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About her on-screen and off-screen friendship with Dan Rupert (2007): "There's this great scene after Harry goes back and he kisses Cho and just all of us laughing together about it, it just feels really real and really genuine and it kinda shows how the real friendship we have off-screen comes through as well."

October Calendar // 02 October 2007

It’s time for a new calendar again. This month was an incredibly tough vote, with more entries than ever before, but here it is. Congratulations to Lelymarques, the winner of this months competition!

With so many entries, we have 5 honorable mentions this time, from Roni, Agata, Josefa, Thexis and Evie. Congratulations to all, and thank you to everyone who entered.

[ dook ]

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55 Responses to “October Calendar // 02 October 2007”

  1. john says:

    very nice

  2. lily says:

    2nd 😛 Ha ha. But those calendars are ALL awesome 🙂

  3. andrew says:

    congratulations to everyone who did a good job :smile:. The calendars all look great :wink:.

  4. EMMA W RULZ says:

    wow they all look great 🙂

  5. Lauren says:

    i love them all they are all totally awesome and congrats to who won 🙂

  6. daisy says:

    To team: could you please upload pics of Emma from that photoshoot, such as the last calender, i think made by Evie? I can't seem to find it anywhere in your gallery.

  7. Anita says:

    Daisy, it's in the gallery under Tatler

  8. sarah says:

    Congrats to all of u who participated!!They r all great!!!Congrats to who won it really beautiful. 🙂

  9. wh@t says:

    daisy do yo mean the tu or entertaiment thailand one? i was going to ask the same 😆

  10. ff says:

    i can't seem to access the new post on ewofficial….can anyone give me a link to the photo??

  11. emmalover17 says:

    omg those calendars are so awesome Emma looks gorgeous in all of them she is just so beautiful always i love her to death she is my idol,my crush,and my inspiration.i love you to death Emma you're the best ever.

  12. andrew says:

    my favorite one is "Roni's" calendar 🙂

  13. kiakkia says:

    woooooow!! awesome calendars!! 😛 my favourite is agata's calendar!

  14. sweetgirl♥ says:

    wow i like them all! 🙂 congrats to everyone!!

  15. Agataa says:

    kiakkia thank you…but I noticed that I made a calendar for wrong month (for september) and I sent correct calendar too late. Once again thank you tkat you like it 🙂

  16. Agataa says:

    oooohhhh…and I forgot to say my congrats to winner! So congratulations 🙂

  17. dook says:

    Agataa, you were in time, I just uploaded the wrong one to the site. It is now the corrected one.

  18. Alex says:

    hey congrats to everyone…i love all the calendars especially evies…it has a great fall feel to it..nice job everyone…<333

  19. Dima says:

    I like the pink one but note also should be taken after(?) Evie's callendar! :smile:Well done!

  20. daisy says:

    yes, 'wh@t' that's what i mean. =) Anita, it's the photoshoot on your 'July 9' post.

  21. Emma says:

    Ooh i really like all of them. My faves are Roni's and Josefa's. Well done!

  22. karinaki says:

    ohhh! i had forgotten about the calendars! wow they look loveley! but i will agree with emma Roni's and Josefa's are the once i like most!!! oh how i miss making calendars.. 🙁

  23. Kat xx says:

    omg lovvve the yellowish one lol xx

  24. Lelymarques says:

    Thank you so much! I´m very glad you liked my calendar 😀 I made similar graphics at my LJ. If anybody has live journal page let me know 🙂 thanks thanks thanks! All other calendar are so beautiful!

  25. ~Roni~ says:

    Aww thanks for the HM. And congrats, all the calendars are awesome.

  26. .. says:

    I think all the calenders are very beatutiful 🙂 well done!

  27. HP princess /ew / hg says:

    OMG i LUV the calendar ALL OF THEM way 2 go 2 the ppl who made them !!!!!1 🙂 😉 😛 😆

  28. wouldn't you like to know says:

    My friend submitted a calendar that was far superior to all of these. I'm not bashing any of these, but rather the people that judge them. WTF?

