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About Hermione pushing Ron against a wall (2007): "I think actually the smashing Ron up against the wall is kind of again, that "you twit!" She's still pretty pissed about that and taking it out on him basically. It's just sort of this little bickering thing that they have. She's just generally giving him a hard time and vice versa."

Emma at Chanel Fashion Show // 06 December 2007

It’s been a busy day! 😆  Emma attended the Chanel pre-autumn/winter fashion show today and Getty Images has pictures! You can view them here. Emma looks fantastic as always.

We’ll get HQ for you as soon as we can!


A big thanks to au_naturel from our forums for the wonderful HQ images:


More HQ 😆  (thanks to Flutterby on the forums)

[ Katy ]

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125 Responses to “Emma at Chanel Fashion Show // 06 December 2007”

  1. cemal says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :smile:champions besiktas!

  2. Hanah says:


  3. Hannah says:


  4. Chris says:

    Hannah: Emma is growing up, and her tastes are changing. She's wearing what pleases her, not what pleases you. I think she looks fantastic. 🙂

  5. jenny-germany says:

    OMG!!!She looks like a prostitute with this smokey eyes.. I mean she's beautiful but she looks tacky 😕 Love the instyle photoshoot, there she looks as beautiful as she is in real!

  6. cryptus says:

    I think she wears so much make-up, because its actually a chanel fashion show and not any TV appearance or awards show, you know, anyway she looks much better without red lipstick! She's becoming more and more a british lady with perfect style, love it 😆 have a nice weekend!

  7. hehehe says:

    are u crazy guys? you arent normal!! 😡 she loooks AMAZING! wake up, she isnt 13 any more, she is young woman so its absolutely normal that she has a make up, she is natural anyway! stop blaming and telling that she loks like a prostitute, it's rude and unsuitable!!!!

  8. Em says:

    it works now :smile:thanks dook 😉

  9. Kim says:

    Love the biker chic look, like someone else said, she's growing up and that means she's going to change. Although not so keen on the red lipstick but everything else rocks.

  10. Bonnie says:

    It's so much better than the 'red-lipstick'-pictures, but i still think it's too much make-up for her. The first thing I thought when I saw the pics: "HUH? Which zombie-girly is THAT?!" – "Emma…?" Yeah, not nice, I know, but… Hm. I think less make-up is better. But I like that outfit though ^^

  11. Jaana says:

    Now that I've seen the outfit as well, I just came to say, that I LOVE IT!!! 😆 It's got that rock star additude and it really looks good on her! She looks absolutely amazing. <3_______<3 Wow, if I didn't fancy her earlier, I think I'm definitey starting to! 😉 Just love this new look! Gorgeous. ^____^

  12. Am says:

    Emma looks gorgeous and she has every right to dress up for occasions, doesn't mean that she is falling in the same category as others,her outfits still are decent.

  13. Abby says:

    Wow, she looks gothic. I'm gonna look at those in two seconds.

  14. Jess says:

    OMG!! I nearly fell of my chair when I saw those pics, she looks…amazing!! I mean, like so many of you have said before, she

  15. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    I don't like those pics at all of her,she looks like a really pale corpse or a ghost. I really hope she doesn't turn out to be like everyone else. Emma is way more beautiful in the instyle pics not the channel one's,cause she is more natural in the instyle pics.

  16. Evie says:


  17. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    No she doesn't look good here at all,i don't like her all covered in makeup she really looks like some kind of ghost or zombie. Emma is naturally beautiful so don't over do the makeup and make yourself look like that it doesn't suit her at all.

  18. Andrea Duarte says:

    My god!… Emm,… fantastic,fantastic! Kisses!! 😉

  19. xx says:

    sorry guys! can't help but say she's trying to hard to be someone she isn't. That's the feeling I get when I see those pics 😕

  20. Ana says:

    emmabonnieandemmalover17, AGAIN, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. A lot of us think Emma looks fantastic here, myself included. She's got a great sense of style, her brown hair back, and is simply experimenting with different makeup. Just because she looks different doesn't mean she looks horrible. If you were such a great fan, you'd realize that.

  21. Dan says:

    Emmalicious beautimous , ….lol !! Yeah its english sorta , ….rofl

  22. Dan says:

    The lipstick in InStyle mag was really nice but the Chanel was to dark and to bright . The outfits for Chanel were awesome . The arrival outfit was very upbeat just perfect !

