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About fame (2007): "When the first film was released, someone asked me to sign a book and I remember thinking "How weird - why on earth would anyone want my name in the front of a book?". The second and third film were when it really started to go wild. By the fourth it was mad."

Watson Weekly Issue 16 // 28 April 2008

At long last it’s time for a new issue of Watson Weekly. We are making some changes to WW starting with this issue. Fan art and music videos have been regular features in WW, but we would like to start including more articles contributed by fans. In this issue we have several articles received over the past few months; a Ballet Shoes review, a look back at Emma’s life over the years in Remember Emma, and a fan story about Emma at the Oxford Christmas Lights event. Neve also tells us about her trip to the Vanity Fair exhibit, and Amy talks about the making of WW, and how you can contribute.

There will be even more changes for the next issue which we hope you will like. For those who would like to contribute articles for WW, I will post some guidelines soon. If you wish to design your own pages, please wait until I have done that.

Have a nice day!

Comments closed for this item.

67 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 16 // 28 April 2008”

  1. andrew says:

    Probably an interview from Emma Watson :smile:.

  2. mollywobbles23 says:

    So…any word on when the forum will be back up?

  3. dook says:

    Andrew, no it’s not an interview with Emma. I didn’t say a surprise, I said changes.molly, no, I’ve heard nothing.

  4. OT: says:

    Sorry but are the forums down? I haven't been able to acces them for 3 days now. 🙁

  5. dook says:

    OT: yes, the forums have been down for a few days now. We’re all waiting for them to come back.

  6. KS987 says:

    I hope we get some news soon about the forums

  7. Danielle says:

    🙂 EWO has updated about Napolean and Betsy :wink:. I won't say too much but check it out! Dan x

  8. whatever says:

    KS987 – Why? You're banned, so why do you care so much? :/

  9. charMed says:

    I thought this issue will contain the winner for Emma's video contest. You know, the one with we have to make Hermione or Pauline's video? But I can't seem to find the announcement of the winners. 😕

  10. dook says:

    charmed, We always planned on having the contest winners in the WW after this issue, and that is still the plan. We didn’t expect this issue to be so late.

  11. Marta says:


  12. Lindy says:

    I luv this Watson Weekly. BALLET SHOES!!!!! 🙂

  13. charMed says:

    dook Thanks for the info. I'll wait for the next issue. Lovely WW, by the way. XD

  14. honey_brit says:

    OMG emma has lost so much weight!! i had so much hope in her not to become another one of these celebs who fall for all this skinny-size0-trap..but here we see she bends to the pressure,just like all the others eventually do.

  15. dook says:

    😕 She hasn't lost a lot of weight.

  16. KS987 says:

    She hasn't lost a lot of weight.