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About celeb crushes (2011): "I've never understood having crushes on people who you don't know in real life. I only crush on people I meet. I mean, I can appreciate that someone is good-looking, obviously, but I don't intend to fantasize about people I don't know!"

Emma’s Site Updated! // 24 September 2007

Jo updated Emma’s site today with a very cute update about Emma’s sisters being in Ballet Shoes! 😆   The director was looking for a little girl to play young Pauline and Emma’s twin half-sisters Nina and Lucy got the part! Go to Emma’s Official site to read more!


Have a nice day.

[ Katy ]

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59 Responses to “Emma’s Site Updated! // 24 September 2007”

  1. Lauren says:

    Umm, Does anyone know when its showing in the US? 😆

  2. Jimspeed says:

    can you tell me where/what alex' part in the hp-movies was? i just didn't knew yet. THX!

  3. hayley says:

    ohh…SO cute! My friend has a little brother named Toby as well — he's 3.

  4. alexis says:

    😛 Hey!!!! i cant believe but i got kicked out of forums cuz of a mean girl named Hermione!!!! i didnt do anything wrong but she kicked me out and so like yeah… she is just mad cuz her friend was being mean!

  5. *hpfan* says:

    so cute that they're gonna play in it! and also about her little brohter! aaaw! 🙂

  6. EmmaWatsonBiggestFan says:

    6th not bad =)! anyone knows if ballet shoes come to portugal?!

  7. KS987 says:

    Cool news.

  8. AMY says:


  9. Yiz says:

    She has twin sisters! That's so cute omg I never knew. I have not spotted Alex in the movies… I'll be sure to keep an eye out for him…

  10. Danielle says:

    Aww =] That so cute lol. I can't wait to see them =D mma will be a proud Big Sister I bet! 🙂 Poor Toby! You never know tho! He could be the Nxt Justin Timberlake 😛 😕 I can't beleive Alex was an extra! I wish I knew which films lol.? Is anyone does know or finds out please let me know! Thanks Dan xxx

  11. Phlegm says:

    oh. thats so cute. i didnt know Alex was in the films. ill have to keep an eye out for him next time. 🙂 😛

  12. emmafangirl2 says:

    oh that story was so cute! what part does her brother have in harry potter? i would love to see him! 🙂 when is ballet shoes showing in the US? please could someone please tell me! I would love to see emma in a new role. i cam very excited for tale of desperaux 😆

  13. Katy says:

    Apparently Alex was in the OOTP film. I saw the film three times and I didn\'t catch him, but apparently he\'s in the scene after Harry talks to Luna by the Thestrals and Harry comes into the great hall, there Alex is sitting next to Rupert.

  14. Louise says:

    Yeah Alex was sitting at the table in the scene where Hermione comments on how much Ron eats.

  15. andrew says:

    I never knew, that Alex(Emma's brother) played in the Harry Potter series :wink:. And does Emma really have twin sisters in the real world? Or it's just in the play? :???:.

  16. andrew says:

    Katy, isn't Alex also the one that's being used as a "practice" for Dumbledore's Army? :???:.

  17. Katy says:

    andrew, No, they're Emma's real life sisters. They're her half-sisters from her dad and his wife. Lucy and Nina are twins and they just turned 3. And I don't remember if Alex appears anywhere else, I don't remember seeing him in the DA parts, but we'll have to wait until the DVD comes out to know for sure.

  18. andrew says:

    Ok, thanks :smile:.

  19. rii says:

    the boy being used as "practice" isn't Emma's bro, he's the movie original character, Nigel, played by William Melling. Alex was said to be just an extra before.. Nigel is a minor character but not an extra.

  20. andrew says:

    ahhh, now I get it :lol:.

  21. nichlas says:


  22. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    That's so freakin' cute! I'd like to buy her younger siblings some candy and teddy bears. 😛

  23. REF says:

    Looks like the talent runs in the family lol. It'll be interesting to see if any of Emma's siblings pursue an acting career like their big sister. Can't WAIT for Ballet Shoes to air in December on BBC1, DON'T WORRY if you're not in the UK or Ireland, it will probably be out on DVD some time next year. 😉

  24. Ivan says:

    🙂 REF, thanks for so great news. Did you know it will be out on DVD in the Russia and when? I don't know what to say about her brother and sisters. Its SO Em-azing.

