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Emma Makes top 50 list // 18 March 2008


Thanks to Jo via EmmaWatsonOfficial for letting us know that Emma made the top 50 Actresses under the age of 27 list.

Go Emma! 😆


Thanks very much to Ki^ from our forums for posting these two scans with the very first picture of Emma as Hermione in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! 😆  

[ Katy ]

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58 Responses to “Emma Makes top 50 list // 18 March 2008”

  1. A says:

    they have done her hair great 😀 she looks quite young though lol

  2. Durkha Durkha says:

    wong hair colour though 🙁

  3. KS987 says:

    I wasn't even trying to find that link. Just stumbled upon it during a search lol. But Emma has a good lead ahead of the other actresses. Some are even incredibly popular.

  4. Whodunit says:

    oops! sorry. I was posting it through my mobile… weird tech difficulties… Thanks for sharing the link. It was fun to view. I love Emma, but I was they would stop giving her that helmet-head comb-over… :/ And who is that creepy guy in the top hat Is that Nigel? 😕

  5. Inder says:

    I love emma watson

  6. lazarovski says:

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