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About reading HP books now that she plays Hermione (2005): " Now that I've done the film, when I'm reading the book, I can see Dan, Rupert and I actually doing it. It's really funny, I have this little picture in my head. "

Emma Confirmed to Attend Awards // 27 September 2007

Hello EW.netters 🙂

Just a little update to let you know that Emma’s Official Site was updated confirming that she will attend the National Movie Awards in London tomorrow! 😆  And remember it will be broadcast on Saturday on the UK channel ITV1.

If you can capture it please e-mail it to us at

For all of you that are attending the awards tomorrow, we wish you luck that you will get to meet Emma, and lets all wish Emma luck that she’ll win the award!

[ Katy ]

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37 Responses to “Emma Confirmed to Attend Awards // 27 September 2007”

  1. revo16 says:

    booyakasha!! should be great! 😉

  2. Elliott says:

    wish i could go and see it i can't see here in the us so i hope it gets on the net i want to meet Emma so bad i love her sooooooooo much.i wanna go to that and go to anything that Emma is at.i wish i lived in England so i can just go to these things that Emma is attending 🙁

  3. emma says:

    omg id so rather b watchin the awards tomoro than bein @ skl doin speaking & listening :sad:. I cant w8 to c what shes wearin tho, and to everyone who is going: HAVE A GREAT TIME 🙂

  4. Becky says:

    Haha can't wait to watch it 🙂

  5. lily says:

    I agree w/ emma 😉 I can't wait to c what she is wearing either 🙂

  6. EMMA W RULZ says:

    GOOD LUCK EMMA 😛 i really hope she wins the award and can't wait to see what shes wearing 😆

  7. Lily says:

    We all here want to know what will she wear!!!, It's so freakin' funny… I hope she has a better choice than the gorbachev dress, that black with the feathers…. 😛

  8. Dan says:

    Holy cow well me too I'm so curious on what Emma will wear .I would like to see Emma WIN . That dang Kiera is nominated to, ……ughhh a toothpick with a nose on it, ….lol. Goooooo Emma , woop woop , .. 🙂

  9. daniel says:

    GOOD LUCK DEAR EMMA!!!! 😆 … 🙁 I can't be there or watch this awards on saturday that's cruel 😥

  10. KS987 says:

    I am jealous of those who can go. Emma better win 🙂

  11. Maria says:

    i'm looking forward to see what she wears and new pics! hope she wins :]

  12. andrew says:

    Good luck all :smile:.

  13. Alex says:

    o man i agree with everyone…i can't WAIT to see what she's wearing…she always pics the cutest things…and to Lily…i actually really liked that dress…i thought it was unique and different but to each their own…GOOD LUCK EMMA!!!!…<333 🙂

  14. Luis says:

    😉 Emma really deserves an award and I'm pretty sure she's gonna make it this time. Mark my words… 🙂

  15. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    She'll win. 😉

  16. izi says:

    do u think thet emma and rupert are in love??? no, yes? look this

  17. karinaki says:

    AMAZING!!! we shall see emma again! and YES she will win the award!!! 😆

  18. karinaki says:

    izi nice video…! i would love to know that they are in love… but i doubt it! 😆

  19. S says:

    So, any streams which can be viewed by visitors from outside the UK ?

  20. karinaki says:

    aaaaaaaaaand smth last the music video emma-dance dance is AMAZING! WELL DONE!!

  21. izi says:

    thet photos in video are fakes only few of them are real 😉 i hope so

  22. Marty says:

    The POTD is so exeptionally sweet, didn't know she had dental braces 😆 🙂

  23. Dan says:

    The awards are picked by the public .The actress nominees are from blockbuster films.Of the five actress's the two who have the largest fan base is Emma and Keira.Emma had a much smaller role than Keira did in there respective movies. Emmas fan base expanded this summer and will have an impact on voting.I think Emma has a good chance of wining and I will be super pleased if she does .

  24. emmalover17 says:

    yeah i want Emma to win and shine cause she is real talent and beauty not those fake toothpicks i like that toothpick with a nose kiera is digusting but Emma is all around beautiful and i just love her sooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhh she is my idol,inspiration,favourite actress,and most beautiful women alive in the whole world ever.

  25. emmalover17 says:

    omg Emma looks so gorgeous with braces she is so beautiful always no matter what i am jealous of those who can go to the awards too and that potd is now my wallpaper.i can't help it i am madly in love with EMMA 😉 🙂 😛

  26. anon says:

    the national movie awards pics are not yet uploaded to getty and wire images. it is so frustrating. do you any other site where the event photos may be uploaded?

