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About being on FHM 100 Sexiest Women list (2007): "That is the weirdest thing ever and they put some kind of crude comment like, "She is one of those sporty types - you would have to hold her gym shorts for her," or something. I was like, "Good God!" But I suppose it is a compliment for me and Hermione."

SOTM and Scans // 3 February 2008

Hi Emma fans,

We’ve selected Magnifique Marion Cotillard as our Site of the Month for February. This is a great site for the French actress who recently won a Golden Globes award and is nominated in the Oscars for her work in La Vie En Rose.

Still not much Emma news, but here are some scans from the 2008 Winter issue of Teen thanks to pocketmouse. Yes, the one scan is not very flattering about Emma’s fashion, but they don’t have much nice to say about anyone. 😕

We also have a scan from 24 September 2007 issue of People, thanks to Mariela.

[ dook ]

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20 Responses to “SOTM and Scans // 3 February 2008”

  1. Melinne says:

    I love Emma ! I disagree with these magasines 😡

  2. Maria says:

    Do you have the last Mizz scan ? There Emma too

  3. dook says:

    Maria,We posted one from last July in the 23 January update. We haven’t received a more recent one.

  4. frederique says:

    zzzzzz!! theres no news of emma anymore!

  5. Boy says:

    Do you think Emma really use these products ?

  6. Taras says:

    Hi, dook. Sorry about this late question, I wanted to ask you 2 weeks ago. As we all know there are some scans of Emma in the Movie Magic magazine you've posted on the 16 January this year. I've counted those scans and I have discovered, that there are not all pages of that magazine. Would it be possible to post all scans from that magazine. PS: i'm just learning english 🙂

  7. Luis says:

    In fact, there are no news from Emma but thats normal, it always happen when she is filming another HP movie. But, what will happen after seventh movie? I guess everything is gonna change… Many of us verify this website every single day hoping to see anything new about Emma, and it is OK when we know that she is filming or something like that, but, what will happen to us (her fans) when HP ends? 😕 Anyway, we will always be next to her 😉 .. But.. Everything is gonna be changed… 🙁

  8. marie says:

    excellent choice for the SOTM ! Go marion go marion! win the oscar! french powa :p I read a french movie mag month ago, and there's a page "if the books become a movie,who would you choice" and Emma has a role :p (the cast is from the author's book)

  9. gus says:

    woop yea!

  10. lucy says:

    corse they r mean bout emma cos they aint got anything better to do except diss her…grrr i was gona say something mean bout americans but i will stop myself lol (im joking)

  11. dook says:

    Taras, I posted all the scans that we received. If anyone has the other pages I would be happy to add them.

  12. LuisCarvalho says:

    I agree with you Luis, many of us ( Fans) will stop seeing emma's website when Hp is over… Some will be like now, and some will be even more fanatic by Emma =) This is my Opinion Peace

  13. Chel says:

    Emma has the greatest style ever! lol. BTW Emma has been nominated as Best Acress for the Empire Awards! OotP has also been nominated for various categories and Daniel has been nominated for best actor.

  14. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    I disagree with the mag too, I love Emma's style. 🙂

  15. Dan says:

    Geeesh you all , ….Emma won't stop when Potter finishes . You have a very good chance of more news and more goodies . Emma's career is just getting started .

  16. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Preach, Dan! 😛

  17. Hannah says:

    LOVE the black and white outfit!!

  18. andrew says:

    The twins definitely look beautiful 😆 :smile:.

  19. Ravi Verma says:

    🙂 HeLLo, My EMMA , i jUsS OnLy rEmInD YoU ThAt i aM sTiLL yOuR oNe oF bIggEst fAn YoU dOnOt kNoW ThAt HoW MuCh i rEquEsT U?? BuT aLAS I M WaItiNg FoR yOuR RESpOnSe 😥 gOOD wIsHes fOr CoMiNg mOvIe i waTcHed yOuR BaLLet sHoes i lOvED It VerY MuCh oK AM WAItInG FoR yOuR rEPoNse

  20. lulu says:

    i love most of her outfits