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About saying no (2011): "I've had to say no to stuff that people have been gobsmacked about. I've had big directors say to me, 'What do you mean, you can't do this movie? We don't understand.' I always hear, 'What do you mean she can't do this magazine cover?' or 'What do you mean she can't have this meeting for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?' And my agent will say, 'She's at school, sorry."

More interviews from the DVD launch // 13 November 2007

Hey hey hey Emma fans,

Today, we have a new DVD launch interview for you. You can read the whole thing here but here is Emma’s quote:

In this next one there’s a lot of emphasis on the relationship between Hermione and Ron and I think this next one will be more comic. I think the last one was a lot darker and heavier and this one will be funnier and more light-hearted.

A huge thanks to Kristi for letting us know!

Oh and don’t forget our Xmas project (check the October 15th update for more information). Days go by quickly, so don’t leave it until the the last minute…  🙂

Edit: UHP just posted yet another video interview of Emma at the DVD launch and you can watch it here. Emma talks about her favourite feature in the OotP DVD, her favourite scene in the movie, Dumbledore being gay, what a day on the set is like, on-screen romance, having honest people around her and the HP series coming to an end.

Download WMV or YouTube link

Update: EWO has been updated with a new e.m.s – Emma talks about doing some voice recording for Ballet Shoes and says thank you to all her fans 🙂

[ Neve ]

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43 Responses to “More interviews from the DVD launch // 13 November 2007”

  1. sarah says:

    FIRST!!!!Great interviews!!!!Thanks Neve emma was so sweet!!! 😆

  2. sarah says:

    Hoorrrayyy!!EMO is working for me again!!!Finally 😆 😆

  3. sarah says:

    I mean EWO!!!sorry 😛

  4. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yes Emma is really amazing and gives great answers,i know that HBP is really dark but it is good they are going to have some of the romantic-comedic bits. I can't wait for pics from the movie and the dvd launch come out. I also love hearing Bonnie talk to,she is so amazing also. I am glad they talked about Bonnie's character alot,which is cool and i am glad that they will have alot of Bonnie in HBP :smile:. I want Bonnie to be in tons more great interview, Bonnie and Emma rock so much i love them to death.

  5. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    BTW i love the potd Emma looks so amazing in it,she has such a beautiful smile and really lovely eyes.

  6. Kar.Ola says:

    hi. I have a 2 scans form Polish magazine – Fun Club.

  7. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    LOL the first pic is absoutley hilarious,and even though i can't understand what it says in the 2nd pic Emma looks really beautiful there. I think it is from when she was on David Letterman,but man she is just really gorgeous. I love Emma to death.

  8. andrew says:

    I'm surprised that the seventh movie will be less darker. Because the movies usually go by the book :wink:. Hopefully it will be more funnier. And by the way, I don't think that the actor who plays Dumbledore is gay, I think Dumbledore himself is gay :wink:.

  9. Neve says:

    To Andrew: I think that Michael Gambon is gay as well.

  10. andrew says:

    🙁 😥 🙁 🙁 😡 😥 🙁

  11. Bibi says:

    There's a new note on Emma's official website, and, at least, a new e.m.s. where Emma says Thatnk you to all her fans… Yay!!! =) check out

  12. abz says:

    any1 knw hw we can download the video

  13. e=mc2 says:

    the pic of the day is interesting

  14. helena123 says:

    Do you know already that Lavender has been cast? She's called Jessie Cave and she's perfect and a gorgeous girl! I love her already. Beware Emma, lol. I'm glad Emma's updating her site, and I can't wait to see Ballet shoes!

  15. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Trust me Emma has no competition Jessie may look beautiful,but sorry there are 2 woman who are way more gorgeous then she is and they are Bonnie Wright and Emma Watson. I wish i could see Ballet Shoes with beautiful Emma but i live in the states so i can't :sad:. I really hope they put the whole movie of Ballet Shoes on the net like they did with My Boy Jack,cause i want to see Emma in a non hermione role so bad.

  16. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Now don't get me wrong i think Jessie is perfect to play Lavendar,but in my view she is no threat for Bonnie and Emma.

  17. helena123 says:

    Do you know already that Lavender has been cast? She's called Jessie Cave and she's perfect and a gorgeous girl! I love her already. Beware Emma, lol. I'm glad Emma's updating her site, and I can't wait to see Ballet shoes!

  18. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Emma doesn't have anything to beware of helena123,yes jessie cave is beautiful and totally looks the part of Lavendar but Emma is way more beautiful than Jessie.

