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About her favourite designers (2009):"If I have to go to a premiere I look for trendsetting designers like Balenciaga and Chanel. I love everything by William Tempest, a British designer. If I'm casual I shop at TopShop, Zara, Gap, Agnes B, Mix and Match."

Empire Awards: videos and pics // 12 March 2008

Hey Emma fans,

Here’s a short fan video of Emma signing autographs at the Empire Awards: click here to watch it. We know it’s not much, but hopefully we’ll get the footage of Emma presenting the Best British Film Award soon… If you happened to record the ceremony, feel free to send the video to! 🙂

Also, we’d like to thank the lovely musicnote from our boards for sending us the pictures she took at the Empire Awards. Aren’t they great? 😆

EDIT: a million thanks to Naveed for letting us know that the video of Emma presenting the Best British Film Award is available on YouTube – click here to watch it. (We’re still interested in any better version that you might have!)

EDIT: a download link to a high-quality version of the video of Emma presenting the award, courtesy of the amazing pyro13, here.

LAST EDIT: the BBC Jo Whiley’s Radio One show from Monday 10th featured a quite witty audio quote from an interview that Emma gave on the red carpet of the Empire Awards. When asked for the umpteeth time about this never ending rumour about Daniel and her dating, she just dismissed it by replying: “We’ve been handling the situation for 6 years now, where everyone’s been going ‘Oooh, are you and Dan together, are you and Dan together?’… I think it’s because it doesn’t happen in the books, everyone is SO desperate for it to happen in real life.” 😆  You can download the mp3 here. Just right-click and choose “Save Target As…”

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42 Responses to “Empire Awards: videos and pics // 12 March 2008”

  1. Haley says:

    If you go to google and click on the news section and type in Emma Watson, it keeps coming up with news stories that claim emma has confirmed she's dating someone named joel….anyone know anything about that?

  2. Neve says:

    To Haley. My advice: don't pay attention to what the tabloids say. It's a big waste of time.

  3. Lucy says:

    they showed all the empire awards on ITV2 over here…im sure theres a way you can get it on the pc…

  4. muggle_born says:

    VERY NICE pix from musicnote. THANX! 🙂

  5. A.v says:

    EM-Azing pics! 😛

  6. W.V.B says:

    very nice 🙂

  7. muggle_born says:

    HELP – can someone please let me know what software I should use to play these videos???? Nothing I have works.

  8. kenne says:

    I see the interest in fans wanting to know if Em is dating Dan. Compared to Rup, Dan is Orlando Bloom.

  9. muggle_born says:

    I like the idea of Dan & Emma together. I think they'd be an adorable couple. Maybe I'm just hearing what I want to hear and I don't know how the question was put to her, but does anyone else think she didn't really say NO??

  10. muggle_born says:

    Please ignore my question about playing the videos. Everything is fine. 😕

  11. Mione says:

    haha. Emma doesn't have to say "no". She's been saying "no" to rumors about her and Dan for years now. Besides, when she says "because it didn't happen in the books" (me and Dan won't get together on-screen), "everyone is SO desperate for it to happen in real life" (translates: me and Dan are NOT together in real life, other people just want it to happen). There's no need for her to deny it again and again. It's denyed on her official website, for goodness sake. In her entire quote, the key word is: "desperate". I LOL-ed hard on that one.

  12. summer says:

    I thought the key word was "EVERYONE" myself lol lol

  13. Mione says:

    haha well I don't blame her for using the word "everyone"…the media has never stopped hounding them about being romantically involved. So after being asked a million times, of course she'll say "everyone".

  14. Mione says:

    I just listened to the audio mp3 of that quote and the interviewer said this: "Hermione, from the Harry Potter films, Emma Watson was there sounding older than 17, to dismiss rumors that she's going out with Daniel Radcliffe" Emma is dismissing those rumors. Which means the rumors are not true.

  15. Miah says:

    Oh fudge! 😥 😡 The downloading link isn't working for me 🙁 Is it possible for anyone to repost it on sendspace? I'd be eternaly grateful! Thanks in advance!

  16. A.v says:

    I think the only one who can truly judge who she is dating, whats false and what is real, is Emma herself. Period.

