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About boys and girls in GOF (2005): "What Mike (Newell) is really trying to capture is the terrible awkwardness that you get, the really awkward teenage stage where girls and boys are interested in each other and neither of the sex does quite know how to be. It's really funny, because the girls get up and they're really ready to go and dance and the guys are like... yeah, not getting up and dancing. It's good, really, it was good fun to do."

Watson Weekly Issue 013 // 28 June 2007

The latest issue of Watson Weekly is now online. I thought I’d squeeze it in between all the Emma news. 😆

You’ll find all our regular features like Funky Fashion and Random Talk,  Fun and Fans and another Webmiss interview. Plus, what you’ve been waiting for, the results of the Shipper Video Contest!

Have a great day!

[ dook ]

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34 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 013 // 28 June 2007”

  1. Helen says:

    Wow this issue is looong!! Thanks for all the hard work!! 🙂 This pic of Emma is great 😛

  2. Janny says:

    Second!! I want to go to Japan 🙁 Dan and Emma is there £½£¿.. Oh!!!

  3. Phlegm says:

    Nice pic Emma. 🙂 Cant wait to look at the issue!

  4. Lisa says:

    Wow third place. Thank you so much!!! And congrats to the other winners!

  5. EMMA W RULZ says:

    omg yay! 🙂 i better go read it now 😉 😛

  6. ce says:

    awwwwww emma and tom d are together this is cut but it is not 100%

  7. EMMA W RULZ says:

    just read it another great issus 🙂 thanks congrats to all the winners 🙂

  8. ~Roni~ says:

    OMG I can't believe my video got 4th place!! Thank you so much guys!!! You made my day 😆 And congrats to all the other videos, too! They're all great!Awesome issue, I really enjoyed it.

  9. Iza says:

    I absolutely love this issue! The interview with Mackenzie is awesome! I love it! And the cover is…adorable! 😆

  10. liz says:

    Great issue, I loved the shippers videos! Well done guys 😀

  11. kiakkia says:

    GREAT MUSIC VIDEO!!:lol: Awesome issue!! 😉

  12. Hannah-Dora says:

    Thank you SO MUCH for the 2nd place! I'm so, so happy! Congrats for everybody, and the issue is wonderful!

  13. XRespectMeX says:

    beautiful like always

  14. Anna says:

    I love the cover! Emma looks beautiful! and OMG! I won?? Like Seriously?? Yay!! Thank you so much!! 😆

  15. ew is #1 says:

    looks like a great issue I going to read it now!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Lauren says:

    Awesome issue. You recently posted that Emma, Dan and Rupert are on the Richard and Judy show tonight. Well, I have looked at their program and they are actually not on it. Or atleast they havent mentioned them on their site.

  17. frederique says:

    the interview with the webmiss from is great! thank you! you did an amazing job once again with this watson weekly! 😉

  18. Lauren says:

    I just watched Richard and Judy and it turns out Emma, Dan and Rupert are on next friday, the 6th i think.

  19. Julia says:

    Gotta love the cover 🙂

  20. Inmaculada says:

    Sale muy guapa contenta Emma . Mi Emma es la mejor…… 🙂

  21. AMY says:


  22. Tayna says:

    There is an interview with Emma in Famous magazine which I've scanned and tried to upload but the files are big and it takes too long 🙁

  23. Kate says:

    Hey super! You done a great work like every time! And congrat to the winners of the shipper video contest 😉 They are all amazing 😆 have a nice time 😛 Kate

  24. Evie says:

    Loving the cover. Will we have a video from Richard and Judy? I missed it… =( Shall go read WW!!

  25. emma says:

    are there new photos in the fanouse magazien?

  26. Pete says:

    HEY! IT'S MY DRAW!!! IT'S MY DRAW THERE!!! I'M PETER (duh!)! I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! Thanks Dook, Neve, and all the staff. But what makes me confused is… well… I haven't properly SENT anything… I used Imageshack to post it right here, in the commentboard… Well, thanks for the honor anyway! I'm glad you guys liked it!!!! (I thaught Linda's painting is very pretty, btw!) Great news and great videos, by the way!!! Oh, and that is the best cover ever. Keep up the great work guys!!! Tchau, Adi

  27. Kat xx says:

    omg its like 10 DAYS!! till ootp!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! 😆

  28. Julie says:

    I know gah I can't wait!!! I was researching today and I was like wow it's hard to believe it’s like in 10 days. Anyway pretty great Watson Weekly. But I haven't actually heard about the midnight-release parties yet and like time and which stores are having them etc. Any information on that???? Please let me know ASAP! Thanks, Merci, gracias!!!

  29. Julie says:

    Just wanted to add a -> 🙂

  30. Melissa says:

    I really liked this issue and how both H/Hr and R/Hr Ships were finally given equally attention. The Shupper videos were great…admitedly I only watched the H/Hr ones though. This was a beautifully done issue!

  31. Aida says:

    well.. firstly im glad that the new issue is out, but im really depressed that i didnt win anything for the contest! so thats why i realize that im not made for contests and ill be 200% dedicated only for fans not by judging! but im very happy for my friend anna and all r/hr fans!

  32. Dan says:

    Neve I enjoy your articles and agree with everything . The Staff does a great job with putting everything together. Emma to me represents what I would like a 21st Century woman to be . I am proud to be a fan .

  33. basma says:

    nice pic 🙂

  34. melvin says:

    i like you !!! 🙂