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About being a fan of the books (2005): "I was a huge fan before I even started being in these films and I would be upset if we made a film that didn't do the book justice."

Emma’s Video Birthday Message and Project // 17 April 2008

I think most of you know by now that Emma had a great birthday surprise for her fans. She was filming on her birthday, but she took some time during breakfast to video a thank you message to all her fans. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should definitely go check it out on her site,

We have an online version of the birthday project now. To make it download friendly, some pages were removed and graphics were compressed, but all the fan stories and messages are included. Click on the thumb to download in Acrobat format. Thank you to everyone who sent in their birthday wishes, pictures and stories.

[ dook ]

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54 Responses to “Emma’s Video Birthday Message and Project // 17 April 2008”

  1. Gabs says:

    Awesooome! guys its really cool, we love Emma and we can see that in that gift!! cant' wait for her next birthday!! thanks for beings an awesome webpage!!! 🙂

  2. HP princess /ew / hg says:


  3. HP princess /ew / hg says:

    gr8 thnx ^_^

  4. kenne says:

    Did any1 notice that the first premiere listed in this project was dated 4 November 2000 AND NOT 2001??? Is ANYONE proofreading this for errors???

  5. Katy says:

    Kenne, there is no need to be disrespectful. We all make mistakes. We noticed the error and it's corrected in the copy that was sent to Emma.

  6. Dax says:

    It looks absolutely amazing 🙂

  7. ALIN says:

    OMG very very great OMG!!!! Thx for all Dook!It was so good from you it was great because you are a friends here to many of us Emma's Fans and It was great to see that I could say just a wish to Emma thank you very much !!!!!! You are THE BEST OF THE BEST AND ALL THE STAFF HERE WHO READ WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY!!!!!!!! THX FOR ALL EMMAWATSON.NET!!!!!!!! YUPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! 😆 😉

  8. eLLa says:

    😆 😆 greeatt!!!

  9. KS987 says:

    Cool. I saw my entry. 🙂

  10. eLLa says:

    I saw my Name too..and my birthday wish for Emma…: 😆

  11. Kenne says:

    Katy, you're great..but.. missing an error like that is disrespectful. And then to publish the uncorrected copy to the fans!!! You have any idea how that makes your team look?

  12. Katy says:

    Kenne, I’m so sorry I’m not perfect like you. We didn’t upload the bad one on purpose; the correct version will be up ASAP.I apologize for the mistake, everyone. As I said, it wasn’t uploaded on purpose and the correct version will be up ASAP. 🙂

  13. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    Clam dowm Kenne. Its hardly a huge deal.

  14. AshleyLovesEmma says:


  15. Emily says:

    my message was features next year im going to get all my friends to holdup ahuge banner

  16. Emily says:

    APPARENTLY EMMA GOT FOR HER 18TH REIGN OVER HER MILLION POUND FORTUNE I GOT AN ARTICLE HERE. "Harry Potter" star Emma Watson received an expensive birthday present on her 18th birthday — she gains access to her huge $20 million fortune. The British star has been given complete reign over the money she has earned through appearing in all five of the "Harry Potter" films. Although Watson, who turned 18 on Monday, is in control of her millions for the first time, the star's money management skills are under intense scrutiny by a team of financial advisors, according to Britain's Daily Mail newspaper. In a deal with England's royal bank Coutts, who also look after her co-star Daniel Radcliffe's fortune, the actress is required to make low-risk, high-interest investments and attend courses on how to be a responsible millionaire. The star, who is currently working on the franchise's latest outing "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," is paid $5 million for her role as the schoolgirl wizard

  17. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    I can't seem to find my entry. 😥 Maybe I haven't looked hard enough. If it's not there, there's always next year, I guess. 🙁

  18. sarah says:

    WoW!! Its soo good!!! Thanks!!! I saw my entry!! I wonder if Emma read it yet!! 🙂

  19. Hoang Ha says:

    Thanks all staff of This project's so great………………………………… ………

  20. Misha says:

    Kenne, stop sulking, you’re like one of those people who makes something out of nothing. I don’t care; I’m sure very few would. Look at the big picture. Will this super-offensive, human mistake affect your life in any way? Are you now poverty stricken because someone wrote 2000 in stead of 2001? In truth, you’ll probably have forgotten about it by next week, unless you plan on adamantly brooding over it… So grow up, chill out and lay off. In my opinion, Katy, you shouldn’t be apologising for anything. Now that I’m done ranting, YEEEEY for Emma’s present 😀 I’m glad she had a good day :-D. Misha xx

  21. f.E.W. says:

    Soo good!

