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About fame (2007): Fame happened when I was so young but I don't find it difficult to have a nice ordinary life. People who try to hide from fame can make it go completely the wrong way. All those huge designer shades make them look like bugs. And walking around with bodyguards draws more attention to you. I think the best way to live is to try and live as normal as possible."

Emma Makes top 50 list // 18 March 2008


Thanks to Jo via EmmaWatsonOfficial for letting us know that Emma made the top 50 Actresses under the age of 27 list.

Go Emma! 😆


Thanks very much to Ki^ from our forums for posting these two scans with the very first picture of Emma as Hermione in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! 😆  

[ Katy ]

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58 Responses to “Emma Makes top 50 list // 18 March 2008”

  1. KS987 says:

    Wonderful news!!! 🙂 Emma is one another list. Her popularity continues to grow.

  2. btram says:

    First!!! Great news. Go Emma. 😆

  3. btram says:

    Sorry. 2nd place. 😛

  4. KS987 says:

    hehe it isn't a race now. 😆 But go Emma indeed.

  5. Kristi says:

    Yay!!!! HBP promotional pictures, finally!!!! It seems Hermione's hair is blonder, than again it could be the lighting. Thanks for posting them!!! 🙂

  6. cha says:

    i love her hair

  7. andrew says:

    congratulations Emma

  8. Rachel says:

    omg I can`t wait for the sixth movie. Emma looks the same as always though. 😛

  9. Rachel says:

    Btw her hair does look alot more poofy! 😉 ha ha

  10. Kenne says:

    😆 Rup got a haircut..he don't look happy about it tho. 😥

  11. Chel says:

    Yay! Finally some pictures :lol:.

  12. KS987 says:

    Emma looks gorgeous as usual. Her hair looks a lot more curly.

  13. KS987 says:

    I wonder when the next set of lovely fan art will be posted? I missed seeing all of those wonderful artworks.

  14. Luis says:

    😉 Thats the pic Ive been waiting for. When will you begin a magical countdown clock? 🙂

  15. bvghjk says:

    omg her hair is still blonde 😥 she needs to dye it brown to be like hermiones

  16. ~Roni~ says:

    Yay for Hermione's curly hair, NOT YAY AT ALL at the fact that it's still blonde. 😡

  17. sarah says:

    congrats emma!!! 🙂 Yay finally HBP pics!! Emma looks great! the 3 of them look the same as in OotP…only dan's hair is longer! And emma's hair is not blonde its brown…probably the light makes her hair look lighter but it's definatly brown! And the good thing is its really curly which is good.

  18. Elizabeth Darcy says:

    :wink:weeehhhhh….so happy to c a new hbp pic!i was dancing ard till i got breathless!mione's lovely..nice shorter hair than ootp,blonde a little? 😕 but curly..shame..mione or emma looks nice wif straight hair!..oohh…dan-his look-nearly made me faint…a million thoughts went thru my head!! 😛 good job em..she gets more popular every yr! 😆

  19. Clodagh says:

    woo hoo! FINALLY! Ive been waitin 4 that first pic 4 soooooooo long! Thanks 2 whoever snt it in!!! 🙂 🙂 😛

  20. Hannah says:

    UGGHHH!!! I don't blame Emma for this at all, but what is wrong with the movie people? Why can't they make Hermione's hair brown? It's really annoying 😡

  21. emma says:

    Yeah-Hannah i was just about to say that aswell! Why the hell can't they make Hermione's hair brown- it looks a million times better, and im sure hermione wouldnt bleach her hair blonde 😡

  22. anonymous says:

    Personally I like it either way: blonde or brown. 🙂 GO EMMA!!!! 😆

  23. Annabelle says:

    Just once I would like to see a Harry Potter movie where Hermione isn't blonde.

  24. Stella says:

    NOooo Rons hair…where is it gone to?? I'm gonna cry cry cry emma is gorgeous though

  25. Dan says:

    HBP is far from my favorite book .Emma is my favorite gal though hands down . Emma wont have a huge part in the movie (dangit ) cus Hermione doesnt have a huge part in the book ( grrrrrrr ) . NOW DH is different its big time Hermione gritty girl power . Awesome Emma power,woop woop

  26. muggle_born says:

    Whenever we see the first pictures of the trio for the next HP film, we always get complaints about Emma's hair color. For goodness sakes, Harry is supposed to have BLACK HAIR and GREEN EYES, but we never hear people complain about Dan Radcliffe's dark brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Emma's hair color DOES NOT MATTER!!!!! 😡 😡 😡

  27. Lisa says:

    Congrats Emma!! 🙂 The picture of HBP is Awesome!!! Love yall.

