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About not spending her money on fashion (2009):"I don't really buy designer stuff. I have a few nice things, but I don't really have the occasion to wear couture too often. When I'm in a situation where I do need to dress up, I'm typically lent something-which means I have to give it back at midnight, like Cinderella. "

The Birthday Project // 8 February 2008

On April 15 Emma will be 18 years old. How time flies. It seems not so long ago that we first saw her as a cute little child with bushy hair, but soon she will be considered an adult in most countries. The theme of this years birthday project is about turning 18 and how life changes. The childhood you leave behind, and what lies ahead. Memories of the past, hopes and dreams of the future. We can’t know what’s going through Emma’s mind at this time, but we thought it would be nice for us to share our thoughts and experiences with her.

There are 3 ways you can contribute to the project, and you can do any or all of them.

Turning 18
For this part of the project we would like you to write about your own 18th birthday, what you left behind and what you were looking forward to, or if you’re not yet 18, you can tell Emma what you are looking forward to, and how you think your life will change. If you just can’t think of what to write for that, you can just tell her about a signficant birthday you’ve had, or your most memorable present. Try to keep the length reasonable. You may include photographs in the story.

Happy Birthday in a Picture
This will be a fun section where you can say Happy Birthday to Emma in a photograph. The idea is simple, take a photograph that says Happy Birthday in some way. Like a picture of all your friends holding up a banner that says happy birthday. Or a picture of your napping cat with a Happy Birthday ribbon around it’s neck. Or a little sign with your birthday message placed in an unusal spot. Anything as long as it has a written message to Emma on it. Try to be creative; don’t everyone send us the examples I just gave. Be as serious or crazy as you like, as long as it’s in good taste. The pictures should be 300 pixels per inch or higher (a 1200 x 1600 photo would be a good size).

Birthday Wishes
Just can’t think of anything? Well, you can also send a simple Birthday Message to Emma here.

Please send your story or Happy Birthday in a Picture submissions to with the subject Birthday Project. Any pictures you send should be 300 pixels per inch or higher. Submissions with emails, website links, addresses, phone numbers or anything we consider innapropriate content will be edited or rejected.

The deadline is 16 March 2008.

Your stories, pictures and messages will be professionally printed and sent to Emma. The finished book may also be published on the web and by sending us your submission you are giving us your permission to do so.

Comments closed for this item.

57 Responses to “The Birthday Project // 8 February 2008”

  1. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    Cool! I hope Emma has a great 18th Birthday! 🙂

  2. S says:

    Great project 😀 — Hey dook, can we see some of the 'favorite things of christmas?' Or did some people ask for them to be secret?

  3. kiakkia says:

    Awesome project!! 😉

  4. sarah says:

    Great project!! I can't believe emma's turning 18…she was just a little girl…what happy memories.

  5. ~Roni~ says:

    That's a great project. 🙂 and on a related note: what about the xmas project? will we get to see it?

  6. ALIN says:

    It is great!!!! Happy Birtday Emma and i hope all of the cast oh HP will be whit u and family…so be great in all and make us proud once more of ur act in the films so HAPPY BIRTDAY!!!!!

  7. hessa says:

    same age me &emma but illbe 18 on jone 28.wish u luck emma & buy the way great project. 😉

  8. karinaki says:

    ohhhhhhhh 😥 😥 😥 our girl's turning 18..!! 😥 i'm 18 too! we've grown up together! 😥

  9. maryam says:

    hey i just noticed! in the video of the week, u can see the guy who plays oliver in hannah montana in the background. AwesomE!!

  10. muggle_born says:

    GREAT idea for Birthday Project! 😛 😛 😛

  11. andrew says:

    I've sent Emma my simple "Happy Birthday wishes" 🙂 :smile:.

  12. Petra says:

    No, I'm just Emma's fan NOT Bonnie's fan.

  13. Petra says:

    Great idea for birthday.

  14. Dessie says:

    Well, I guess this seems nice. But kind of blah this time….. (not to be rude of course!) 🙂 I don't think I will participate this time because we haven't even heard a single thing from the X-mas project! 😡

  15. Dessie says:

    I guess I will just send her a simple birthday message then! Those are always good.

  16. Me says:

    I send emma a messege hope she read it 😉

  17. LuisCarvalho says:

    Same ! 😀 Happy birthday Emma =D

  18. Tatiana says:

    I sent one a simpe birthday wish 🙂

  19. Mary says:

    I wish Emma will has a great birthday party!!Although I live in China,Happy Brithday Emma!!!In China,18 years means you are a big girl,so it's very important

  20. Robert says:

    Hey………..Emmmm……. When will be more picture about HPOOTP??? So????????????????? BRB..

