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About Maggie Smith (2007): "She always gives me chocolates at Christmas."

New old video // 06 October 2007

Hello Emma fans,

We have a little treat for you today: the wonderful Hannah managed to find a new video from the GOF promo juncket. Can you believe it? Two years after the movie came out, we still get new videos! 😛

So if you want to see Emma talking about the introduction of romance at the Yule Ball, Mike Newell and the Tri-Wizard Tournament, just click here or go to our YouTube.

Have a nice day,

[ Neve ]

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57 Responses to “New old video // 06 October 2007”

  1. Iza says:

    I can't wait to see new pictures with Emma from the tonight's Pride of Britain Awards Ceremony! 😆

  2. dook says:

    Dima, that is such an obvious fake.

  3. sofia says:

    okay, this isn't about todays news, but how can I see Ballet shoes when it comes out? I live in Sweden and don't have the channel it will air on.. because it will just go on TV, right? if anyone could tell me I would be really happy 😉 thanks 🙂

  4. emmalover17 says:

    yes iwanna see her pics too from tonight Emma is the best ever she is my idol and crush i love Emma Watson sosososososoos much she is the best ever

  5. emma says:

    Holly– where is the new interview with emma?? i couldnt click on ur name soz. OMG cant w8 to watch pride of britain tomoro tonight!I bet emma is wearing yet anova chanel dress lol 🙂

  6. emmalover17 says:

    whatever Emma wears she will look beautiful like she always does Emma is the most beautiful woman in the whole world i am madly in love with Emma she is the most talented gorgeous wonderful sweet down to earth woman ever.i want o meet and marry Emma cause whenever i hear and read anything of or about Emma i always :smile:cause Emma gives me butterflies in my stomach 😆 😛 🙂 😉

  7. rafi says:

    🙂 hi emma,,!im is ur big fans from indonesia… 😛