  22. Luis says:

    Very nice job ew-net, I really appreciate what you have done, I also saw my entry 🙂

  23. muggle_born says:

    A really AWESOME job with the birthday project dook!!!!! THANX for the download!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  24. Sumzzz says:

    its not opening!! 😥 we just have to click it right??

  25. Danielle says:

    The link isnt working for me either:( x

  26. dook says:

    Sumzzz, Danielle, if you mean the project, you need to have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Then just clicking the link should open it up.

  27. Sumzzz says:

    yea thanks i got it!! and the pic thingi made is thr!! woho0o0o!! 🙂 (its tht girl to woman one) but my msg isnt…but who cares! thanks for putting my pic in!!! luv u guys and luv emma xxx 😆

  28. dook says:

    You’re welcome Sumzzz. The picture is the only thing we got from you. I’m sorry if your message didn’t make it. We did include all messages that we received that were not innapropriate, or were more than just someone’s email.

  29. KS987 says:

    I would believe that birthday present story more if it wasn't from the Faily Fail, a paper which knows absolutely nothing about Emma and makes up false information. It sounds realistic, but it needs a better source before I am convinced. If it is true, then good for Emma and it is good news that she is using her money wisely.

  30. Emanuel says:

    I hope that Emma has had a very very happy birthday with all of her family and friends and I want to thank you Emma so much for taking your time to record a video to your fans. Once again she demonstrates her gratefulness with her fans which encourages to us to continue supporting her, every time more and more, in everything what she does. I love you so much Emma, you're a great person… 😉 Bye!!

  31. Gordie says:

    What a sweetheart! I think she has to be about the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Wow.

  32. wafa says:

    WOW!!I'm still loading the project and i havent seen all the pages but it sounds pretty cool from all your comments. I think the site staff did an awesome job on this project. I'm kinda new on this fansite so the only staff member ive seen is dook so GOOD JOB DOOK!! the project totally rox! 🙂

  33. wafa says:

    ughh oh no my message came twice srry pplz!! 😕 well neways im still loading it…ITS SO COOL THAT EMMA ACTUALLY SAW ALL THE COMMENTS/BIRTHDAY WISHES!! THAT IS SOOO GREAT!! i have to see if my birthday wish went thu or not!!thnx for spending ur time making the video,emma!!! 🙂

  34. Lindy says:

    Woww!!! It's amazing!!! 🙂

  35. Sumzzz says:

    lol dook trust me my msg wasnt inappropriate 😛 no i think u guys prolly just didnt recieve it… oh yea em's vid was rly nice 🙂

  36. W.V.B says:

    very cool, thank you 🙂 I found my entry´s.

  37. Michelle says:

    WOW Emma's birthday project looks amazing!!! 🙂

  38. LuisCarvalho says:

    Weeeeee my entry is there 😀

  39. Ceci♥ says:

    That video is sooooo cute! Emma is so sweet! ♥♥♥

  40. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Yeah, Dook. Like Sumzzz's, my message wasn't inappropriate and it didn't have an e-mail address. :/

  41. minoska says:

    awesome guys! thanks very much to all the staffers.. great job! i was so excited to see my entry.. thanks very much again 🙂 🙂

  42. Mia says:

    Amazing project, fans 😉

  43. andrew says:

    I've read the project and the comments written from the fans. It was kind of strange to find my own handwriting on that project :lol:.

  44. KS987 says:

    It stinks your messages didn't get in EmmaRocksSocks and Sumzzz. 🙁 Maybe next year, or when the Christmas project comes out.

  45. pauleen says:

    I love it!! by the way, have you already sent it to Emma?

  46. frederique says:

    thats so cool that she takes the time to send us a vid!

  47. dook says:

    EmmaRocksSocks, if you send us an email, I will look for it, but everything I could include is in there I’m sure.

  48. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    To be honest, I can't really remember exactly what I wrote. It wasn't inappropriate; that I know. I'll e-mail you if I can't find it. I'm having another search soon 😉

  49. Emma C says:

    Hey, just wondering…did all messages get put in because i read it through quite a few times and i can't see mine 🙁

  50. dook says:

    Emma C,There were some messages with rude comments, some that just asked for email or gave theirs, things like that that didn’t go in. All others that we received were put in. I think you’ll find yours on the 87th page, in the left column.