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New Emma mention // 14 September 2007

Hey everybody,

Interesting news! Emma was mentioned in an article written by Alison Lurie for the highly prestigious New York Review of Books magazine. The article was about the last HP book and the latest HP movie, which explains why Emma got mentioned in a book review 🙂

For the actors who play the Hogwarts students, it is a different story. They are also talented and hardworking, but they must take their jobs seriously. They also have the disadvantage of having been cast when very young (in the first film in the series, they were mostly ten or eleven) and thus being identified almost entirely with their roles. There is also the problem that they have grown up faster than the books have been written, and therefore faster than the films can be made. The last Harry Potter book, though it takes place only six years later than the first, took ten years to appear. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the principals are all supposed to be fifteen, but Daniel Radcliffe (Harry) is now in fact eighteen, while Emma Watson (Hermione) and Rupert Grint (Ron) are seventeen. (On the other hand, Evanna Lynch, the charming young Irish actress who plays Luna Lovegood, is actually fifteen; in her case it is unnecessary to suspend disbelief.) As time passes, the necessities of film production and distribution will only increase these discrepancies.

Meanwhile, all of the principals have become millionaires many times over: Daniel Radcliffe, according to report, is now the richest teenager in Britain. Emma Watson is worth fourteen million pounds, and she has also recently been voted one of the 100 Sexiest Women in the World by the British men’s magazine FHM. It is difficult to know how this development will be reconciled with the rather strikingly sexless adventures of the main characters in the final volume of J.K. Rowling’s series.”

You can read the entire article here (and I really recommend it, as it’s extremely interesting).

Have a nice day,

[ Neve ]

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51 Responses to “New Emma mention // 14 September 2007”

  1. Stephanie says:

    They put her on the sexy list because she is beautiful…