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About auditioning (2007): "Mum and Dad kept trying to make me realise there was only a very small chance because thousands of other children had been seen. I was not at a performing-arts school - just a small school in Oxford. But I badly wanted it."

ReelzChannel Interview// July 3rd, 2007

Thanks to Cristy, we now know that the Harry Potter Cast (Emma, Dan and Rupert) will be doing an interview with Reelz Chanel on Sunday, July 8th @ 5:40 PM PT/ 8:30 PM ET. Click here for the link to the preview of the interview. Update: Here’s a downloadable version of the preview.


YouTube link.

Here’s the section where the site tells you where you can see ReelzChannel and which channel number it is. It’s only available on Direct TV and Dish Network. If anyone can see it and record it for us and/or also find caps, that would be great.

Have news? Scans? Videos? Anything else? Send it to!

Update: thanks to HPANA, we now also have a video of Emma being interviewed at the OotP London premiere. Click here to watch it on our YouTube 😆  


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43 Responses to “ReelzChannel Interview// July 3rd, 2007”

  1. Lynxlo says:


  2. Pete says:


  3. Pete says:

    sorry lynxlo

  4. Pete says:

    WOW! The UK premieres are often a rehearsal (so she can look properly pretty in NYC or Tokyo), but this time I can't imagine much better looks after this one… GORGEOUS EMMA: The tan skin gives her a fresh lively air, and the make up is, as per usual, light and discreet, emphasizing Emma's natural beauty. She is now DEFINETLY prettier than in GoF days, in my opinion. Golden blond hair… well, perhaps not quite the best choice, but still suits her very well. GORGEOUS OUTFIT: The blue dress is wonderful, the ornaments are very sophisticated and the heels come as a signature to the new womanly style. Much better than the dress from GoF London Premiere, which made her look like a duck. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE WHOLE PACK OF HI-RES PICS! Tchau, Adi

  5. Annachick says:

    AHHHH! I love all of this Emma news. It's a little overwhelming though, but I shouldn't be complaining! 😛

  6. HP princess /ew / hg says:


  7. HP princess /ew / hg says:

    cool cant wait ! 😛 😆 😉 🙂

  8. amy says:

    wear can i find videos from the ootp premiere? 😥

  9. dgcat says:

    I am sure this "interview" is pre-recorded because that is the scheduled time/date for the U.S. premiere in LA

  10. OLIVIA says:

    ooo! i just refreshed the page to find moooore! xo

  11. CRISTY says:


  12. cristy says:

    ahhhhh no after party it is because emma has to go to paris in the mornning.

  13. cristy says:

    i can't seen the link sean????

  14. amy says:

    emma is not at the after party that is just her at the premiere movie 😡

  15. dook says:

    cristy, that was just a spammer putting links to pages with ads. amy, Emma was at the afterparty. We\’ll have pictures as soon as we can.

  16. tom says:

    that was so exciting!

  17. Jen says:

    Yeah, she was there. Katie changed her dress, Emma did not.

  18. liz says:

    This outfit is the best she's ever worn! It's hard to believe she's so mature, she looks so different… but gorgeous, still. Will you have the pics from Paris (Emma's attending, isn't she?)? I hope so! Anyway, I loved the dress, the make-up, the hair, everything.

  19. Kat xx says:

    OMG is emma actually gonig to be in paris for the prem – i hipe so – thats when im in paris! ohhh wat if i see her lol – love the interview! new BG kids!!

  20. Kat xx says:

    ohh new cute pic of dan and em at prem – this isnt a private pic!!

  21. no name says:

    ^^ katxx i cant c da picture 🙁

  22. btram says:

    Great pics! But i think she did somthing to chage her skin because it looks a bit not white as usual, did't she? 😉

  23. Blok says:

    Omg, she's so beutiful! Emma and the guys frpm Ootp is going to be on tv here i sweden today ^^ On the set thing you know, can't wait to see it! 😀 She's my favorit actress ^^ <´3

  24. tim says:


  25. aman says:

    hi emma if u r reading my messege . so i want to say u that i am your big fan and i like you more than in the world to all . and i want to u a punch like malphoy . i am your biggest fan in the world than all . so plz contact me at . bye and have a nice day

  26. Kylie says:

    I think Emma heightened with the make-up. Her face was ugly at the premiere. I love her hair, her dress from Chanel (I'm not sure), but her face looks odd and so uuugly! 😥

  27. Fan01 says:

    Why are all the videos on YouTube ?? It is not possible to download the videos !! That sucks !!!

  28. aa says:

    why jk is not taking photo with the trio in the premier?

  29. Pocketmouse says:

    if you click on the youtube link and watch it there and when its over you see other interviews of emma (super good quality) from the ootp premier in london! they are really great!

  30. apple says:

    Is Emma Watson Creating Problems On Harry Potter Set? i had read an article about emma, but i won't believe it!! the article is here

  31. apple says:

    Is Emma Watson Creating Problems On Harry Potter Set? i had read an article about emma, but i won't believe it!! the article is here

  32. dook says:

    apple, don\’t believe it. The article uses quotes and facts out of context. It\’s a crap article written by an idiot.

  33. Marion says: first pictures of Emma at Paris Premiere

  34. frederique says:

    thank u Sarah! 🙂

  35. Sonia says:

    In my opinion Emma looks too… ORANGE. I absolutely hate her make-up. But dress is amaizing, I absolutely love it. And the colour is fantastic.

  36. Sonia says:

    And here you have a lot of photos from French HP premiere, girls !

  37. Sam says:

    thank you sonia for the pics!! she looks great!!! this premiere seems a little more low key and i like her outfit, its simple, laid back and chic! i think she should wear blush more often and experiment more with her eye makeup.

  38. emma's#ONEfan says:

    I love her hair like that. She is pretty. I wish I was her! She looks so grown up in this. She has changed, but in a good way 😉

  39. tom says:

    great update!

  40. Sara says:

    Is it just me or the updates after this one have been removed ??

  41. dook says:

    hmm… must be just you. I see almost two pages of updates after that one.

  42. Ann-Jane says:

    This video is nice and Emma looks prety in it! Very nice!