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About the ending of HP (2007): "I won't know what to do with myself when it ends. It will be the weirdest thing ever!"

EWO Updated with Ballet Shoes Pics and Information // 27 November 2007

EWO was just updated with a new official picture from “Ballet Shoes” along with some press information about the film.
Go to Emma’s site to see it!

And please remember to vote for Emma at! 🙂

Have a wonderful day

[ Katy ]

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34 Responses to “EWO Updated with Ballet Shoes Pics and Information // 27 November 2007”

  1. t says:

    1st…. oooh yeah!!! Great pics 😆 😛

  2. Cecillialuvzemma says:

    The pic on EWO is totally cute 😉 And everyone needs to vote 4 Emma at cuz she's losing to Sabrina Bryan and Ashley Tisdale right now. 😥

  3. Luis says:

    😆 Emma looks really really professional and cute at the same time in that pic! I´m afraid she´s not gonna make it this time at, I mean, it is such a huge diference between Sabrina and Emma 😥 …

  4. Kristi says:

    I knew Emma wasn't going to win. I like Emma but she isn't big here in the US as she is in the UK. Sabrina is big since she was on the it TV show Dancing with the Stars and Ashley Tisdale is big for being in High School Musical 1&2. I'm sure Emma will make the list next time!!!! 🙂

  5. Jen says:

    So true. If people in the United States don't watch Harry Potter, they've probably never even heard of Emma. It's a shame, but it happens.

  6. muggle_born says:

    WOW, the Ballet Shoes pic is GREAT. I MUST SEE this movie. Oh BBC, please, please, please bring it to America!!!!!

  7. Dan says:

    I second that <sigh> , …I'm in the US too . Granada Int. handles all BBC 1 for international distribution . You can write to: Carol Lee at , .. she handles Home Entertainment .

  8. jordan says:

    I'm not a fan of the still. It's not flattering in any way, to be honest. I can not wait to see the movie, however, because Emma looks great in the other photos we have seen.

  9. Cecillialuvzemma says:

    You need your eyes checked jordan 😡

  10. Michelle says:

    Are you guys voting for Emma? She's in last place!! 😥 😡 😥

  11. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Fantastic pic! I need to see this movie! I've been dying to see Emma as someone other than Hermione! I'm writing to them, Dan. 😉

  12. sarah says:

    Great pic in EWO!!!So cute..i think she is learning ballet or something!! I really hope it comes out in Australia!! And it really sucks emma is losing..I hate sabrina bryan!! But its true emma is more famous in the UK then in the US!! Emma is well known here in australia!! People in australia don't even no who sabrina bryan is anyway…the know ashley tisdale coz of HSM!!! I didn't no who sabrina bryan was until i went to the US for a holiday!!

  13. Jeanne says:

    great, can't wait for the Shoes!!! btw, I love that Emma's wearing the same outifit she was in the pic that her dad took..

  14. andrew says:

    Emma Watson, 21% :sad:. She's third place, she needs to be first place :smile:.

  15. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yes andrew Emma does deserve to be first,i keep voting all the time i am online i want her to win it cos she is the best so keep voting people and make her number one. I love the new pic of Emma from Ballet Shoes she looks really beautiful there and it is awesome to see her in a different role other than Hermione. I wish i could see it,but i can't since i am in the states now. I really hope someone over in the UK sees it,records it,and put's it on you tube so us fans in America can see it. I also love the POTD Emma has such lovely eyes and such gorgeous lips she is just all around beautiful. I beg to differ jordan that pic of Emma is amazing, she is really beautiful in it.

  16. Sam Stephens says:

    i love tht ballet shoes pic..awww…visit my site abive 4 latest on dan/emma,need all ya support,hope 2 haf more visits on my site. 😆

  17. Jess says:

    Oh, I can´t see the pic…can anyone help me,please??? To be honest, I don´t mind if Emma wins that competition or not. I´ll still love her und you do,too, i expect. She doesn´t have to win everything but yes I´m with you, she would defenatly deserve it!!

  18. Emanuel says:

    Hello again Emma lovers!! 😛 Well there competitions are a fake… No ones can compete with our Emma. Anyway, let the yankees choose it idols and we choose our (Emma of course)!! Greeting to all from Argentina!!! See you soon…

  19. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Oh yes Jess i really love Emma. I know it doesn't matter about a poll or contest for us to know what is in our heart's that is true, which is Emma is number one :smile:.

  20. Emanuel says:

    Hello again Emma lovers!! 😛 Well there competitions are a fake… No ones can compete with our Emma. Anyway, let the yankees choose it idols and we choose our (Emma of course)!! Greeting to all from Argentina!!! See you soon…

  21. Potter19 says:

    Emma looks very pretty in that picture. It looks like she's being taught how to dance. 🙂 Looks like its going to be a great film.

  22. muggle_born says:

    Dan, I just sent an email to Carol Lee too. Hey guys, please check out Dan's post and send an email. We want to see "Ballet Shoes" EVERYWHERE!!!!!

  23. andrew says:

    I agree emmalover17 🙂

  24. andrew says:

    I love the way Emma smiles :smile:. It makes u smile to 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  25. andrew says:

    and what's so special about Ashley Tisdale? 😕 She doesn't even work in the HP movies. And she's first place 🙁 :mad:. She doesn't deserve to be first place :mad:.

  26. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yes i always light up and smile brightly whenever i see Emma. Potter19 Emma doesn't need to learn how to dance she already knows how to,and wonderfully at that :smile:.

  27. Dan says:

    Yes please all of you outside the UK send Carol Lee an e-mail let her know that fans want to see Ballet Shoes.Carol did reply to me there is a lot involved. Weather it's DVD's or Television a distributor and paid advertisement has to be found . It makes a difference when Producers know what viewer want .Allow 2 weeks for a reply from Carol

  28. Dan says:

    Guys People magazine is an American celebrity rag !! You rarely see anyone outside the US in it unless its ugly news. Thats the way it is . I love to see Emma win everything . However I'm not so sure I would want her associated with this rag of a magazine . Emma holds her own she doesn't need People .com

  29. emma says:

    Wow. lovely pic :smile:. Who the hell is Sabrina Bryan?????

  30. Dan says:

    emma , …..EXACTLY !!….rofl

  31. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    I'm American and even I don't know who the hell Sabrina Bryan is.

  32. Obi says:

    Yeah great pics 😀

  33. KS987 says:

    I, like EmmaRocksSocks, don't know who the heck Sabrina is. Emma should have won that.