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About her driver, Nigel (2009):"Yes, I love Nigel! You know, he drove me to that first audition, and he's been driving me ever since. He's like my best friend - he knows everything about my life. If you have to sit in the car with someone for two hours a day, you had better like him! I get very jealous when he drives someone else."

OotP Videos // 26 June 2007

There have been a lot of videos coming out lately. We’ll try to keep you updated here, but many videos are being posted and reposted on youtube and other places. Many have been edited and posted again. If you know of videos that are good quality and the full interview, please let us know. I am most interested in original captures, or links to original copies.

Media Alerts

Emma, Dan and Rupert will appear on the Richard and Judy show this Friday, 29 June, at 5 pm on channel 4.

If you can capture these programs, please send us a high quality video. Please, don’t put it on youtube and send us that.

Press Junket

  • KABC – some questions with Emma, Dan and Rupert start about 1:20 into the video.
  • Skynews – youtube video courtesy of DRO.

Press Conference

  • Mirror – in the video section, there is a short video with clips from the press conference.
  • Skynews – a short clip with Emma and Dan talking about how the movies have affected their lives.
  • CNN – clips from the press conference plus a bit from the photocall.
  • Yahoo 1 – requires Windows Media Player 11
  • Yahoo 2 – requires Windows Media Player 11

More updates soon.

Comments closed for this item.

30 Responses to “OotP Videos // 26 June 2007”

  1. Jess says:

    First?? lol

  2. Remek says:

    Yahoo movies are working, you just need windows media player 11. 🙂

  3. dook says:

    Remek, thanks, good to know.

  4. Rodo says:

    i couldnt see those yahoo clips. i mean, i saw some kind of strange publicity and nothing else

  5. Remek says:

    I had the same problem – just download wmp11 – It should help 😉

  6. Jess says:

    Hey Remek… does it take so long?you know,download wmp11? I'd like to 😛

  7. Remek says:

    few seconds 😉

  8. Jess says:

    great!thanks 🙂

  9. sh says:

    well , i don't know it's true , but on a dutch EWforum there's been saying that emma, dan and rupert will have a star on the walk off fame , according to them , Warner Bross would have said that … true or false .?

  10. dook says:

    she,The trio will be honored by putting their handprints in cement at Grauman\’s chinese theater on the 9th. Maybe that is what they are thinking of.

  11. sh says:


  12. Jess says:

    Oh… yes.Not on walk of fame,but at a chinese theater 😆 Thanks dook 😉

  13. Sara says:

    Cool videos, but I don't understand why Emma felt the need to change dresses between the press conference and the photocall. Nobody else did that.

  14. Granto says:

    Well Sara if you look at the dates you will see that the Press Conference took place on the 22 while the Photoshoot was on the 25. Thats probably why she is wearing different dresses.

  15. gill says:

    in sky news they say emmas 16 shes 17,…..

  16. lala16... says:

    I am loving all these new vids and pictures ! ! Time for a new layout ?? x x x

  17. Sara says:

    @Granto. The Press Conference videos (Mirror, Skynews, CNN, Yahoo) are all from the same day as the pictures from the previous post. Dan, Rupert, Katie, Evanna, etc. are all wearing the same thing that there were wearing when those pictures were taken. Emma however decided to wear another dress. I wonder why Emma felt the need to change clothes while the others did not. There was a different press conference on the 22nd and obviously Emma isn't going to wear the same dress to two different press conferences on two different days.

  18. so yeah says:

    I wish we could actually download these videos

  19. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    kool kool ! cant wait !! 😉 😛 😆

  20. Kassie says:

    🙂 Is it just me, or did Emma sound like she has a cold or something? well, anyhow, great videos. 🙂 🙂

  21. andrew says:

    lots of vidoes about the movies, this is great 🙂 :smile:.

  22. daniel says:

    finally!! videos!! 😆 all of the cast looks great. The press conference was very big!

  23. Hannah says:

    These are all wonderful! Any chance, dook, that we might get downloadable versions of the videos? I find a lot of the websites that host them to be very temperamental, and also it would just be really lovely to be able to keep them on my computer 🙂

  24. dook says:

    Hannah,I do not know of a way to save the Yahoo videos. The others I think I can get, but it will be a while before I have time to do it.

  25. dan says:

    HELP PLZ!!!!!!!!!!! i can't look at all the videos, not even the one in mirror!!! why??

  26. sarah says:

    didnt see them yet… but now i'm going to!! 😛 hopefull they work!!1 😆 😉

  27. Kat xx says:

    emmas dress in the CNN one is fab!!!

  28. J says:

    my internets been down for the past month so i havent been able to c all this hp news but is the full conference out anywhere yet??