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About Hermione (2004): "I think Hermione uses this kind of act she has of being clever and knowing all the answers, it's kind of like a mask to mean that she doesn't really have to deal with anything. As far as she's concerned, there's always a logical answer that she can bring from a book. It's her way of dealing with everything."

EWO Update; DH two films // 14 March 2008

Hello again, everyone!

Just a tiny update to tell you all that in case you haven’t heard, Warner Bros. announced that the 7th and last Harry Potter film will be split into two parts. Released six months apart; first half November 2010, second half May of 2011.

Jo has updated Emma’s site with more information, so head on over there to check it out! 😉


[ Katy ]

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46 Responses to “EWO Update; DH two films // 14 March 2008”

  1. Christoph says:

    Well, I think it´s great that they split the DH. But I can´t guarantee that I can get any sleep in those 6 months. Well, maybe a bit 🙂 But after that the magic is over 🙁 But now I´m looking forward to HBP!!!

  2. Nimy says:

    I don't know if I like or not the idea that they will split DH… it will be 6 months of suspeance lol 😛 But it colul mean a very long movie 😆

  3. Chel says:

    I think it's just awesome that DH will be split into two! 😆

  4. kkaatttyyyyy says:

    omg that is the best thing that could have possibly happened in the world of harry potter besides jo deciding to write another book!!! yay 😀

  5. zara says:

    yea…i guess its ok..but its gonna be a pain to change the cds…when u'r wathin it on dvd…but at least everything from the book will be there 🙂

  6. daniel says:

    yeah, I heard it, I don't know what to think, I'm still in shock

  7. caphoto says:

    Aww… I was hoping it was going to be this epic long final movie for Harry Potter XD 6-ish months…

  8. andrew says:

    hmmmm, I basically wrote the same news on the forums about that. :smile:.

  9. anon says:

    splitting it into two films? Wow. what else could they do to worm in more money?

  10. Luis says:

    😕 I still dunno what to say, I mean, splitting HP7 into two parts is a good way to: a. Satisfay all fans demand (will they really do that?) b. Increase screen time for Emma and others (of course) c. Improve earnings for more than 1.5 billions bucks for one single-super movie (Maybe more!) But, I guess HP7 does not deserve to be directed by David Yates. Such a huge production like that deserves to be directed by someone who really has experience directing mega-movies, I dunno who, but not him for sure. Im afraid how HP6 is gonna be, I swear Im afraid, but hope is the last one to die… is not it? Way to go…

  11. Dan says:

    The last book is so complex I'm happy they will be treating it that way . The journey for Harry and Hermione is gruesome and difficult . Emma's part in the last book is very large much like POA . I can hardly wait to see Hermione's purse .

  12. Dan says:

    reminds me I think Alfonso Curan who did POA should have a chance at Directors job. It is much the same feeling as DH.

  13. mima says:

    heh, I emailed this bit of news to them but I guess I wasn't the only one… i was hoping to get my name mentioned as credit 😛

  14. sarah says:

    yeah i know bout this news!!! Im so happy!!! This means more harry potter and more emma!!! And also they would not cut anything!! tha means everything in the book will be in the film!!YAY! Hermione has a big role DH just like in PoA!! In HBP it's just bout her feeling for ron and how jealous she gets!! I cant wait for HBP!!!!

  15. Katy says:

    Sorry mima! I didn't have time to read e-mails today. I just saw EWO updated and updated this site from there. Thank you for e-mailing us though. 🙂 Hopefully next time you'll get credit!

  16. dook says:

    mima, for some reason your email went to our spam folder. I do regularly scan through the spam looking for good emails, but only maybe once a day.

  17. ALIN says:

    Yes it is great to see that HP7 will be split in 2 parts because after that we will say good bye to Harry Potter films and we will not see Emam on Harry Potter films either…maybe in book 8 … maybe J.K will write something about them but 'til then many years will pass and many things will happen..maybe new fils new projects for Emma and for the HP staff and actors….but yes it is a good idea!!! i will be enough older then to go and see Dan and Emma in London !!!!!! so it will be a dream and i hope will come true!!!! PS: DOOK PLS see if you got an e-mail from me because i writed to you something! 🙂 and thx for all all the satff here Katy Neve Dook all!!!!!! thx for all!!!! 😉

  18. James says:

    sorry but I hate the fact that it's going to be in 2 parts. I really hate it….. 😥

  19. !Federica! says:

    it must be so long that they heve to split it into 2 parts! great! 😕 😛

  20. muggle_born says:

    I don't like this decision. I think it's not about staying true to the book, but about Warner Bros squeezing every last dime out of Harry Potter. 😡

  21. Lindy says:

    😕 surprising to hear… two parts…. i guess i have to agree with it! =) but i will look forward to it!!!!!!! 🙂

  22. Dan says:

    Well can't please everyone I guess,geesh ! Look at it this way the part of Hermione is HUGE in DH . Not since POA will Emma have had a huge girl power leadership role . Hermione kicks butt in DH . Females in DH are kick butt I hope David Yates can see that does something with it . Emma could have her very best yet in DH . GO EMMA YOU ROCK !!

