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About the POA NY world premiere (2004): "I was so overwhelmed, the amount of people and the energy that was coming from them. It was really flattering and really nice to see all of these people turned up. It was really great."

New videos! // 19 September 2007


I just found a new old video of Rupert and Emma at the autograph signing in Paris on YouTube. You can see Emma kissing a fan (but no, that’s not the fan with the “I heart Emma” t-shirt, we already posted that video!). Anyway, the person who filmed was pretty close to Emma and Rupert and managed to do a few good close-ups so it’s a nice video. Click here to watch it 😆  Thanks to keirapotter!

Edit: I just found two other small videos filmed by the same person that day, you can watch them here and here (though I feel like we already posted the second one…).

Have a nice day,

[ Neve ]

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31 Responses to “New videos! // 19 September 2007”

  1. S. says:

    Wow, think I'm going to ask a kiss too if I ever see her 😆

  2. Sandrine says:

    i have the same feeling for the beguinning of the second one, but i think this is a different one, because the end is not the same as i can remember it!

  3. andrew says:

    they are both nice videos :smile:.

  4. Lucie says:

    more new foto emma in school!!!!!!! [ link deleted ]Those are private pictures. Do not post links to private pictures.

  5. Hannah says:

    Is it just me or are fans creepy?? Like that girl taking a picture of Emma right up her face, I mean YIKES. for god's sake take pictures from a distance, it's just rude to thrust a camera up someone's face like that

  6. Danielle says:

    Hey =] The new layouts Fab! Lol I agree with you Hannah, It is a bit rude 😛 The video''s are cool. And I think you did post the second one before lol. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY HERMIONE! Her e.m.s was cute! I love her she cares for her fans! 🙂 And lucie if that is a picture of Emma at school. I don't think you should post it here because that is a PRIVATE PICTURE and this site respects Emma's privacy! (well I certainly do) 😡 Dan x

  7. KB says:

    I agree with Danielle about Lucie's post. 😡 😡 😡 This is NOT one of those sites that disregards Emma Watson's right to privacy. We should not be posting links to PRIVATE pictures!

  8. daniel says:

    ooohhhh I want a kiss too!!! 😥 Emma is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!

  9. Rachel says:

    AWESOME LAYOUT!!! I love it! I wish I had one like this. Sadly I have a template on my site 😥 but I try and make it orginal. anyways. I`m throwing an sotm contest on my site and no one is entering. please enter your sites. Just click on the word SOTM beneath the stats and you`ll know how to enter. this website gets more and more cool. I just wish I could have one like this. 😥

  10. KS987 says:

    🙂 Nice. But please do not post private pictures here. We respect Emma's privacy

  11. Michelle says:

    Emma was adorable when she kissed those two cute boys on the cheek. Love you Emma! 🙂 :wink:You are so sweet!

  12. andrew says:

    The best site is :smile:. Unlike the other ones :razz:.

  13. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Hey, KS! Guess who this is! 😛

  14. Sonyc says:

    she is a good actress and beautiful too…she has a charm smile

  15. Emma says:

    We have a scan of Emma from People Magazine in the Best Dressed (British Accent) section: ture-50394

  16. KS987 says:

    Let me guess, Are you agahnim from Gamefaqs?

  17. Aurelia says:

    beaaauuutiful layout!! love it. it looks loads more professional:)

  18. Cool4ever says:

    Great layout! And wow, there's like so many Emma fans. It's crazy how much they want her. Of course, it's not like I would have stayed calm, I would have been just like them. Lol. Awesome scans, @Emma! I'll check out ur site, @Rachel! 🙂

  19. EmmaWatsonBiggestFan says:

    nice job! that kiss was beatiful =)! i think if someday i see Emma i'll ask her for one ^^

  20. KS987 says:

    I hope I get a kiss from Emma 🙂

  21. Marco Antonio C says:

    Nice video! And I'd like to say about another video that people saying that Emma says not like Brazil. A fan at the moment to take an autograph with her, ask Emma about her like Brazil and mention that she's shaken head after hear the question. But after it, now it's clear-headed and we know that it isn't the intention her. Emma's shake head not was about Brazil at the moment of the question, she just didn't answer cause all noise of the autograph's moment in the award! I hope that all know now about this fact. Congrats site! Thanks 🙂

  22. Phlegm says:

    I really like the videos! There cool. 🙂

  23. Georgianna says:

    OMGGGGG i was en ville today in London and i think i might have seen Emma!! She had one of the Chanel purses with her and she was going for brunch with some young woman? I hope it was her it was bloody amazing!!

  24. anna says:

    where can i see the video that emma ksiing the fan with i heart watson t shirt?

  25. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    by KS987: "Let me guess, Are you agahnim from Gamefaqs?" You bet! 😉

  26. karinaki says:

    so gorgeous! so amazing! so wonderful! so natural! so expressive! so beautiful! sooooooooooooo…EMMA!!!!! 😆

  27. Bambi says: has been updated with new fan art work!!!!

  28. Nathalie says:

    You can see My video of this day here : vents 😉

  29. ddr says:

    anybody know what is wrong with ginny's site? they said that it would not let anybody comment. 😕

  30. ddr says:

    shhhhhh. dont tell my teachers i am on here lol ( im at school) 😛 😆

  31. Cool4ever says:

    I wish I lived in London for so many reasons, especially 2 c Emma (duh!)!!! @Georgianna, maybe you did Emma (she wears Chanel a lot!), and if you did ur so dam lucky! 🙂