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About Chanel lending her gowns (2009):"It's incredible to get those gowns, because I've always loved designer clothing. It's the best. If anyone dresses me for a premiere, it'll be Chanel. Physically, I don't have time to go shopping for those events, that's why it's good that they lend me these clothes."

OOTP Emma Videos // July 3rd, 2007

Okay, we have some new videos of Emma at the OOTP London Premiere thanks to Kelei from While the videos are not that great of quality they still have our beloved Emma Watson in them.

1st Video | 2nd Video | 3rd Video

Enjoy 😉

[EDIT] If you want to know where Emma got the green dress she wore at the London Photocall, it’s by Alberta Ferreti and you can see it here. Thanks to Flor for the tip.


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35 Responses to “OOTP Emma Videos // July 3rd, 2007”

  1. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    1st !

  2. hp princess /ew / hg says:

    cool ! ill go c them right now !!! 😛 😆 😉 🙂 still i wish i could have been ther … 🙁 😥 😥 🙁

  3. EMMA W RULZ says:

    cool thanks i will go watch them now 🙂

  4. Hiltje says:


  5. Hiltje says:

    and evanna also looks very beautifull. It's a pity her dress got soaked 🙁

  6. Synnove says:

    i can't see them =( boo, I'll try again!

  7. CRISTY says:


  8. fire and ice says:

    😥 when i click on it it says his will take 7 hours aprox are you sure you wnt to download this file? can some please put it on youtube please 🙂

  9. Gizem says:

    34 new HQ pictures at

  10. Emma Watson says:

    I HATE EMMA's Dress! It is Stupid. But she looks so pretty and all grown up. 🙂

  11. lovergirl says:

    I love Emma's Dress! I got her autograph at the premiere! I told her where her outfit was from: Chanel! She looked so beautiful and pretty!

  12. laxchic05 says:

    OMG YAY YAY!! now thats out of my system emma is fabulous i luv all of her clothes!!! 🙂

  13. shaGuar says:


  14. xx says:

    let me just say something i cant hold back anymore. This site used to be phenomenol. Since the new webmiss, she doesn't seem remotely interested in emma at all, it seems like she just has a job to get done. You dont just "forget" about the premiere. Im just overall dissapointed in how this site turned out since new ownership. You need to sort out your priorities! (A new layout might be the first step)!

  15. frederique says:

    thank you so much Gizem… the new pics are awesome! go see them :

  16. daniel says:

    😥 I can't see the videos… realone tell me that I need new software to view them but they don't have it…what can I do? I want to see Emma

  17. dook says:

    XX,Jasmine is not a new webmiss, she\’s a staff member that hasn\’t posted much before. I still run things here.

  18. Paty says:

    You rock Dook… Where is the after party??? me-want-pintures!

  19. Firebolt chick says:

    😥 😥 🙁 i cant see the video either 😥 🙁 😡

  20. Rodo says:

    OMG, too many news for one day! AND ONLY 1 WEEK TIL THE MOVIE RELEASE!! cant wait any longer. bye

  21. Lynxlo says:

    I downloaded "1:st Video" at the mirrors and it works great in "VLC media player". You can download VLC for free.

  22. Pete says:

    JESUS CHRIST!!! The UK premieres are often a rehearsal (so she can look properly pretty in NYC or Tokyo), but this time I can't imagine much better looks after this one… GORGEOUS EMMA: The tan skin gives her a fresh lively air, and the make up is, as per usual, light and discreet, emphasizing Emma's natural beauty. She is now DEFINETLY prettier than in GoF days, in my opinion. Golden blond hair… well, perhaps not quite the best choice, but still suits her very well. GORGEOUS OUTFIT: The blue dress is wonderful, the ornaments are very sophisticated and the heels come as a signature to the new womanly style. Much better than the dress from GoF London Premiere, which made her look like a duck. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE WHOLE PACK OF HI-RES PICS! Tchau, Adi

  23. Annachick says:

    Damn, she's signing her a** off! Lol, I love her.

  24. Arwen says:

    FerretTi 😉

  25. kseniii says:

    i can't seem to view the videos.. can someone, like the admin, check cz maybe it's just my computer but i have broadband… what format are they supposed to be in? i love the dress she wore to the premiere!!! x

  26. kety says:

    I can't see it! someone can put a youtube link?

  27. Hiltje says:

    Is it correct thay the video's don't have a visual 😕

  28. matt says:

    u guys that are having problems with the videos, download vlc media player, then they'll work.

  29. Julia says:

    There are after show pictures and a lot with Dan & Emma together again, sorry if that's disappointing to some, but you've got the Paris premiere tonight so look out for Emma & Rupert in those.

  30. Chessy says:

    the dress is NOT Alberta Ferretti, it's CHANEL, she said so herself in an interview on the day on the live coverage

  31. liz says:

    CAN"T U PLEAAAAAAAAAAASE PUT THE VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE????????? it's sooo much easyer

  32. Lemontree says:

    I can't see the video's! It does not work wit Media Player! And by "Mirrors", I can only hear some crazy people making a lot of noise 😛 Youtube, anyone? 😉

  33. r says:

    where are the after-show-pics!!!!???? PLEASEEEEEEEEE help me Julia!!!! merci beaucoup 🙂

  34. joe says:

    I can't see them.. 😥 dunno why….

  35. Lynxlo says:

    As I said before and I say it again. Download VLC-media player. It's for free. If you have a problem with watching, by example a movie on windows media player, try it on VLC and it would probebly work perfect. (right-click on "1st video" and take "save target as" and when you have downloaded the video play it in VLC. Hope this helps.:wink: BTW Emma looks really beautiful in these vids. 🙂