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About school and learning (2007): "People can't understand why I don't want to be a full-time actress, but school life keeps me in touch with my friends. It keeps me in touch with reality. It makes me feel normal. Let's be honest: I have enough money never to have to work again, but I would never want that. Learning keeps me motivated."

More Ballet Shoes pics // 6 September 2007

Some more pics of Emma from the Ballet Shoes set have appeared in the Sun Online. In these, Emma and a castmate are dressed in Native American costumes. Thanks to Jane for the tip.


[ dook ]

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51 Responses to “More Ballet Shoes pics // 6 September 2007”

  1. ThatGuy says:

    Girl on the left has a fantastic ass.

  2. zac says:

    2nd!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😉

  3. Dan says:

    cool first , ….lol can hardly wait to see more . She's so sweet 🙂

  4. Dan says:

    well said zero, ….rofl

  5. Jack Daniel's No.7 says:

    Hmmm..Emma Seems an Hippie in these pics…xpecially inn the 1st… 😕

  6. Uh!? says:

    i hope i'm wrong, but for what i see this TV programme is a bit spicy… i mean, look at these two pics: in the first one you can almost see too much of emma. and in the 2nd pic, well you can see emma's pal (i havent got to descrive what you see, have i?) what's goin on with the bbc 😕 ? i'm speechless bye 😆 😛

  7. EMMA W RULZ says:

    😆 😛 so can not wait for the movie 🙂

  8. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Guys, I really wanna hug her.

  9. StarkoFrench says:

    Mouahahha … Nice ! 🙂

  10. shar says:

    lol….wat xactly r dey doin???? 😛

  11. Shanti says:

    Do you think you could place a link to your rss feed? You can create one with cutenews under the options and then the inegration wizard.. I would love to add your headlines to my personal startpage, so I can see with one look if there's any new news! Thank you in advance! 🙂

  12. kiakkia says:

    OOOOH….she is so cute 😛

  13. Nimy says:

    So funny lol. Emma's cute on them 😆

  14. Jimspeed says:

    hehe, yeah, i agree with you ^^ … quite funny and cute, but also bit strange ^^ 😉 nice potd btw

  15. Pasha says:

    Emma, When U touring in Indonesia again ? Emma please add me in Your friendster as U friend. U open friendster me in Oke ! 😛

  16. emily says:

    She looks great… 😛 🙂 😉

  17. dimethylmercury says:

    She looks really young…haha.. Like the pics(:

  18. Kat xx says:

    yeah i agree – she does look young – but she looks like shes having fun! lol xx

  19. Alex says:

    oh i love these pics…she looks like she's having so much fun…i can't wait to see this movie…if i even can…does anyone know if it is opening in the US too or just England?…<333

  20. hermione says:

    :wink:emma showing her lovely legs.n she looks like she having d time of her life playing indian..spicy show ain't it..i mean,all legs n thighs! 😆

  21. me says:

    So far as I'm aware, it's not 'opening' anywhere – it's a TV movie that's going to be shown on the BBC around Christmas

  22. KB says:

    More GREAT pix guys! THANX! 🙂

  23. Rachel says:

    SO CUTE ! 😀 XxXx Rachy

  24. EmmaWatsonBiggestFan =) says:

    can someone tell me if "Ballet Shoes" will pass to Portugal?!

  25. iris - netherlands says:

    whaha! I love them! She looks so cute! But did they really wore that earlier?

  26. laiza says:

    do yall know if it will be out in BBC america?

  27. Danielle says:

    =] The Pics are cool;) She looks like she's having a fun time 😆 Loving the dress to lol. xxx

  28. emma says:

    Lovin the pics, she is nothing like hermione there 🙁

  29. andrew says:

    omg, American Native comstumes, I've seen those before, they are the best :smile:.

  30. andrew says:

    by the way, Emma and her friend look gorgeous :smile:.

  31. Dima says:

    Yeah………… :razz:I love her!

  32. Asligh says:

    Emma look's cute in these pic's. So it's a x-mas movie for BBC? I have a BBC channel here but it only has news and stuff. And jeeze people, look at our movies (US) more then half the time ours girls are where less then that so I think we can stop with the pervvy comment's. Okay? I wish I can see this, I hope when it's up and running that someone will post it on here or on YouTube for us to watch. 🙂

  33. emma_05 says:

    Does anyone know if I am back here in germany will ever be able to watch it?

  34. emma_05 says:

    Does anyone know if I am back here in germany will ever be able to watch it?

  35. Leticia says:

    I'm so sad 😥 .. i'm from Brazil and i'll cannot see her new movie to BBC.. but Emma is really cute…

  36. Leticia says:

    I'm so sad 😥 .. i'm from Brazil and i'll cannot see her new movie to BBC.. but Emma is really cute…

  37. Jaana says:

    Oh my goodness! So adorable! ^___^ They look like they're having loads of fun! :>> Emma looks so happy… 🙂 I wanto to see this movie so badly!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed and hopefully they'll show Ballet Shoes in Finland too! 😆 Yeah…. I'm an idiot. x) Well, a girl can always hope, right! :'D

  38. Briana says:

    so pleased emma is branching out & accepting new projects.. & finally a teen actress with brain cells to spare 🙂

  39. jwan says:

    i have never been more proud to be an native american.

  40. Natalie says:

    Um…guys…if you think this is bad dress wise…you would have a heartattack if you saw some of the other outfits in some movies in the US…this is completely fine…I've seen way worse. The US is BAAAAAAD at times…but not all the time 🙂 Emma looks great!

  41. south carolina socccer stud says:

    ya man, bbc is british broadcastion channel only in the british isles, i was bummed when i came to america for soccer and all i got was abc or something

  42. Alex says:

    so there is no possible way for us little americans to see Ballet Shoes?….man that sucks!!…goodness…i was all excited…eeerrr…<333

  43. andrew says:

    yes, I agree with Alex, it is a bit depressing 🙁 :cry:.

  44. GrantoHolsy says:

    Do not fret guys – although i cannot 100% garantee it, i am pretty confident that you will be able to download it on the this site: probably the day after it is televised in the uk – no mater where you are in the world. Hope that cheers you up…

  45. Alex says:

    ooo yes it does…thanks!! :smile:…<333

  46. Sterre says:

    Ahhh she looks so young! Fantastic! Cute! 🙂

  47. frederique says:

    Oh yes it does!! thanx GrantoHolsy 😆

  48. 655 says:

    does any body can explain me what is ballet shoes please?

  49. aiswarya says:

    will anybody tell me whether this movie will be shown in india or not?????????? 😡 😡 😡