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About people (2007): "I really like it when I'm introduced to someone through a friend. I know it sounds weird but I like to know where someone comes from, who they are, where they live, and what they're part of."

Videos From NMA // 30 September 2007

A huge thank you to our Order partner for letting us know that they received videos from yesterdays National Movie Awards ceremony. The four clips include Emma winning the Best Female Performance award, OotP winning in the Best Family Film category, Dan recieves Best Male Performance (Emma is included in a few clips,) and some miscellaneous clips.

Emma Receives Award  OOTP Receives Award  Dan Receives Award  Miscellaneous Clips

[ Katy ]

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46 Responses to “Videos From NMA // 30 September 2007”

  1. cristy says:

    yaaaa spew # 1 🙂 [no advertising sites]

  2. cristy says:

    number 1/2 ya 😉

  3. Luis says:

    😆 Number 3 jeje, amazing and great videos! That´s what I really wanna see all this time! And good quality!

  4. Luis says:

    😕 Thanks Katy for updating Dan´s video, just right now! 😆 I had forgotten that in this moment is morning over there… 😉

  5. ~Roni~ says:

    Oh my gosh I love these videos, I really need a downloadable version lol.. Emma looks so adorable, and Dan looks just shocked!!! Bless him. I loved that Emma hugged both Dan and Rupert, how cute. ¢¾

  6. StarkoFrench says:

    Thk's A Lot For the Vid 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. Jaana says:

    Oh my goodness, thank you so, so much for these! Loved seeing Emma receive the award! ^^ She was so adorable going "Thank you to everyone who voted for Hermione…and me, I guess…" Darling Emma, of course everyone voted for you too and not just for Hermione! 😆 It was wonderful that Emma hugged both Dan and Rupert! :>> And oh my goodness, Dan's face when he won! :''DDD So funny! He was like 'What the…?' xD Anyways, what a great night for all of them! 🙂

  8. emmalover17 says:

    omg lots and lots of clips of Emma she is so beautiful i love her sososoos much and how cute was she when she went to go back and get the award for OOTP when no one was taking it and she was like oh that made me feel really good.Emma always makes me feel good 🙂 😆 :razz:i just love her so much way to go Emma congrats you deserve it cause your the best.

  9. emmalover17 says:

    yes everyone did vote for Emma i know i did i would vote for Emma in anything if we have the chance to vote for every award Emma would always win tops for me.

  10. anna says:

    why there are n6 clips that emma at the award room? i mean the one she with the award and take lots of photo.

  11. emmalover17 says:

    yeah i wanna see Emma all the time cause she is the best and most gorgeous women ever she is my british sunshine i light up when i see her more Emma less dan cause Emma is the best women alive on this earth and on the British land.

  12. Agataa says:

    These videos are great! The best was Dan…he was so shocked whem he heard his name 😉 Congrats for Dan and Emma!!

  13. Sabrina says:

    Congrats Dan & Emma! 😉 Lovely videos! Dan looked sooo chocked! 😆

  14. eMMaFaN says:

    Emma was so so adorable&beauty 🙂 😆

  15. Lauri says:

    Great videos! the part where the cast of HP forgot the awrd is absolutely fun! jaja Greattt

  16. Deux says:

    Omg, thank you so much for these videos!! Haha, so funny, I love the second one where Emma quickly grabs the award in the end xDD 😆 😆

  17. Dan says:

    Thanks for the fun Vids . Love seeing Emma and of course the cast .Emma was lovely .

  18. Jimspeed says:

    i really agree with emmalover17, feeling quite the same. soo lovely when emma hugs dan and rupert, and when she's thanking all the people 'so so so so much' 🙂 and yeah, the scene with emma grabbing the ootp-award, like 'oh, we nearly forgot it' ^^ great! 🙂 also david yates is really lovely with his reactions of emma and dan thanking him 🙂 hopefully we can dl them soon in good quallity 🙂

  19. megane says:

    congrats Dan and Emma!! The video are great!