  23. Hannah says:

    #i know people can have their own style and emma has a grown up one, i wear channel all of the time and so do friends of mine, you can wear chanel and not look so desperate. She is naturaly pretty so she should work with thet.

  24. Emanuel says:

    Hello you there!! Well i'm only will say that Emma shocks me when i saw her in this last pictures of the Chanel event. Is that is just amazing, I don't know how she does. Is amazing that every time that i see her I remain with the mouth open a few seconds, until I react and I remember again that I live at 15,000km to her… Well, stop with the melancholy. See you Emma fans!! Let us hope that she follows with as much success as until now therefore we see her as frequently as now. Bye!! 😉

  25. ... says:

    her website is updated with pictures

  26. Caitlyn says:

    This one of the best pics i have seen of her, its really funny if you but a picture of when she was 11 beside on of these pics its soooo diffrent

  27. Rupert Fan says:

    I don't like it. I think she looks SO overdone with the make up, no offence.

  28. Mair says:

    Seriously that girl gets prettier by the day. She looks stunning!

  29. Nimy says:

    It's a lot of black… I don't like it at all, it doesn

  30. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Well she doesn't look attractive at all like that. I mean i don't think she looks beautiful there at all,it's to much makeup. I am sorry but i think she is trying to be like everyone else,in no way does she look gorgeous like that at all. The makeup around her eyes and her face being really pale makes her look like everyone else and not original.

  31. Krum says:

    Is it me, or is she turning into Keira Knightley right before our eyes???

  32. Christie says:

    Radical Change! She looks so different!! But still very beautiful! I think i like this look it suits her! She looks so grown up! Not so keen on the red red lipstic she looked better with the redish pink one! lol xxxxxx

  33. P@rayer says:

    she really looks fantastic 🙂 maybe a little less makeup 🙂

  34. vera says:

    With every day Emma turns more beautiful!!! She always looks pretty but on this pics she looks amazing! xx

  35. yas says:

    wow, emma's changing! i love the plait in the hair! she's turning a bit too hollywood, but still, very beautiful

  36. *hpfan* says:

    wow very nice!! she looks so mature…

  37. lizzy says:

    wow wow wow… I adore this appereance! when i saw this my first thougt was best make-up and hair ever 🙂

  38. muggle_born says:

    New pix are up on Emma's site. Would be nice if we could download them. 🙁

  39. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    Yeah it sucks she is turning into everyone else and hollywood. Emma she stay how she was before but with these pics,she looks like everyone else and is trying way to hard. Emma is not the same anymore.

  40. Emanuel says:

    I really think that some comments must be seriously deleted. Don't you realize that they are totally unsuitable and they don't agree at all with the objective of this fan-site?? Some people would have to abstain to think so freely of the private life of the others and check it owns first. Greetings only for real fans!!! 😉

  41. evannabonnieandemmalover17 says:

    One other things those new pics of Emma on her official website look really awful,she does normally look really beautiful. I just think those pics of Emma are just really awful.

  42. Aagranger says:

    Emma looks beautiful whether its with makeup or without…emmabonnieandemmalover17 seriously get real…girls get all dressed up for parties and she is one so don't judge her or thinking that she is trying desperately…she likes it so just deal with it.

  43. Mirjam says:

    Oh.. She looks so pretty. Cool style!!! 😛

  44. Lauren says:

    She looks so gorgeous! I love the outfits

  45. m. says:

    update on emmaofficial!!!! tones of photos 🙂

  46. jordan says:

    is there any way to see the photos (like through the jpg name?) where they're not resized? they always look bad like that and aren't so clear.

  47. muggle_born says:

    evannabonnieandemmalover17, You make not like the pix, but you shouldn

  48. Kiria says:

    I think, to this first foto, she looks as Bellatrix. (I'm sorry, I'm not Briton.) 😉

  49. Dan says:

    You know it's a little painfull watching her grow up . She's doing alot right now wanting to be seen as more of an actress for older non girl roles and kind of marketing herself. She has to do that and stay in front of everyones eye all the time . It's a little awkward and shes looking for just the right look to be seen as a woman . This is Emma we are looking at and she will be fine she is advancing into the next stage . She is an awesome young woman , trust her and support her , believe in her .

  50. Dan says:

    muggle_born is right on with the comments . Dont be so naive her sensuality is about to bang on the door and you will see a new look . Do not underestimate the power this beautiful , talented young woman has .