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About Hermione's future (2007): "There's this theory that she's going to die and I really didn't have that in my plans for what she would achieve (the audience laughs). I want to see her putting her intellect and her naturally very caring nature to some very worthy cause, like I want to see her in another country protesting for the rights of house-elves, or continuing with SPEW, or just generally making the world a better place and hopefully, you know, being married to Ron and have lots of beautiful babies..."

New interviews, new pics, new video // 1st July 2007

Hello everybody,

Thanks to Geri from HPANA for letting us know about a new Emma interview. It’s a “must-read” so hurry and click here.

HPANA also has a new on-set report, with a few Emma quotes such as “I’m a bit emotional today. Rupert’s 18! I can’t believe it” or “Sometimes, I’ll go to a friend’s house and their little brothers and sisters will be playing the first film on DVD and it’s very strange. It’s like your baby pictures but a whole film of it. I look so different“. Cute! Click here to read the entire article.

Also, Fred uploaded new pics from the latest press conference Emma attended. Click here to see them, or just check our gallery 🙂

Update: We now have even more pictures from press conference, 72 total now.

Update: UHP posted a video of an OotP behind-the-scenes that aired in France today, on Canal +. Beware, it’s full of spoilers!

Have a nice day,

[ Neve ]

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105 Responses to “New interviews, new pics, new video // 1st July 2007”

  1. EMMA W RULZ says:

    The forums were working for me last night but now there not again 🙁

  2. Dan says:

    yup rubbish , .. Hermione kiss's Krumm . (I'm so jealous). Ron kiss's Lavender Brown making Hermione real pissed !! Hermione is class , Ron is a putz its like mixing a fine wine with motor oil. I think JKR missed the bet on that one. That's just me though . Now Emma is very different shes the best bottle of French Brandie .

  3. Sam says:

    oh boy! not to get ahead of myself but when the sixth movie comes out, its going to be hilarious!!! ron is going to be "snogging" left and right and hermione is going to be infuriated and harry's going to have his romance with ginny! its going to be wild thats all i can say! i can wait though bc order of the phoenix is going to be amazinggg!

  4. natasha says:

    pow eu n

  5. karahan says:

    hello emma I love you ? birtanem