  17. sarah says:

    Nice video!!! And its been years that pplkeep thinking emma and dan r together!! Its not true!! Ppl r really desperate to have them together for some reason! There r billions of h/hr shippers!! All my friends thought harry would marry hermione and they wished it to be true!! I wouldn't mind if harry and hermione got married but would really sa it wasn't ron and hermione…Ron and hermione forever!!! even emma is a r/hr shipper!!! I mind u there r lots of draco/hermione shippers aswell. I mean the draco fans would him to be married to hermione and the harry fans would want him being married to hermione. Its like they just want hermione which is a good thing…coz it means that everyone favourite potter girl is hermione aka emma!!! 😆

  18. liz bennet says:

    😛 :razz:yes!!hear it for our fave girls=hermione,emma! 🙂 🙂 i disagree wif one thing…emma/dan did go out-valentine's day-as friends-in fact they go out a lot…just catching up..s'times press gets pics,s'times they dun! 😕 😕 but even though i like hhr…it's cuz d/e look nice tog…it doesn't happen..

  19. Delia says:

    LMAO! XD Emma's response cracks me up. You gotta give it to those two. It's absolutely true. They *have* been handling the situation for years now, and quite obviously, they're now PROS at handling this particular question! Did you SEE what she just did there?? (You know, just like the two of them have always done?) SUBTLE EVASIONS! Hahaha!! And everyone eats it right up like they always have. I love it! Utter GENIUS. Tbh, those two don't *need* the whole world to know the truth about the depth of their relationship for them to carry on any way they bloody want either way! And even if they *are* dating, then good for them! They're probably having another good laugh over how they got away with it, YET AGAIN. :] But the point is that – whether or not they are – it's still nobody's business but theirs. And at the end of the day, it most certainly is *not* THE END OF THE WORLD. lol. 😆 you guys are awesome. thx for a good laugh!!!

  20. Delia says:

    LMAO! XD Emma's response cracks me up. You gotta give it to those two. It's absolutely true. They *have* been handling the situation for years now, and quite obviously, they're now PROS at handling this particular question! Did you SEE what she just did there?? (You know, just like the two of them have always done?) SUBTLE EVASIONS! Hahaha!! And everyone eats it right up like they always have. I love it! Utter GENIUS. Tbh, those two don't *need* the whole world to know the truth about the depth of their relationship for them to carry on any way they bloody want either way! And even if they *are* dating, then good for them! They're probably having another good laugh over how they got away with it, YET AGAIN. :] But the point is that – whether or not they are – it's still nobody's business but theirs. And at the end of the day, it most certainly is *not* THE END OF THE WORLD. lol. 😆 you guys are awesome. thx for a good laugh!!!

  21. Steve says:

    Classy, brief presentation. Is it just me, or is Emma like the prettiest girl in the entire world?

  22. andrew says:

    very nice indeed :razz:. Looks like a number of people went to the awards.

  23. caphoto says:

    I wish I could go to an event like that :] HBP should premiere in LA too! :]

  24. angie says:

    you can also watch a little bit of Emma at this vid: around 2:00min!!

  25. Jaana says:

    Hahahahaha, I loved Emma's response to that question! 😆 😆 She is so funny! :'D But it's true, you know. I think loads of people who support/have supported Harry/Hermione ship are desperate for them to happen in real life in the form of Emma and Dan, of course. But the truth is, it's none of our business! If they are together, that's fine, if not, that's fine as well. Who they choose to date is their own, private matter. 🙂

  26. Laura says:

    Coming from someone who was never a Draco/Hermione shipper but originally wanted Tom and Emma to end up dating, it's not always because people can't tell the difference between Dan/Emma and Harry/Hermione. A lot of times, like with me, people think they should be together because they have amazing chemistry together. After seeing PoA, I was positive they were dating because of their onscreen chemistry. So yes, sometimes it's because rabid H/Hr fans wants movie!Harry and Hermione to hook up, but sometimes the people who actually know that Harry and Dan and Emma and Hermione are two separate people just think that Dan and Emma should date.