  23. Panzy says:

    I don't like 2 movies either. It costs almost $11 to see a movie where I live (NYC). I would rather see one 4-hour movie with an intermission about half-way thru.

  24. Nicole says:

    Hi Emma watson I'am a big fan to harry potter. can you talk rupert? said he , he is very good in harry potter, and you too. i Love you! Me name is nicole. i'am playing hermy granger lol. bye godd night!!

  25. Nicole says:

    Ps: I'am a german girl

  26. camila says:

    I think it's great!! I mean TWO MOVIES!!! wow to me that sounds liek an important production to me! and we get to see more EMMA!!! and who doesnt want to see more of the world's best actress? lol I'm soo xcited! 😛

  27. camila says:

    what's the website sent by Alice for? (just wondering)

  28. Ana says:

    david Heymam: "“Well, the final battle, but there’s so much. I love the character stuff. I love the resolution of Dumbledore and Snape. I love the multiple Harries at the beginning. I love the scene of Hermione trapped at the Malfoys’. I love Harry and Hermione in the forest. I think there’s so much, it’s such a rich fabric. What we’ve done now, which I think is really exciting, is that we’ve found thematic centres for each of the films. That gives the film heart. I think it’s pretty great that David Yates has crystalised it and…it’s early days still, so I’m not going to say too much. But I’m just thrilled that David Yates decided to come back, because he’s really found a new spirit for the sixth film and as we talk about seven, it’s very different as well. I think it’s going to be good.” Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One will be released Holiday (November) of 2010, with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two due May (early summer timeframe) 2011. "

  29. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    ^ you can vote if Emma's outfit at the Empire awards was a 'Hit' or a 'Miss', you just have to skip through a few of the pics to get to Emma's. Its #38

  30. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    ^ thats what the link to the website is for camila.

  31. Alice says:,,20183191_38,00.html sorry Emma in people!

  32. Lisa says:

    I cant believe that its going to be in two parts!!!!!!!!! now I have to wait to see the movie(s). And it is 6 months apart!!!!!!! That makes me mad. the movie is so highly anticipated anyway!!!! 😆

  33. mima says:

    No problem, dook and Katy! this will just give me incentive to be the first one to report news as soon as i see it next time! 😀

  34. Lisa says:

    I'm not all that excited that it will be split into two movies, but instead of leaving stuff out all of it is going to be there!!!! YAH 😆

  35. Lisa says:

    I really hope they have everything in the movie!!! 🙂 🙂

  36. frederique says:

    well… at least well have a more complete version of the book in the movie. But i dont think it's a good idea. Anyways, they have some time to change thier mind, nope?

  37. KS987 says:

    Cool news!!

  38. asdf says:

    think theyr'e tyring to make too much moeny… tut tut

  39. Annepoes says:

    Hope they won't stop it in a rely exiting bit… you know… having to wait to see what happens… A 🙂 😉 😛 😆

  40. Annepoes IAgain) says:

    Might not even get any sleep… 😉 for 6 months… :woried: A

  41. zara says:

    That actually is good because that means they can fit more detail into the film istead of leaving things out! YAY!

  42. KS987 says:

    Yep, more screentime for Emma is a good thing.

  43. EmmasgreatFAN says:

    :smile:I think its a great idea if the actors are agreeing to it also. I've heard alot of people on youtube or websites that the books are better and the movies always take out things which is alittle annoying. I perfer the movies because it gets to the point and shows the cool and funny stuff. Now that the final is gonna show everything, I'm just curious to why some don't like the idea of two. It'll show lots of things you should be happy plus everythings important and it'll give us chills when it goes to be continued, its a great feeling.

  44. capt_jacksgirl says:

    YAY!!!!!!! i hope they get as much stuff in the last movie(#7) as possible. i don't think they did a great job on the 5th one…they left soooo much out! i was kinda bummed..Emma looks beautiful in all her pictures though! she's really growing up! i like her long hair in the photo…she's chosen some really pretty dresses the past few times she's been to formal places.. oh! and Thanks Katy for putting that info on here! i would have never known! thanks again!