  28. Lauren says:

    I think it might be the lighting though, cause her hair is currently brown and as she is still filming and I fin it very unlikey her hair will change colour half way through

  29. frederique says:

    hope to see HQ pics from HBP soon!

  30. mahy says:

    oh god what is wrong with u people? so now her hair is a problem i think as fans of emma we would just love to see her as hermione wether it was blonde or brown and she looks great in both 😕

  31. KS987 says:

    It doesn't matter what kind of hair she has. As long as she gives a great performance, which I have felt all of them were wonderful, that is all that matters to me. She LOOKS like her character has always looked in the film anyway.

  32. lauren says:

    she's said that her hair is very fine and bleaches easily in the sun. her hair is brown, but on set the lighting is so severe, it looks lighter.

  33. YodatheHobbit says:

    Emma's hair IS brown. Under that lighting it looks nearly the same shade as Rupert's. Never in the movies has it been blond.

  34. KS987 says:

    Exactly YodatheHobbit. Emma's hair has always been brown for the films, and it is the lighting that makes it appear differently.

  35. KS987 says:

    I wonder what list Emma will make next?

  36. sarah says:

    Exactly emma's hair is BROWN!!! Not BLONDE!! blonde is really light and how could emma's hair be blonde. Anyway it's always been brown in the films. Its the lightning as every one says!!

  37. LPDE says:

    She always looks beautiful ! 🙂 🙂

  38. LPDE says:

    Yes exactly, It doesn't matter what kind of color hair Emma has Just look her beauty and soft actions I'd like to watch her movie now!! 😆

  39. LPDE says:

    I don't know why you're interested in hair's color of Emma Is it important to watching movie? I don't think so…! 🙁

  40. mada says:

    i miss hermiones hair from the first 2 films 🙁 😆 but i am really happy about the realise of this pic 🙂 i hope there will be more soon……can't wait for the HBP film she will be so pretty(as allways) 🙂

  41. BILLY says:


  42. emma says:

    Yeah i agree the colour of her hair doesn't affect the film or how Hermione is portrayed..i just think the hermoines dark bushy hair was always the thing standing out on hermione's appearence in the Harry Potter series, so i fink it shld have stayed brown 🙁

  43. emma says:

    And to the people that said emma's hair was never blonde and its the lighting is falsely misunderstood. Emma's hair was blonde all through the OOTP and Ballet Shoes etc.. and its not the lighting, its blonde!!

  44. KS987 says:

    Interesting: Look closely and you will see why I posted this.

  45. Whodunit says:

    LOL. All about Emma's hair color now and so much back & forth. I wish it would be darker brown & longer (but still a smooth curly/wavy) for HBP but oh well. I think instead of speculating on that one picture, it will be clearer to us what her hair color really is when we get more photos & see the movie. I still wish they had dyed Dan's hair black & given him green contact lenses… that combination would've been more true to the story and HOT!!

  46. Whodunit says:

    LOL. All about Emma's hair color now and so much back & forth. I wish it would be darker brown & longer (but still a smooth curly/wavy) for HBP but oh well. I think instead of speculating on that one picture, it will be clearer to us what her hair color really is when we get more photos & see the movie. I still wish they had dyed Dan's hair black & given him green contact lenses… that combination would've been more true to the story and HOT!!

  47. Whodunit says:

    LOL. All about Emma's hair color now and so much back & forth. I wish it would be darker brown & longer (but still a smooth curly/wavy) for HBP but oh well. I think instead of speculating on that one picture, it will be clearer to us what her hair color really is when we get more photos & see the movie. I still wish they had dyed Dan's hair black & given him green contact lenses… that combination would've been more true to the story and HOT!!

  48. KS987 says:

    Whodunit, you only had to post that once lol. 😆

  49. Hannah says:

    KS987 haha it would be great if emma was a princess peach character lol