  21. Robert says:

    I will tell you ''happy birthday'', when I see…good bay…for…now……

  22. Rosa says:

    You got the date wrong 😥 it's the 8th today 🙂 🙂 😛

  23. Lidvine says:

    Oh how time flies…She's gonna be 18…. 😥 But I send her a message and hope too she read it!! 😉

  24. dook says:


  25. emma says:

    Whooop! I just submitted by message to emma!I hope she reads some of the messages we send. :smile:. xxx

  26. Olivia says:

    Yay! I just sent a birthday message to Emma. I reeeally hope it gets through!! xx

  27. daniel says:

    OMG 😥 Emma is growing up so fast!!!! I can't believe it! 😆

  28. Harvester Of Sorrow says:

    god, :cry:i remember her in PoA,she was so much pretty…it was in 2003 and it seems yesterday…i want to meet her again this summer,i hope that this time i will can talk to her,not ask just an autograph…i have 5-6 autographs… :smile:…

  29. Jorge Rosas Tiro says:

    Hola emma te estoy escribiendo para desearte un feliz cumplea

  30. Jorge Rosas Tiro says:

    Hola emma te estoy escribiendo para desearte un feliz cumplea

  31. Nish says:

    Today's my birthday!!

  32. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    My socks a-rock ever the more as the years go by and Emma grows into that wonderful person we all knew she would be. I'll hold my birthday wishes for the actual birthday. 😉

  33. poi says:

    she's a great gal,i really like her.. 🙂 have a nice time 😆

  34. TheOne says:

    @Jorge, the forum rules specify English as the language to be used here.

  35. Lidvine says:

    Happy birthday Nish!!!!! 😛

  36. ALIN says:

    Hope Emma will have a great BIRTHDAY AND I TINK THAT THIS ONE WILL BE SPECIAL AND I HOPE THAT IT EILL BE SPECIAL FOR ME 2 😉 SO HAPPY Birhtday Emma and have fun whit the family and the friends and fans who will be always beside u no matter what u will do in the future!!!! AND I HOPE SOME DAY I WILL COME TO LONDON AND MEET U COZ I WOULD LOVE IT!!!! SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN EMMA!!! 🙂

  37. Alin says:

    Hope Emma will have a great BIRTHDAY AND I TINK THAT THIS ONE WILL BE SPECIAL AND I HOPE THAT IT EILL BE SPECIAL FOR ME 2 SO HAPPY Birhtday Emma and have fun whit the family and the friends and fans who will be always beside u no matter what u will do in the future!!!! AND I HOPE SOME DAY I WILL COME TO LONDON AND MEET U COZ I WOULD LOVE IT!!!! SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN EMMA!!! 🙂 😉

  38. Emma C says:

    Wow, Emma is 18 already. It seems so long ago and in actual fact it was. I can't wait to do this project. I did the christmas one as well and was a little disappointed since we haven't heard anything back but Emma is porbably busy. I will do whatever i can to stay in touch with Emma. I hope one day i will meet her. The studios are only about 100miles from where i live!

  39. LuisCarvalho says:

    I got plenty of time to think on what I'll do for the photos =D Already told her about " turning 18 "

  40. ALIN says:

    It is great I say once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA AND U REMEMBER THAT THE FRIENDS THE FANS AND FAMILY ARE ALWAYS WHIT U AND THEY WILL SUPPORT U NO MATTER WHAT U WILL DO IN THE PAST…well good things u now lol 😛 So Happy Birthday Emma!!! hope mine will be like urs … because i know urs will be superrrrrr!!!! 😆

  41. ALIN says:

    Well Happy Birtday Emma .. and me 2 i'l hope some day i will meet u because i want to so much…i will move in London when i'l be more older i hope so …well the Studios and ur home are about 2000 km i tink so no pb 😆

  42. Kaytie says:

    I'm 18 in 3 days!! It's been a long time coming and I think that Emma probably thinks the same 😛

  43. andrew says:

    I'm already 18 :smile:.

  44. A.v says:

    Funny how everyone says their 18 all of a sudden eh?… 😛

  45. John says:

    I'm looking forward to this project!! it was a great idea by the staff of!! I think Emma is really going to appreciate this because it shows how strong her fan-base is and how diverse it is, as in there are fans from many countries around the world.

  46. holly says:

    damn… its been 8 years

  47. hoangha says:

    Oh my Gosh! This project's so great! i can't wait anymore. Always love Emma…

  48. Obi says:

    hehe , 18 nice age .. i guess it's the best B-day . what should i say for myself it was !!!

  49. emmalove says:

    hey guys!um,webmiss can I make pictures 1200 X 76 or like this?please I can't make 1200 X 1600 🙁 😥 what can I do?help mee… 😥

  50. hoangha says:

    I want to ask a question. Where do I write my story in? In winword or picture? Help me, pls