  25. REF says:

    I'd wait until about Easter 2008 when you should be able to buy it online on DVD from any on-line DVD retailer. Make sure it is compatible in your country though. 😉 In the meantime, I'm sure little clips of it will appear on Youtube after it airs in the UK/Ireland.

  26. Alex says:

    aww i thought the thing about her siblings was so cute…and you…oddly enough…i think when i was watching OOTP with my friends the first time, one of them leaned over when we saw Alex and said wow that kids hot…haha…maybe not though…maybe i am just making this up…anyway…good update…can't WAIT to see ballet shoes…<333 🙂

  27. Ivan says:

    Hey people I catch Emma's brother. You can see it on and . And, REF, I better come to London. If I shall can do it.

  28. Ivan says:

    Don't HQ, but lookable. 🙂

  29. Nimy says:

    Oh so cute and I'm glad that Emma has a person on her family in this case a sister with the same name of mine 😆

  30. nikki says:

    aww i never knew she had siblings other than alex – cool! 🙂

  31. Sandrine says:

    I hope it will be seen in France! That's an artist's family! 🙂

  32. emma says:

    OMG i cant believe ive been a fan of emma 4 about 6yrs and didnt no she had identical twin sisters and loads of other half siblings, OMG that is soooo cute! I wonder if they look like emma?? Does anyone know if its both sisters in it or just 1?? 🙂

  33. Danique says:

    So.. Emma has five siblings? Alex, Stephanie, Nina and Lucy and Toby?

  34. KB says:

    CONGRATULATIONS to Nina & Lucy and GOOD LUCK to Toby! 😛 😛

  35. Deluxe says:

    Wow!! I wanna know how her siblings look like. Maybe they resemble Emma, just as Alex does. Imagine two little Emmas haha I wanna see them.

  36. Dan says:

    Emma has always been cute BUT then turned gorgeous at 14 .Plus she's classy and I like that a lot . Gosh 2 little sisters wonder if they roll there eyes like her. 😛

  37. tayjayy says:

    WHOA!!! I had no idea emma had twin half sisters and a half brother..??!!! WHO KNEW!? Anyway OMG!! AWESOME! Definetly an awesome familyy

  38. Stephanie says:

    I didn't know that she had half-siblings either. All I knew was that she had a brother named Alex, who is 3 years younger (making him 14 now). 😆

  39. Vikas says:

    🙂 Emma has great look. I am her crazy fan. She is looking too good

  40. elizabeth darcy says:

    :razz:ooh..alex is now such a handsome boy!wow..he's even taller than Emma and Dan! 😆 hey,emma's 2 younger twin sis,actually look like her!ref 2 SoS era. n alex is awfully blond now.i think he's in-ootp n poa movies..not sure abt cool. 😉

  41. izi says:

    Hello. does anyone have emma's e-mail??? I am crazy to know her 😉

  42. andrew says:

    izi, no one knows Emma's email :wink:.

  43. izi says:

    how can u be so shure… i am sure some day i will get it =) 😆 i will keep searching for it… have a nice day

  44. andrew says:

    OK, izi. Well, I wish you luck

  45. sarah says:

    OMG!!!!That's soo CUTE!!!But i wish i could see ballet shoes…i hope it comes out on DVD!!And omg was alex in OotP!!!I didn't realise!!I can't wait for the DVD TO look carefully!! 😆 😆

  46. miley says:

    hey will anybody plz tell me whether ballet shoes will be shown in india?plz plz plz… 🙁

  47. NAVDEEP says:

    hi emma how are you.i am navdeep from india i am a great fan of yours ya i know every fan say like this but really you are great actress. you are a dream girl of mine but i not love you because i love my girl freind one request that my birthday is coming on 24 nov if you reply some best to me i will be happy [navdeep]

  48. Dima says:

    By the by,Ivan-where are from exactly?