  27. emma says:

    😆 omg, its cool to think she'll b at the movie awards right now! 🙂

  28. Ivan says:


  29. mijael bustillos says:

    tus peliculas o mejor dicho tu papel que tu desarrollas en el film es buenisimo me gustaria conocerte y darte un millon de besos por que tu eres the love of my life emma i love you y exito haber si me escribes ok byebye

  30. tamie says:

    as you look at the site wenne the message is sent is that on the27e of september so that mean that it is to day 😉 xxxxxxxxx

  31. emmalover17 says:

    yes it is today i am waiting for the pics also when will they be up i hope it's soon cause i wanna see Emma.Emma brings me joy and makes me :smile:alot everytime hear about her or see pics of her i always light up she truly is my british sunshine.

  32. ... says:

    first pictures 9tynt%2fSvVK1%2bB0oQiAYBMk2JBAEOzBiM3mkuwdaU cjKasqgcplVmVdZhZAzO2dvPfee%2b%2b999577733uj udTif33%2f8%2fXGZkAWz2zkrayZ4hgKrIHz9%2bfB8% 2fIn6NX%2fPX%2bDV%2bjf%2bbHvzE8xv9WvTP69d5Vk %2fnXxSzWZm%2fKfJ6lP5kXjdFtfxsd7yD%2f0bpybps 13X%2b2TJft3VWjtKX60lZTH%2bv%2fPpN9TZffpbdn2 T3du5NH%2bx%2b%2bmBv%2bnD666KH360LePwiv2oW2d u8PltkF%2flPrPP6Gg1%2f3V%2fEvwGZX%2b%2fXpn%2 f%2breTJd39y%2ffwnf%2fLNMT0vr37yO5PvPlv%2b1E %2bc4s%2ffC%2f%2bc7P1kO%2fnu6cVs79nOdO%2fh%2 bvj8Lj0Hx7d8nrhfT3%2bv6eLh5ezZk%2fl08aydXp26 ry7wz9m7L47f4pfP82cv7k93fnJf32M4T5bzN%2fnv%2 feJZfnxmXzv5Cfz7xb0vnp51%2fv5CGiyeLWxj4GL%2f 5vZPf5%2fv%2ftRPH%2f%2bEfMLP3rPF7yN4Cd5X%2bO f0SvD7Tjvzmh7%2fRPj3k8%2fp3b0r98Hx6SngT%2bSP p9zmu9Tm3ndar88nkc%2b%2bzf%2b%2bOWUcnizk%2b9 %2bHcdDnJ35q%2flOLF9eT7555H%2f4kf%2fZTFx5df6 L%2f2RMzpp%2fAT4HzUwsfzunnwHu6%2bKnC%2b%2fAZ f7Y88%2bcz8tkU%2fzz5QvoTOMvv%2bHCe6Hiug%2fEQ 3ZXn5PmJF4TXV0%2fdBzyfT774Cf7juffmC%2b970Luc ygfy%2fMQrgvOT%2fqSc%2fFRAs9PO398pp37rn%2bj8 fe%2fFVQj%2fxQ%2bm3%2fZ4%2fMlPeF9%2bZ%2b%2f3 CWEFfz%2f5%2fOH1q99bicCvnZ5O7n2H%2bNtv852y2% 2bb3WfwktVH%2bPrY8f%2f8LpZb7%2b7Tz95k02Ht1bx Lw0ou3sz0RNRnIqx%2fMvvudH3gtnjz59ovd32fp%2bi Syl7%2fPd%2f2%2fT5%2f%2b1Hef%2fbT3Af72R%2f%2 fkeO8n5z7tnvzeL%2fr99D97mp%2f%2b1Be%2bvBzfm3 %2f%2bxv55DN657oyH9Iuqjp%2bz57PPfkNV%2fD96fj 4%2b%2fw8jMaVzAAgAAA%3d%3d

  33. ... says:

    sorry about that, just go to and type in 'emma watson'in the search engine

  34. baby says:

    yes ,if u go to gettyima website u just go enternaintement and just see emma in….blue

  35. Airis says:

    Have they started to film the 6 movie?? and why emma is blonde?? :S I think she would get her hair a little darker for harry potter

  36. Katie says:

    just seen pictures of emma at the awards ceremony at gettyimages and she doesn't seem to have made as much effort dressing up as all the other actresses. i'm sure there is a perfectly logical explanation for it…. i hope… 😕

  37. Emma says:

    i Love her soo much man, She's my dream girl I hate i dont live in England :@ But when i ll get there I will perpose her. I love her soo much.