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About the site that has a countdown to her 18th birthday (2005): "Oh my God, that's really creepy ! (...) I'm 15, they're gonna have to wait a long time!"

Last day to enter our Xmas project! // 30 November 2007

Hey Emma fans,

Just a little reminder: you have until midnight to enter our Xmas project! 🙂  You can send your message for the Xmas card by filling this form, and send your Xmas favourites (such as a story, a picture, lyrics, a recipe…) to (more details in the October 15th update).

(Major) update: according to The Sun, Ballet Shoes will air on BBC1, on Friday 28th December, from 20.30 to 22!!!! 😆

Oh, and don’t forget  that ABC Family is airing Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s Stone tonight at 7:30pm ET! Chamber Of Secrets will air tomorrow at 7pm ET, with Prisoner Of Azkaban airing Sunday at 6pm ET.

[ Neve ]

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35 Responses to “Last day to enter our Xmas project! // 30 November 2007”

  1. Mariza says:

    2nd!!! Great news! I can't wait to see it! I beg someone to record this so we can watch it on youtube or anything :cry:! We don't live in England, you see :smile:!

  2. Susan says:

    Wow. A whole hour and a half. That's movie length! Great.

  3. Jeanne says:

    wow, that's awesome! can't wait to either see it or see what other people think!

  4. Emy says:

    Oooh,I want to watch,but I'm not from England 😥

  5. cryptus says:

    Maybe there is a possibility to watch the movie outside the UK? Somebody who lives in the UK could record Ballet Shoes and offer it people outside the UK? Well, on the one hand it's illegal, sharing movies via the internet, but on the other hand, we aren't acutally selling Ballet Shoes for cash, aren't we? It's just an idea, because there are so many fans who really wanna see this movie, but aren't currently living in the UK… Anyway, perhaps somebody knows sth better… Have a great weekend!

  6. cryptus says:

    p.s. what a POTD…

  7. anna says:

    can the site record it for those don't live in england?????? so that we can see the performance of emma outside the harry potter films!! thx

  8. Em says:

    great! now we know when Ballet Shoes comes on TV 🙂 can't wait! I've asked this before, but I didn't get any answer…. how do you save a picture from EWO? it's was possible before, but I don't make it any more… 🙁

  9. JE says:

    Hey, that's my birthday 🙂

  10. ellen says:

    if the video in watson weekly can be the real one and can be download, it will be great!

  11. cryptus says:

    lol, quote: About playing Hermione when she punches Malfoy in POA (2004): "I loved it, I loved every single second of it. Girl power! It was great. I would have done it for a whole week, but we got it in a couple of takes and I was like "Let me do it again, let me do it again!". It was fantastic, it was a great moment." Let me do it again! 😆

  12. Dan says:

    POA is still my fav Potter movie . All have been great . Emma had more on screen time in POA that's why my fav. Emma's older and I find myself staring at her . If I ever get a chance to meet her I will have to tell myself don't stare don't stare . When she smiles I go ga ga !! Emma's inner beauty is just amazing I get near breathless at times. Gosh I loved it when she smacked Draco. Go Emma , …..rofl , …err Hermione!! Ok ok I'm done 😛 🙂

  13. Mary says:

    Anybody know if it'll also be shown on BBC America?

  14. andrew says:

    I've sent in a new "message" on the Christmas card. Dook, I hope u don't mind if you deleted my old "message"? Thank you :smile:.

  15. lara says:

    It's a pity we can't watch Ballet Shoes outside the UK… I want to see it so badly. Nice POTD by the way.

  16. liliya says:

    do you think the movie ballet shoes will air in the US?? 🙂

  17. andrew says:

    :smile:I wrote a song on the Christmas card. Please do not erase it, followed by the new "message" before. But I would appreciate it if you would erase my old "message" 🙂 :smile:.

  18. andrew says:

    And do not erase my two new "messages", thank you :lol:.

  19. Frida says:

    Awww, 28th December is my birthday! 😀 That will be great present :DD

  20. Emanuel says:

    Well I already sent the Christmas message to Emma… I want to ask to any mod that if I had any ortographic error please correct it me. Good, good, greetings from Argentina to all of you Emma fans!!! A question: How they will make arrive the gifts to Emma?? Bye!!

  21. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    I am not all that worried about not being able to see Ballet Shoes,i want to see so bad cos Emma's in it,i read the book and loved it. I know it will make it onto the net somehow or be on BBC American a little later. I would love it more to be on dvd with tons of bonus features on it alot with Emma too. I love the POTD she looks really gorgeous there like she always does.

  22. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    I love Emma's comment about Evanna: About Evanna Lynch (2006): "She humbles me to the core." That's a cool quote.

  23. Cecillialuvzemma says:

    I really hope it airs in the US.

  24. E says:

    =S .I have bad luck, I live in South America, obviously there's no BBC. 🙁 At less I hope i could watch Ballet Shoes in YouTube.

  25. Adriana says:

    will they air ballet shoes on BBC America? gee i hope so!

  26. Kristi says:

    I wouldn't mind seeing Ballet Shoes. It would be nice to see her playing something other than Hermione. Plus if you think about it. This like a real test of her acting skills, since she is alot like Hermione in real life. So her character in this movie would really prove how good of an actress she is. Especially to those who think she's not a good actress!!! 🙂

  27. Pocketmouse says:

    hey does anyone know what the american bbc1 is?? i really want to see ballet shoes!!!!!!!

  28. sarah says:

    Will it air in australia???? i really hope it does!! And emma does have some similarities with hermione…i mean emma sed it herself in many interviews…they r both clever..emma sed she can start to act lyk hermione sometimes n stuff…but they r things they r not lyk each other…i lyk hermione's charactor and i am so happy emma plays hermione…coz thats how every 1 lyks hermione from emma!! 😆

  29. katherine says:

    Is there anyway for us in the U.S. to view Ballet Shoes or will some one put it up on you tube or something like that so we can watch. It would be devistating to not be able to see it. 😥

  30. HermionaxD says:

    Hello Emma ! I like you! This is my blog: Please, write comments! Please! 🙂

  31. Jeanne says:

    @HermionaxD, it's very unlikely that Emma will read your comment, since this is a fansite, not the official one… @JE, happy birthday!!!

  32. *hpfan* says:

    oh yay…i hope i get to see ballet shoes!! 🙂

  33. m says:

    I live in the Netherlands but I have BBC 🙂

  34. midge says:

    sooner or later Ballet Shoes will be available on the internet without a doubt lol i havent got tv license atm but hopefully have the money to renew it and maybe, maybe i might record it on pc and upload it somewhere lol