeX says:

    Congratulations ….good job… kiss to all

  19. *hpfan* says:


  20. ghina says:

    welcome aboard Julia, Maud and Aga 🙂 congrats !!! *applause* !!! 😆 *Does any one of yu guys know how to get our answres for the questions we asked emma, rup and dan like 3 weeks ago ?? Ghina xoxo

  21. Isa says:

    Congratulations! 🙂 EMMA RULES! 😆

  22. Misha says:

    Welcome, Aga, Maud and Julia 🙂 *Misha*

  23. Iza says:

    According to Emma will attend at the France premiere of Order of the Pheonix! It's been confirmed! Yaaay! 🙂

  24. BoMa says:

    congratz guys 🙂

  25. Sandrine says:

    Welcome! 🙂 and congratulations!

  26. Emma says:

    THANK YOU!! 😆

  27. WiTchCraFt says:

    Welcome and congratulations Julia, Maud and Aga :smile:! Good luck in the team of :wink:.

  28. redogfcd says:

    Welcome & good luck!

  29. daniel says:

    Welcome to Julia, Maud and Aga!

  30. Marie says:

    Oh 🙁 I wanted to be in the site too…by the way Congrats and good luck girls! =)

  31. Samantha says:

    Kool Congragulations on the job and welcome 😆

  32. ¢¾AyaAmazingness¢¾ says:

    Conngratss all best of luck 🙂

  33. ghina says:

    guys? how do we get our answers for the questions we asked emma,rup and daniel like 4 weeks ago?? plz i gotta know !!! 😛 Ghina ps: KARINAAAAA!!!!! where r yu guurrl ?!?!