Time for a new calendar. The winner of this months calendar competition is Fernando. Congratulations!
Honorable mentions to Suzanne, Iriona, Isabella, Ali, Holly and Evie. Great calendars everyone. And thank you to all who entered.
Have a great day!
[ dook ]
Cool Pics!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Nice. Very nice.
great calendars, I love all of them :lol:.
yay i got an hm. i love the calendars this month. really cool
fantastic calendars!
great calenders!!
Hi ! Those calendar are beautiful ! What programm do you use ? I'd like to offer o whole calendar like that to a friend but I don't know how to do it… 🙁
The first HM link is broken.. But I love all the calendars! 😛
All of them r beautifull!! 🙂
nice pics
🙂 😉 😕 😛 😆 🙁 😡 😥
amazing works!! 😆
nice work guys.. really good 🙂
Amazing work everyone!
hi everyone, nice work of all of them! but i unfortunately get a 404 error with the big version of the 1st alternative december-calendar….
Hey nice work everyone – well done the look great 😀 Elle xx
cool calendars!!1
beautiful calendars… on youtube you can see tiny parts of Emma in Ballet Shoes http://youtube.com/watch?v=G1uPygwxXw8
🙂 😛 🙂 😛
Wow! This is great!
sorry didn't see the last post =(
copy the url of that youtube video, and use this link: http://keepvid.com/, place the url there and download the flv player, than you can own the video
Jimspeed, the url is fixed now.
my favourite one is suzanne's
I'm so happy I've been chosen 🙂 but all the calendars are amazing, really. *-*
The first shot in the video shows a circle of people raising their arms. Is that Emma in the center?? 😕
This has nothing to do with calendars.. but, does anyone know what's the difference between oxford and oxfordshire?
okay, allright, again congratulations for the artists, but then again much objections to the staff 'couse of some poor quality callendars you're allowing. much work to be done there. best regards tho.
Congratulations to everyone!! They are all beautiful and no matter what anyone else says, I know everyone worked really hard and they look great!
they are pretty nice but….. why isn't anyone in the christmas spirit????? 😕
Hello everybody!!! Nice calendars!! It see a lot of work on all of them. Well have a good sunday you all!!! See you. P.D.: I would like to talk whith someone from London or another place of England, so people of there add me to msn!!!!!!!!!! Bye… 😉
hey guys!i'm from brazil.i dont speak english so.. algum de voces sabe o e-mail da emma? emma's e-mail:wink:
Nice pics, as usual:) And Samuel, Oxford it's a town and Oxfordshire it's a state/district.
hhheeeeyyyy!! Hapy new day!! 😛 Well, to erika from brazil. Here nobody knows the emma's e-mail:cry:. If you want to send her a message, you can go and register in her official web and send a message throught it. Goodbye!!! See you all emma fans!!!! 😉
hhheeeeyyyy!! Hapy new day!! 😛 Well, to erika from brazil. Here nobody knows the emma's e-mail:cry:. If you want to send her a message, you can go and register in her official web and send a message throught it. Goodbye!!! See you all emma fans!!!! 😉
My fav is Holly's
my fav is suzzane's…emma looks soo cute there..its her in POA!lol
my favourite calendar is evie's … others are nice too… 😉
Erika , entra no site oficial da Emma , l
i am really sad bcoz i wont be able to watch ballet shoes… 🙁 😡 😥
HEY !! great calenders 🙂 🙂 I just want to say, that I have reived an autograph from Emma, I amso happy now…really, IT was my dream, and now my other dream is to see her,…hmm 😆 😆 I HOPE 😉 sorry for my bad English, because I am from Luxembourg, so I cannt really write 😛
Christmas is coming 😀
Really nice calendars everyone! I'm very glad mine's between the Honorable mentions 🙂 xx
the calenders are great 🙂 and the video of the week is so nice 🙂 it's cute
Congratulation to everyone. All calendars are amazing! vv 🙂
awesome pic of the day, btw! (thx dook)
Great calendars, really! But IMHO the choosen one (the winner :wink:) is the top of the line. Fabulous work!
:cry:i love you emma tu es mi ammor