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About performing (2004): "I love acting, I love singing, I love dancing. There are so many different aspects to the film world that, hopefully, I will end up in some area of it."

Misc // 3 September 2007

Hey everybody,

How are you doing?

We have a few random but cool things for you today! 🙂

First of all, Emma’s funky Chanel bag got its own article on It seems we’re not the only ones who loved it! Thanks to Lyra for letting us know.

Also, it seems that one of the Jonas brothers, Joe, has a big crush on Emma… You can watch him admitting it here (at 01:58). Thanks Sabrina.

Have a nice day,

[ Neve ]

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50 Responses to “Misc // 3 September 2007”

  1. cemal potter says:

    oh! thats a great work thanks!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :smile:because emma watson is to smile be suitable ok!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Lie says:

    I might be wrong, but I thought the article on purseblog have already been post on August the 26th. Anyway, the video is quite funny ^^

  3. Sandrine says:

    I don't know those guys at all 😕

  4. Dima says:

    Methinks,that 'brother' has no chances. Emma won't like him.All that useless freaks…Is that cool? 😕

  5. nicole says:

    hahaha thats cute

  6. emma says:

    Who are those boys??? I have never heard of them 😕

  7. Michelle says:

    Haha cool! But who on earth are the Jonas Brothers? 😆

  8. Louisa says:

    the Jonas Brothers are singers. 3 brothers. they're pretty big with the 11-14 year olds, anyone who loves the disney channel and hannah montana, miley cyrus. i don't really care for them. too old to be in their fanbase. lol

  9. Louisa says:

    yeah i forgot to say that they're from the U.S. so some of u won't know them.

  10. frederique says:

    I do know them… theyre popular in America. Anyways, thanx for the news! 😉

  11. watermelon :] says:

    OMG! so this weekend was dragon con in atlanta and I went and met oliver and james phelps!

  12. me says:

    anyone knows where i can buy this bag?

  13. Iris says:

    It'sr eally expensive, more than 1000 pounds!

  14. Phlegm says:

    The video is really funny. The bag is very cute too.

  15. anonymous says:

    if you're english, the jonas brothers are a boy band that remade two busted songs (year 3000 and what i go to school for)

  16. Ashligh says:

    Well that is a great bag,costly, but a great bag 😉

  17. Jovana says:

    I luv the Jonas Brothers!!

  18. Steph says:

    I really like her purse, but I do wonder sometimes what she puts in it considering it is quite large. 🙂

  19. J. says:

    She puts her life in the bag. Her <i>life</i>. o:

  20. frederique says:

    that's mean "J."

  21. Linsey says:

    The Jonas Brothers are amazing. And not only for 11-14 year olds. I'm 16 and I love them, mostly because they ACTUALLY sing in their songs unlike a majority of musicians today.

  22. Anastasia says:

    haha wow, no offence but i really never liked the jonas brothers. but anyways thanks for posting. that's cute that he has a crush on her 😛

  23. Bri says:

    umm wait who are they again? Definatley have heard of them and probAably have heard their songs but i dont recognize the names. and i know Joe isn't the only one with a celebirty crush on emma.

  24. Amy says:

    Wow, you know Emma Watson news is getting slow when news from about a week ago get repeated again.

  25. jonas_luver says:

    emma watson's soooo lucky to have joe jonas like her. the jonas brothers ROCK!!!!

  26. nick_jonas_luva says:

    the jonas brothers is the best band ever!!! i'm 15 and i still luv them. they're song, S.O.S, is the best song EVER!!

  27. Kelli says:

    holy jeeze… i love the jonas brothers and I love Emma. If Joe and her ever got together I uhhh I just might die. O_O

  28. karinaki says:

    Though i don't know the jonas brothers or Joe himself, it's really nice that he has a crash on her… like a million boys in the world out there… 😉 and for the channel thing..we just LOVE it! right?? 😆

  29. karinaki says:

    oh..forgot to say that i adore that bag!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  30. Anita says:

    Some of you people being rude to those boys just don't need to be on here. I don't like them, but it's not cool to rude. Anyways, I love the bag!

