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About getting drunk (2011): "Yes, I have tried spirits, we drink at 18 in the UK but I'm actually legal to drink here now, it's worth mentioning. Yes, yes I have. I got very very drunk once in my life as everyone does. Fine I got drunk, I have been drunk - and I'll bow to that!"

New Old Pictures from Life Photo Shoot // 27 June 2007

Hello, Emma fans! What a busy month!

Thanks to Andie and IHeartWatson we have 14 never before seen pictures from the Life photoshoot from 2005!


Enjoy! πŸ˜†
Fixed the links, it shows up to the correct pictures now. πŸ™‚

[ Katy ]

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55 Responses to “New Old Pictures from Life Photo Shoot // 27 June 2007”

  1. Emma says:

    Emma doesn't looks VERY great:( but Dan looks handsome πŸ˜†

  2. angelic sweetie says:

    Emma does like plunging V-necklines. πŸ˜†

  3. Pocketmouse says:

    awww emma has her braces on! she looks so beautiful here and rupert looks so cute!

  4. neelam says:

    hasnt emma got braces in these photos? πŸ˜† πŸ˜› πŸ˜• πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

  5. miri says:

    The pictures are great, but old. I have not seen them before! πŸ˜›