  27. Katia says:

    Well said, Laura. 🙂 I think us D/E shippers are getting a lot of bad rep after Emma's remark. Contrary to popular belief, most of us can tell the difference between Dan/Emma and Harry/Hermione. I for, one, am a complete Ron/Hermione shipper in the books and movies. I just think Emma and Dan have amazing chemistry together, are totally devoted to each other, and truly care about each other. So, I'd rather see Emma with someone like Dan who cares about her than some random guy the tabloids pair her up with or somebody like Tom Ducker who cheats on her.

  28. Panz says:

    I am not a shipper, but I do like Dan and Emma too. I just think they're cute together.

  29. Cool4ever says:

    I prefer Emma with Rupert than Dan. I see her and Dan more like brother and sister. But honestly, it's not that serious. So what if Emma doesn't date Rupert and Dan? Does it really matter, at least to me. They are just BUDDIES! Love Emma's response cuz those words came from her. 🙂

  30. keresha says:

    :smile:I agree with Katia, although it is none of our business if they date or not, I think if there is someone who you have known for most of the time that you have know yourself and they are so devoted and caring for you like Daniel and Emma are truly for each other and they show it so often on and off the screen, I think it goes without saying that people would think they are together. Emma it would not be a bad thing if it were true, because you know each other very well and for a long time and it is better to be with someone like that rather than with someone who you know for a short time and then they defy you. So if its Dan that you really like and want to be with do not give him up for anyone or anything. Love is real and when you find it you can deny it from everyone else but not from yourself or the one you love.

  31. M 60 says:

    I've got a word for those who seem to have something against Rupert.You people should look in the mirror first.Most of you insult him for his looks saying he doesn't belong with Emma, but she doesn't seem to mind being seen with him.What's your problem? He also happens to be a better actor than Daniel, it's not his fault that he doesn't get that many lines in the movie.Many of you are incapable of writing legible comments. Telling you people to stop being so shallow would be a waste of my time.

  32. KS987 says:

    Haley, Emma wasn't with any guy at the Empire awards. There are pictures to prove that Emma only showed up and left with an aid from Warner Bros. Don't pay attention to the rags since they are lying. Anyway, Emma really didn't have to debunk the rumor about Dan.

  33. dook says:

    M 60,In the last 500 comments (I didn’t read back further) one person asked why Dan and Rupert didn’t attend the Empire awards, and one person said they prefer Emma with Rupert instead of Dan. Who is insulting Rupert? You however have insulted many of the people here. Don’t bother telling us how shallow we are, because you are blocked.

  34. Hermione says: 😕 am v sad…click above 2 c if it's true or not..i truly hope it's not..plspls.

  35. bother says:

    Get a life people.

  36. bother says:

    On a more serious note, I can recall a comment about a video where someone said that they would look bored too if they were with someone like rupert.cant remember exactly which one but emma was wearing a black and white something. they were discussing the hp movies. Just thought you people should know.i dont think this m60 character meant it in the way you took it. anyways be happy for everyone people.

  37. KS987 says:

    Hermione, that quote is false. Emma would NEVER tell the press about her private life, especially about some guy that, according to this false rumor, she had only known for three weeks. It is from the Mirror, which has faked rumors before. Emma wasn't even with any guy for that event. Look at all the Empire award pictures and you will see that not only is Emma alone at the party posing for pictures, but she arrived and left with an aid from Warner Bros(the woman you see in the pictures with Emma) with no guy in sight. If Emma wanted people to know she was dating someone, she would have announced it through her official site, not the tabloid press.

  38. KS987 says:

    Also, if she were to tell the world, then would have mentioned it, and congratulated her, since that particular info would no longer be "private" to Emma, wouldn't consider it "private" either. The fact that hasn't done that, and is telling you to simply ignore the tabloids, should tell you Emma said no such thing, and that, along with the rest of the story, is purely false. Just thought I would throw that scenario in there. 😛

  39. isha says:

    hey!!!!!!!!! its official With a more proper announcement expected tomorrow, the LA Times has broken the story that Warner Brothers and the producers of the Harry Potter franchise have decided to split the final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows into two movies!

  40. sweety says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 i think she has groen up

  41. Thriller 25th says:

    love the shoes

  42. Mikee says:

    😥 that's so meanie… the way she said it… well, she has her own life so we don't have any business there… but still 🙁