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New NMA video interview // 04 October 2007

Hello everybody,

Today we have a new video of Emma (and Daniel and Rupert) being interviewed on the National Movie Awards red carpet. Emma talks about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and her upcoming movie Ballet Shoes.

You can either watch the video on the DigitalSpy website or on our YouTube.

Thanks to Hermione from our boards for letting us know!

Have a nice day,

[ Neve ]

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27 Responses to “New NMA video interview // 04 October 2007”

  1. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    I love this chick.

  2. TM says:

    Wow first!!!Great video

  3. TM says:

    Sorry. Nearly first by a minute.

  4. emmalover17 says:

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwww yes i love Emma too she is my crush and favourite actress they should've had her talking more instead dan and rupert i want more of Emma talking good to hear her talk about Ballet Shoes and that she read Deathly Hallows but why couldn't she have talked more :sad:anyways she looked beautiful as always Emma i want to marry you.

  5. abhi says:

    guys i heard dere are pics of emma wen she was a still like below 5 years of age d u hav den in ur gallery reply me if u do plz! 🙂

  6. angela says:

    awh i would love to see that, she was so cute in the first movie, so it makes me really wonder how she was when she was 5!

  7. izi says:

    yea she was cute in first movie. any1 knows who is dook is he realy emma's father??? 😕

  8. *hpfan* says:

    wow, cool 🙂

  9. EmmaWatsonBiggestFan says:

    Hummm….lovely as always =) gratz emma

  10. KS987 says:

    love her 🙂

  11. andrew says:

    good video 🙂

  12. dook says:

    izi, I am not Emma\’s father.

  13. Dan says:

    EmmaRocksSocks never wastes words , lol She makes me smile , …gota love what she always says !!Gooooood Girl I loves anything Emma Watson does she is soooo much fun .Yeah yeah I know (sigh) wordy wordy !! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  14. cristy says:

    lol than's funny

  15. lily says:

    Love the vid 🙂 thanks for the update!!!!! P.S. Emma is AH-mazing!!! 😛

  16. Dan says:

    Oman maybe E_R_S is a guy , ….now thats funny . Moviefone has a hottest 25 actors and actress's under 25 . Dan Radcliffe is mentioned but not Emma, ……grrrrrr what do they know.

  17. Cool4ever says:

    Yes, we all know that Emma rocks! -@Angela, I would totally love to see Emma when she was under 5! 🙂

  18. Dan says:

    I know Emma fans are from all over the planet . Curious where are all you people located ?? I'm from the USA ,…care to divulge ??? Be fun knowing I assume all or most are from the UK ????

  19. Dan says:

    Wow staff is from all over I see .Looks like , USA , Brazil , Canada ,France andddddd three I see not listed ,Julie, Camile, Neve (proly UK). Is it a secret? Internet sure cuts the distance down!!! <nice job guys>

  20. sarah says:

    Great Vid!!!And emma fans are all over the world not just the UK..there are asians,arabs,indians,australians,americans and obviously europeans.Im arab but i have been living in australia for about 9-10 years now. 😆

  21. ac says:

    Is there any spoilers of Dealthy Hallows in the interview? I'd really like to know before I watch it, since I haven't read the book yet..

  22. dook says:

    ac, there are no details of DH in the interview, just general comments about how they liked it, and it was a good end to the series.

  23. emmalover17 says:

    yes Emma does rock god i just love her so much i am Emma's biggest fan and i write poems about her just don't share them i love everything Emma does and i am the biggest massive Emma Watson in the whole wide world.there's no spoilers when she talks about Deathly Hallows.

  24. ac says:

    Okay, I'll watch it now. Thanks!

  25. elizabeth darcy says:

    mmea simply rocks…in whatever outfit..n whatever event!

  26. Robert says:

    wow emma is so pretty and if she has BF he is so lucky 🙂

  27. Emmalover55 says:

    Emma is so pretty and when does the new movie ballet shoes come out