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Figurines and scans // 24 March 2008

Our friends at UHP found images of the new Neca “Order of the Phoenix” figurines that will be available in May. You can see them in their gallery. The Hermione figure sort of looks like Emma. 😛

Emma appeared on the cover of the Norwegian Topp magazine. Inside is a fashion guide article featuring the Parade magazine photo shoot. Thanks to Joanna for sending them in.

We also have a page from Look magazine with Emma at the Empire Awards. They liked her dress but they weren’t too fond of her bracelet. Thanks to Sinead for the tip.

Comments closed for this item.

61 Responses to “Figurines and scans // 24 March 2008”

  1. Foxxy says:

    Awesome news, thanks! 🙂

  2. KS987 says:

    Thanks for the news

  3. Marie-Jo says:

    3rd, nice scans, Emma's dress is very beautiful!!! 😛

  4. Marie-Jo says:

    By the way, the scans don't work… it says "the page cannot be found"… 😥 why?

  5. Sinead~ says:

    Just to let you know, I posted the news about Look magazine on the forums, and Abz provided a scan. 🙂 I love those Parade photos. <3

  6. Foxxy says:

    Forums are still down… 🙁

  7. Sinead~ says:

    Yeah, is there any news on that, or are we just waiting it out? What is an IPS anyways?

  8. EmmaWatsonfan4life says:

    I didn't really liked the bracelet too but she is WAY better dressed than the other women!

  9. Foxxy says:

    IPS – Independent Postal Service 🙂

  10. KS987 says:

    Sinead, I think we are just waiting it out. If there is anything major going on, will let us know.

  11. Foxxy says:

    You're welcome… 😉

  12. Susan says:

    Actually, they are right about the bracelet. It doesn't go with the dress, or the shoes, for that matter. Dress looks fine, though. 🙂

  13. mollywobbles23 says:

    Why does this happen? I'd really like an explantion from syhr or someone about why this happens so often. I think maybe the server just gets overloaded and crashes, but I don't know.

  14. dook says:

    Sinead, thanks for letting us know. I forgot who it was that posted about it. The Look image is not a scan though, it is from the site.Marie-Jo, all the scans work for me. Try again in a little while.IPS stands for Invision Power Services, the company that makes the forum software.

  15. Sinead says:

    Oh it's no problem. Yeah, I didn't really know what to call it- don't you think it's odd they put their whole magazine online? I mean, surely that decreases their sales. And thanks, Invision Power Services are really annoying 😛

  16. dook says:

    It’s not the whole magazine. Just selected pages. There were I think 12 pages on the preview, out of over 100 pages. They probably lose more sales to people who read the magazine in the checkout line.

  17. KS987 says:

    dook, do you know when the next issue of Watson Weekly comes out?

  18. kay333 says:

    today my comment is italian:mamma mia che bona emma!!!!ma poi quelle calze!!

  19. frederique says:

    there are so many new tips!! You havent post that much!

  20. Alex says:

    too bad the one magazine is in norweigen…my family is norweigen but i don't know how to speak it…i guess i should learn huh? 😉

  21. Oluska. says:

    wow, nice scans. Emma look like very good ;D

  22. andrew says:

    what can I say? Emma looks beautiful as always.

  23. KS987 says:

    Emma rocks in this photoshoot. Love her poses, and I LOVE her facial expressions. 🙂

  24. Superwolfboy2 says:

    and she has the best sexy shoes of all the girl featured on the page

  25. sarah says:

    Thanks for the news!! Omg i saw that hermione action figure on sale!! I think i mught buy it but it's to expensive….but who cares!

  26. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    About those pics: My God! I agree with KS. 🙂

  27. Anabelle says:

    Is it true that Emma speaks French, German AND Spanish? XXX Anabelle

  28. nowayz says:

    no, she speaks english and a little bit of french/latin.

  29. sarah ( france) says: new pics of emma on it… bye 😉

  30. KS987 says:

    sarah, we have seen those pictures before. Thanks for letting us know though. 🙂

  31. Taras says:

    Hi guys, if you want to see some beautiful old-new pictures of Emma, just go to her official website, they have updated it with some of her pictures from last NMA. enjoy it 😉

  32. mollywobbles23 says:

    Can we please get some word from a forum admin about when the forums may possibly be back up? It's been about three days. Thanks. 🙂

  33. Taras says:

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Jeah, I'm pleased with myself 😛

  34. Sinead says:

    Taras, thank you for the tip- great pics. 🙂

  35. Mr. Watson says:

    Nice update, emma looks very beautiful.

  36. KS987 says:

    Thanks Taras. molly, when the moderating team has everything squared away, they will let everyone know, I am sure. Just be patient.

  37. Skye says:

    Awesome scans! There lovely. I find nothing wrong with the bracelet but they have a point. It doesn't go with the dress..other then that Emma looks wonderful 😆

  38. i love emma! says:

    Hi!I'm french, but i love Emma Watson!!!

  39. Dax says:

    So the forums died again eh lol, nice pictures 🙂

  40. syhr says:

    Just to let you know that I haven't got a clue what's wrong with the forums. No one tells me anything anymore; I haven't got any access to the server to sort it out and I have no way of contacting our host to get them to fix it. So sorry, it's Sue's problem to sort.

  41. Mayrim says:

    The forums are always down 🙁

  42. Dax says:

    I heard invision was hacked on the 22nd but I don't think that'd cause us any problems now. For that matter I heard quite a few sites got hacked on 22nd O.O Any who sorry if this constitutes spam, Emma <3 😛

  43. Pili says:

    what happened to the forums? 😥

  44. KS987 says:

    I loved those pics on EWO. Emma has the most lovely smile. That was a great event, and I was excited that she won the award. She deserved it. 🙂

  45. andrew says:

    to syrh: Have the forums been hacked again??

  46. Monarch says:

    Guys, I mixed one little track with Emma's voice. It's not quit seriously, but not too bad I think. If you want to judge me you can download it through that link – And what about news, that bracelet remind me Avril Lavigne. Don't know whether it good or not, but I like it.

  47. andrew says:

    the pictures in the UHP gallery look kinda crappy.

  48. Dax says:

    Just to clarify I'm not saying the EW forums got hacked O.O, and to clarify what I said earlier now that I know, it was invisionfree that got hacked. Any who I miss the EW forums =(

  49. unun says:

    emma is very beautiful