  20. Justin says:

    OH BOY! WOW. 😆 Did anybody else notice how really, really well Emma walks in high heels. She is so elegant and strong. Like she OWNS that stage. What a girl. YEA!!! 😛

  21. Cate says:

    hi, i´m new to and a regular visitor of, and a huge fan of both emma and rupert. i was soooo happy for emma when she received the award!! and i luv her accent 😆 in the second clip, it was funny how emma left the award standing on stage and picked it up just in time – that coulda happened to me 😉 gosh i wouldn´t have known what to say in that speech.. did it seem to you too that daniel spoke very fast, or is it just me?? love the entire HARRY POTTER cast. and, justin: i agree with you. emma really knows how to walk in high heels. xxx cate

  22. Yiz says:

    OMG!! Emma absolutely rocks!!! I loved how she was dressed and her speech was great!!! I would've voted for u Emma! Even though I couldn't… 😥

  23. Gabs says:

    Emma's video is awesome i really love her face …!! Thanks Katy…! and all the guys who show us some pictures and videos Greeting from M

  24. Silvia says:

    Omg!! Awesome!! She really deserves that!! And so cute when they "forget" the award! 😛 That could happen to everyone! 😛

  25. KB says:

    The clips are GREAT. Thanx guys! Love Emma's acceptance speech. She was very gracious, as always! I loved when she was cheering and clapping for Dan Radcliffe when the show host was joking about Dan vs Daniel Craig. It was cute! I laughed when she forgot the "Family Film" trophy and then rushed back to get it. I adore Emma and Dan. They are both lovely people!!!

  26. Maria says:

    there's more pics here 0907&action=search&tb=&fp=1&st=0&hs=&start=1 is there any you guys can get hq?

  27. *hpfan* says:

    WONDERFUL vids! emma's just soo great! and so pretty! luv her!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 great that OOTP and dan also won!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  28. Kat xx says:

    lol whay! hp emma and dan! woop! would have been fab if ruprt won an award too! but yay ema – horrid dress but very cute acceptance speech! hehe xx 😛

  29. Krum says:

    Oh my God, she was SO CUTE accepting that award!!! I cried!

  30. frederique says:

    Great vids! thanx

  31. AllenIverson says:

    YAY NICE DONE Emma 😛 Ur wonderful Congratz =)

  32. avril149 says:

    Whow, Emma looked sooooooooo shy! She's so cutty! Really, she doesn't look shy in the films, but in interviews and ceremonies like this one, she is just so nice and so humble! That's what I call a nice person! I love you, Emma! <3

  33. Sofia says:

    congratulations to EMMA and to all the Harry Potter cast!!! GO GO GO!!! i got excited when emma hugged rupert…cuz for the first time i saw them hugging off-cam…haha!!! i thought it was really cute!!! but anyway, CONGRATS!!!

  34. Aisling says:

    I loved when they almost forgot the OOTP award! The look on Emma's face was so funny!

  35. Natalie says:

    I loved the hugfest! Ehehe. Danpert was cute. :]]

  36. Ashley says:

    thank you soooooooo much the videos was sooo awesome to watch and congrats for dan,emma,for best female and male awards and for the cast for the hp movies. thats what i like 2 see!!! 🙂 😆

  37. Dima(Russia) says:

    I wish I could see the ceremony on television at least.But Russian fans have no luck :sad:God gracious that exists otherwise I would be unaware of such an event in her (and mine too) life! 🙂 🙂 :smile:Thank you!!!!!

  38. KS987 says:

    Emma looks so lovely. I am glad she won 🙂

  39. karinaki says:

    it couldn't be better! she's amazing! once again i'll mention how natural she looks and how nervous she is though she has been awarded so many times..

  40. Joe says:

    That girl should be designated a national treasure in Great Britain. What a winner! 😆

  41. andrew says:

    congratulations to everyone who won 🙂 😛

  42. A.v says:

    To dook: Hello!, i remember a while ago i once asked you where the old pages of were stored, and i think you were unsure or somthing, well i was wondering if you know by now whether they are stored, or not. Thanks again!

  43. dook says:

    A.v.,I forgot your question, but all the old pages that were on the site from when I started here are archived. If you mean like old layouts, I do have some of those, and will try to collect more. One day I\’ll add them to the Site section.

  44. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    That. Is. So. Frickin'. Cute.

  45. sarah says:

    OMG!!!Really good vids,,emma was soo sweet and excited though she was a bit nervous 😆 :lol:!!!Im sooo happy for emma,dan and ofcourse OotP!!! 🙂 🙂