  31. Emily says:

    hahaaha, that is so funny and cute – that crush thing. Does anyone know how old he is? And, I have not really heard of them, but I do know enough to know he is definitely the cutest out of the three. They would be cute together….haha.

  32. Kat xx says:

    cute bag! i love em's in that pick – however the potd looks REALLY orange! back off the fake tan em – you are beautiful as you are! xx 😛

  33. Jess14 says:

    yo guys – if the news is THIS slow – why dont you go change the BackGround!!!!

  34. john says:

    hi i was looking at the quote of the day or whatever it is and it said something about "fakeface"? i could not read it all cuz i hit the video to fast it went away anyone know what it said?

  35. sweetgirl♥ says:

    hi guys, I just found this quote on wikipedia and didn't know if you had it on the site… but its pretty funny! "To cry, you do a staring competition at a wall: keep your eyes open until they start to water. To smile: you just have to think of a happy thought. A mixture of Brad Pitt and chocolate normally makes me smile." -Emma Watson ♥♥♥

  36. Louisa says:

    emily – joe is 18.

  37. EmmaWatsonBestFan says:

    i dont know this guys are they famous? i never heard about them before… =')

  38. Gisele says:

    With all these new pictures of Emma, don't you think it's fine time to make a new layout?

  39. pop says:

    the vid was mad funny! 😆 who wouldn't like emma watson?! lol idk if she'll like the guy tho. but a lot of people think he's hot or sumtin.

  40. Dan says:

    I duno what do you think a millon guys or so have a crush on Emma ?? Thats a line of ohhh 358 miles ? Somehow I think hes near the end of the line , … When Deathly Hallows hits the big ole screen and shortly after Emma will be the most wanted female on the planet . Emma is in a league of her own .Dream on guys .

  41. jill-icious says:

    well, i don't really know much anything about the JONAS BROTHERS, however, i have always thought that JOE was CUTEST among all of 'em. and emma's pretty lucky that she gets noticed w/out doing anything…i mean, look at all the hollywood teen stars nowadays, they all seem to attention seeker, they'd do anything just to get noticed by the press/paparazzi and boys…haha!!! GUD FOR EMMA, cuz she focuses on her studies and harry potter, and still she gets noticed by the good-looking hollywood teen guys!!! WAY TO GO EMMA!!! 🙂 🙂

  42. Kajander says:

    I am a big fan of emma and the harry potter books and movies. I live in finland so i don't think that i'm ever going to see them or emma live 😥 But I have all the movies and books so think that i'm gonna be OK 😉 🙂 And just like jill-icious said: "WAY TO GO EMMA"

  43. iheartjonasbrothers says:

    THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE AWESOME!!!! i listened to all of their songs and i luv them all!! for all of u who don't know who they are, if u watch the video the guy on the right is nick jonas and he's 14, the middle, of course, is joe and he's 18, and on the left is kevin and he's 20. they're a really popoular guy band

  44. zac says:

    NOOOOOOOOOOO emma is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😥 😥 😥

  45. DIDIT BECKHAM says:

    you is everything emma you is women existing in my life this my love will bring me dead just want you know must me dead but you be buried in sadness I will love you forever 😕 😥 😥

  46. Calvin says:

    Haha, I guess everyone loves someone who are popular. That's awesome. Good luck to you all getting the love of your life! 😉

  47. Natalie says:

    Btw, I'm almost 16…and I love the Jonas Brothers! You can't say that just 11-14 year olds love them. I'm almost 16 and I love them. DC is amazing! Aly & AJ ALSO rock. I am not ashamed to say it!

  48. Natalie says:

    and Linsey I agree with you 100 percent…a lot of singers just scream or take off their cloths…I appreciate the DC stars much!

  49. Lyra says:

    I love the Jonas Brothers!! (And they're not just for kids!! I'm 16!!) Emma is SO lucky!! There are a million girls out there who would LOVE for Joe to give them "that look" *faints* I know I would!! I'll just say, he has wonderful taste in girls!

  50. lalith says:
