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Ballet Shoes commercial // 1st December 2007

Hey everybody,

We have great news for you today! TLC has posted a BBC1 commercial that includes the first clips from Ballet Shoes 😆

So, if you want to see Emma as Pauline (and who wouldn’t?), click here.

Update: Download the clip in WMV format.

Enjoy 🙂

[ Neve ]

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43 Responses to “Ballet Shoes commercial // 1st December 2007”

  1. Kristi says:

    First!!!!!! It looks good. I wished I had BBC one. I would really would like to see Emma playing someone other than Hermione. 🙂

  2. Alex says:

    second!!!…i wish there had been more clips of emma and the others in Ballet Shoes but thats ok…it's great to she she's branching out…<333

  3. Angel says:

    I love Emma's little head bobbing that she does towards the beginning of the commercial. If you missed that you should see it, it's both funny and cute!

  4. muggle_born says:

    LUV the commercial! I agree Kristi. It'll be great to see Emma in something outside of the HP world. Looks like she may be singing and dancing. WOW. 😛 😛 😛 The BBC MUST BRING this movie to the US!

  5. frederique says:

    PETER PETTIGREW is in the commercial. Actually the actor who plays peter pettigrew is in the commercial (so i guees in the movie too! ) but whatever emma looks great even if we dont see her a lot! 🙂

  6. cha says:

    I really want to see ballet shoes now

  7. cantmemorymypseudo says:

    Cool, Emma is really pretty, and I can even use this link on forum about DR.WHO I suscribed ! :DDDDD

  8. hermione says:

    NICE COMMERCIAL… i really want to see ballet shoes… but i dont live in the europe or america…so i dont think i can see emma in her new movie 🙁 🙁 🙁

  9. Dan says:

    hmmm not what I was expecting but Emma looks beautimous fabulousa 😛

  10. Kristi says:

    Off topic but I found a new Potter Puppet Pals video!!! It's called "Wizard Swears" and is rated PG-13. It's hilarious!!! 😆

  11. sarah says:

    OMG!! Kool video…there was hardly any emma though…man i really wanna watch ballet shoes!!! Maybe it will cum out in australia after the UK get it….i hope it does…But if it doesn't atleast i have cousins in the UK and they probably can record it for me!! 🙂

  12. Luis says:

    Wow!!! Great! Is Emma the girl who´s spinning? 😕 This is Em-mazing!! (Thanks Shania for that :razz:)

  13. Ana says:

    is em the one that appears at the first sec of the trailer?? looks like her!

  14. Joy says:

    Love the Emma head-bobbing too! And she's dancing in the other clips! I really hope she conveys a totally different character in this movie, and not carry too much Hermione over…So far it's looking REAL good! 🙂

  15. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    JOY! BEAUTY! Wow. I'm gonna start spinning and bobbing my head more often (not that I didn't already enjoy my fair share of those activities, mind you).

  16. emmy says:

    woooooowwww she looks soooo beautiful (how ever) 🙂 i love she 😆

  17. Alienor says:

    I can't wai to see the all film !!

  18. *hpfan* says:

    cant wait to see the film!!! 🙂

  19. Jaana says:

    Ooooh, I so can't wait to see Ballet Shoes! ^___^ It looks great! 🙂

  20. anna says:

    it seems that ballet shoes is going to be a good movie, and em is doing great inside!! but i don't live in england or europe… don't think i can have a chance to see emma's new film… i also think that the one in the middle in the first screen is em!

  21. Em says:

    it's very little of emma in the clip 🙁 but anyway the clip is great 😉 the little we saw of emma was great, she looked lovely 🙂

  22. Em says:

    I soo wanna see ballet shoes, but I don't live in the UK 😥 and I don't have BBC1.. :sad:I would have been great to see emma do something different from hermione, though I love emma as hermione 😉

  23. Obi says:

    very nice … I don't have BBc one 🙁

  24. sarah says:

    yea same em…i love emma as hermione!!!

  25. Em says:

    can we get this clip for download? it would have been great 🙂

  26. Lilly-May says:

    Timothy Spall (Pettigrew) is in the clip as he's done a remake of Oliver Twist for xmas. He's playing Fagin 🙂 Emma looks darling 🙂 And….DR WHO ahhhhhh *faints*

  27. Sandrine says:

    Oh Gosh!! I wish so strong could see Ballet Shoes!! how lucky you are to live in the UK!!

  28. Samuel says:

    Emma dancing 😥

  29. Elle says:

    Oh wow! Christmas is gonna be soooo cool – i cant wait to see ballet shoes 😀 hope everyone is well Elle xx

  30. Ancsi says:

    Im not english, but live in UK. All my friends is jealous cos i can see emma at Ballet Shoes! Im sooo lucky!! Emma is so beautiful!!! 🙂

  31. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Wow that was cool to see some clips of Emma from Ballet Shoes,i only wish there were more clips of her. Emma did look mighty beautiful there like she always does. I agree with everyone who said that it will be really good to see her in something other than hp,and other than play hermione.

  32. krystal says:

    wow that looked well..scary! i know i read ballet shoes but i have no memory of it but am i the only one who thought it looked scary??

  33. Michelle says:

    Wow! This looks amazing but I don't live in the UK. 😥 😡 I'm sure Emma will do a great job in this movie! 🙂

  34. Harriet says:

    The commercial doesn't just show Ballet shoes, it shows clips from the other BBC shows which will be on at xmas. Like the Doctor Who Christmas special, and some others, Ballet shoes is just one of the many things the bbc have lined up for this christmas. I can't wait to see it. !

  35. fairytale-princess says:

    Wow… I really want to see Ballet Shoes!! You will have to put it on the site or on YouTube when it comes out because I don't live in the UK.

  36. Em says:

    my wish did come true 🙂 now can I download it 😉 thanks

  37. Caitlyn says:

    I cant wait to see it! You can get BBC in Cananda so im sooo watching it 🙂

  38. Cecillialuvzemma says:

    Shes adorable in the clips.

  39. moo says:

    omg i love the one where she she wobbling her head around. its soo cute!!! 😛

  40. hermione says:

    i am really sad bcoz i wont b able 2 watch ballet shoes 🙁 😥 😡

  41. Evie says:

    What a lovely Christmas gift! Emma looks so beautiful in this movie, can't wait to see it. 🙂

  42. Sam Stephens says:

    :sad:aww so little of emma in this prev. 3 scenes only. one of her twirling,one bobbing her head n one watching the ballerinas.but she looks lovely in red and red lipstick.did all women wear tht red those yrs?i saw black dahlia and thought so. 🙂 anyway,emma's the beauty w. all tht get up and red lipstick…hehe 50s siren now.not hermione!my site has latest updates.

  43. alexandra _ hermione granger says:

    i'm crazy in love with emma! she is my favourite actor and my favourite of the movies Harry Potter!!! oh…….she is the most beautiful!!!!! 🙂