  29. a bit disappointed in the selection says:

    the winning one is good, not too sure about the honorable mentioned. how do you guys even pick these? and why don't you post all of the ones that were entered, so we can choose for ourselves

  30. Lauren says:

    I don't really like the winning one, but i love the ones by Roni, Josepha, and Evie. They're going in my locker!

  31. dook says:

    \”disappointed\” – The winning calendar is selected by the staff. Each member picks their 5 favorite entries in order. These are scored, and the values added together. The entry with the most points wins. Honorable mentions are those calendars which didn\’t win but did receive a good number of points. Generally, any entry that got a first choice gets an HM. \”wouldn\’t you like to know\” – No, actually I don\’t care. Anyway, we vote for what we like personally and not just on technical merits, but there were no entries that were \”far superior\” to these. Your \”friend\” may have sent in a nice calendar, there were many really nice entries, but it wasn\’t any staffers first choice. Oh, and we don\’t need that kind of language here.

  32. Maria says:

    it's interesting the way you guys choose the calendars, but it seems "disappointed" meant, why don't you post all the calendars. like, even the ones that didn't get honorable mention since you guys said you received so many, i'm sure everyone would love to see the others, i know i would :] btw the winner calendar is quite pretty :]

  33. dook says:

    Maria, that is something I am considering.

  34. Maria says:

    oh yay! i think it would be nice just the same since everyone's work would be viewed.

  35. Lilly says:

    Congrats, Lely!!Another amazing job! 😉 All the calendars are very beautiful!Thanks for share with us! 🙂

  36. Ginny says:

    nice calendars! I love the one is winning, but also I love Thexis's and Evie's!

  37. karinaki says:

    dook… that would be nice.. o mean if we had the opportunity to see all of them, and for the one we liked so we could get the winner! in this way i think that nobody would be dissappointed for the result..

  38. dook says:

    Karinaki,you mean visitors vote, instead of staff?And no matter who does the voting, there will always be someone who is disappointed.

  39. karinaki says:

    yeah you might be right about that but i do think that a visitors voding would be better.. this way all the calendars would have the choice to be seen and get critisiced [in a good or bad way] but that would be some kind of "award" for the one's that send one..

  40. Maria says:

    i think that the staff could still pick the winner, but let the ppl who visit the site pick the one they want to use. having ppl vote other than the staff would make it confusing. just keep doing it the way you're doing and then just add the rest of the calendars to the post

  41. karinaki says:

    yeah but there would still be an argument about which calendar is better… even if we see all of them we would still say: "oh i don't like the one that won, i like the other" but if we vote we'd say: i like the one that i voted but the winner is the mostly voted.. anyway i think i said everything in too complicated way.. 🙂 i just believe that it would be more fair to everyone.. anyways it's not up to me after all i just said my opinion…!!! 😉

  42. Pili says:

    all of them are so awesome and cute !!, I really like it, congratulations for you!!

  43. Maria says:

    lol, either way, ppl are saying that now. it's hard here to vote unlike livejournal, where you can have a poll. although, i don't know if that can be done here. either way, the staff should discuss the issue and come up with an idea, these are just suggestions 😛

  44. Vivi says:

    You know what would make these calendars even better? If they were actually useful. I'll tell you what I mean. It would be great if one could use every month to write stuff on it. If under everyday you had a little more space for text, you could use them as memos as well…just an idea…think about it…

  45. Rupashree says:

    Wauw! This beautiful

  46. Phlegm says:

    they all look really good. nice job everyone! 🙂

  47. hermione says:

    um…the calendars are nice u have done an amazing job. 🙂

  48. lori says:

    Good job… i personally like them all 🙂

  49. yara says:

    :smile:i love emma very muth so they all nice thanks