  19. *hpfan* says:

    the POTD is cute!!! iv never seen it before!! 🙂 🙂

  20. Emanuel says:

    hey "hpfan" or someone else now from were is the POTD?? I never seen it before, she's under the rain?? Bye!!

  21. frederique says:

    hey Helena123 … ur right she looks gorgeous and very nice! 🙂

  22. dook says:

    Emanuel,The POTD was from Universal studios. You can see more of those pics at

  23. Luis says:

    😉 That´s right bonnie&emmalover, second pic was taken when she was on Late Night with David Letterman… I´ll never forget her outfit from those days.. 😉

  24. andrew says:

    I think the POTD is cute :smile:. I've seen that show with Emma Watson on Late Night with David Letterman, that was the best show ever :lol:.

  25. andrew says:

    omg, Jurassic Park 🙂 :smile:. I loved watching those movies, it's really cool :lol:. Where is that place anyway, is it London? 😕 😉 🙂

  26. andrew says:

    everybody picks on emmalover17-lol 😆

  27. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    SQUEEEE! She's lovely! Also, Michael Gambon is not gay. Make no mistake about it.

  28. sarah says:

    The girl cast as lavender brown is pretty but not as pretty as emma!!Emma istotaly way prettier!! 😛

  29. sarah says:

    YAY!!!I bought the Ootp DVD!!!It came out today!!! 😆 😆 🙂

  30. Listen up says:

    listen up emma fans vote for emma here 5&sz=338&hl=en&start=19&tbnid=1wANbjj16Z4KBM :&tbnh=150&tbnw=78&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmiley%2Bcyrus%26svnum%3D10%26hl %3Den%26rls%3DDVXA,DVXA:2006-13,DVXA:en ho there NOW MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT 😉

  31. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yes i did vote Emma would kick Miley's arse all over town. Vote for Emma please and let her lead in the votes not miley,cause Emma is way more beautiful and talented than Miley.

  32. Melissa says:

    So,… am I the only one wondering whether they'll have Hermione with McClaggan in this one?.. It seems as it she'll be a damsel in distress of love, waiting patiently in the backround. They haven't announced any news for a Cormick, still they might just have her randomly snog an extra at the Slug Club party…

  33. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yeah i don't know if they will include the Mcclaggen part or not,but they have to have the Snape-Draco part during the xmas party. You know the one where Harry over hears Snape and Draco arguing. I love the pics of Emma from the Jurrasic Park ride,i just wonder how people got those cause aren't they private pics?

  34. Julia says:

    I really hope they put in McLaggen too. If they don't, the whole tension around R&H that they keep talking about wouldn't be that..(lack of a better word..)tense. They keep making each other jealous in the book, and if there's no McLaggen, the only one making the other one jealous, is Ron. And I absolutely loved the part where Herione is hiding from McLaggen at Slughorn's Xmas-party. It would be a shame if they didn't put that in.

  35. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yes that is absoutley true Julia,it would seem odd and out of place for those who don't read the books. It's like only seeing Ron with Lavendar but not seeing Hermione bring the tension on with going out with Mclaggen. I really hope they have that in there,along with having Harry's thought's about Ginny stirring inside him. I don't care what people say they should make it part humour part darkness. I don't think HBP is as dark as OOTP was i think there's more mystery and questions answered in HBP.

  36. ahmad says:

    I like emma very mach 😉

  37. frederique says:

    Hey bonnieandemmalover17 you DONT have to be mean cause you prefer Emma to miley. Both are talented and beautiful.

  38. lucy says:

    Emma is perfect

  39. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    That is my opinion so i will say what i feel,cause i am able to.

  40. lordpratik says:

    i think those people dont do justice to the books…the books are so much nore wonderful…they should take someone like Peter jackson who directed the LOTR trilogy…he might do a proper job…

  41. sarah says:

    Yeah it will be weird without mclaggen!!They haven't mentioned if he was in it…!it can't just be ron and lavender!!!And miley cyrus is sooo fake..she just a wannabe singer like lohan and duff…GOOOO EMMMAAA!! 😆

  42. sarah says:

    Come on Ppl vote for emma!!Miley is beating her!!!!! 😡 :mad:Emma has mor alent than cyrus!!GO EMMA!!

  43. bonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yes sarah i totally agree miley is fake,Emma is the real deal no phonyness and she is just down to earth and all around beautiful. Emma rocks so much,she is just wonderfully beautiful and talented :smile:. Bonnie and Emma have way more talent than miley and are down to earth and they won't get caught up in all that madness of fame.BTW i love the POTD Emma is extremely gorgeous in it,she is the best ever.