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About the pressure to be thin (2009):"I've never felt the need to be thin; always being very thin isn't pretty. I'm never on a diet. I love cooking and eat. I make excellent raspberry tarts and amaretti (almond pastries)."

Calendar Competition // 17 September 2007

And now, it’s time for the October calendar competition!  πŸ™‚

  • The size of the calendar should be at least 1024×768
  • Calendars must be in a common graphics format such as jpg, tiff, gif or png.
  • It must have and October on it
  • Your calendar should be in by the 29th of September
  • All entries must be sent to

Oh, and we’ve got a new layout, designed by Julie-Ann. I’m still working on parts of it, so excuse any problems.

Have a nice day!

[ dook ]

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100 Responses to “Calendar Competition // 17 September 2007”

  1. Alex says:

    omg! guys i LOVE the layout…at first i thought i had gone to the wrong website…its definitely different but i love it…nice job!

  2. matias rey tiburon says:

    emma: I love you with all my soul and my heart, if it could be with you diria to the ear much that I love you.

  3. Luis says:

    πŸ˜• Due to the long time no changing the layout, all's followers were waiting something really outstanding and maybe unique. We know you could do this layout so much better, you really can! But well, it should be the next time you make the new change.. BTW, great junket video πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  4. crookshanks : ) says:

    i am having some problems to suscribe in the you tube thing, can i get any help there? ps. nice layout! πŸ˜‰

  5. Natalie says:

    Love the layout 'cause blue is my favourite colour.

  6. crookshanks : ) says:

    ps2. i like the layout but i think there have been better ones ^_^, and better pics of Emma too ^_^ and honestly i do not like the news graphic and stuff it looks too gray and i dunno, weird, with not alot of style,color maybe ^_^ but its nice though πŸ™‚

  7. JOVANA says:


  8. EMMA W RULZ says:

    i love love love the new layout it roxs great job guys πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜† πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

  9. ali says:

    i really love the new look. the old was fantastic as well, but it was starting to be a little dated. good job! you read my mind πŸ˜›

  10. Dan says:

    I personally would have thought a warmer layout .Thats just me , ……its been said cant please everyone . The soft focus I dont like much.However it is your site do what you want, ….lol.

  11. Ark says:

    About the Layout. Resize the above image to 775 pxls of width as maximum. It doesn't fit with the bottom table and 800*600 resolution.

  12. Ark says:

    Above the layout. Resize the lovely above image to 775 pixels of width, because it doesn't fit with the table under it.

  13. tom says:

    woah, neat layout!

  14. Gus says:

    layouts ok but i think the other one was better πŸ™ soz

  15. lyra says:

    excellent layout!!!love it!!!! πŸ˜†

  16. Julie says:

    super layout! great job you guys! πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  17. EW says:

    Wow this layout is awesome! Great work guys!

  18. Denissa says:

    great job! nice…layout!

  19. sarah says:

    LOVE THE NEW LAYOUT!!!FINALLY!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† :lol:gREAT JOB GUYS!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ™‚

  20. Katie says:

    Brilliant layout!! I've been thinking for a few days if a new layout might be coming. Freaky πŸ˜›

  21. Priyanka says:

    Aaaah! Freah new layout! Love the new look,it really is cool. πŸ™‚

  22. Priyanka says:

    although i do think that u could do better! the soft focus doesnt work too much for me,but its a change anyway…i was bored of the previous layout even though it was wonderful

  23. Sandrine says:

    I love the new layout! congrats a lot guys!! πŸ™‚

  24. shar says:

    hey i likd d new layout….bt dey cud hv chosen a beter pic of emma ….she's lookin so tired….bt neways i luvd d colour πŸ™‚ πŸ™

  25. OMG! says:

    incredible layout! i thought i had entered to another website CONGRATS!

  26. StarkoFrench says:

    Great Style !! πŸ™‚

  27. hermooonini says:

    oh finally new layot! it's SO beautiful! i love it. good job!!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

  28. Natalia says:

    OMG I can`t belive thet it`s!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!

  29. sofia says:

    This really look amazing! the site needed a facelift. the other one was kind of old πŸ˜‰ but where can I find the old copies of Watson Weakly?

  30. Ella says:

    Love the new layout guys! It is perfect! <3 Great work! πŸ™‚

  31. liz says:

    I don't like the layot πŸ˜• it looks like many other sites of emma's. I thought this one was special but now u turned it into the same monoton one

  32. moi says:

    omg. u have change the layout! i can't belive. πŸ˜€ it's nice. πŸ™‚

  33. Dima says:

    Nice.But I prefer darker colours.Anyway,changes are for the better!!!!! πŸ˜›

  34. lala16... says:

    yay ! a new layout… finally !! it looks great x x x

  35. Veena says:

    Hmmm, layout's okay I guess. Was expecting something more unique and elaborate.. This looks very plain. But nevertheless, looks does not matter, it's the contents that does matter. And this site has excellent and up-to-date content. So.. thumbs up to you guys. πŸ™‚

  36. David says:

    πŸ˜† nice layout it's amazing this is the best site. rules!! πŸ˜‰

  37. Anne says:

    Cool layout, very stylish^^

  38. Eleanor says:

    Love the layout! <3

  39. hippochip says:

    Oh, wow. I was so chocked when I came here and saw the new layout^^ it's so pretty πŸ˜› Good Job πŸ˜‰

  40. Rudy says:

    the previous layout was better πŸ™‚

  41. Kat xx says:

    LOVE THE NEW LAYOUT GUYS TIS FAB!! however you guys need to change the thing at the start (picking chatrooms or the site) to go with the new website!!!! woop! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  42. raluca says:

    Amazing layout! It was about time! the other one was a litlle bit depressing! But this one is just fine!

  43. nancy008 says:

    omg nooo! people make the most awesome of calenders – cant u manip one of those this one is soooooooooo dull! ew!

  44. Lena says:

    Very Very nice layout ^^

  45. Kevin says:

    πŸ™‚ I love the layout! So vivacious and vibrant!

  46. French kiss says:

    sorry i prefered the old page designe….. now ble and white …. i'm disapointed πŸ™

  47. hermoonini says:

    oh and don

  48. ddr says:

    wow!! this layout is a lot better. great work Emma Watson dot nett team πŸ™‚

  49. ddr says:

    blue and white is my state colors hahaha lol go Kentucky!!!!!!!!!1 πŸ˜†

  50. Dragan3DJ says:

    Emma you are great,you are the best.Everythyng best from me