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Watson Weekly Issue 16 // 28 April 2008

At long last it’s time for a new issue of Watson Weekly. We are making some changes to WW starting with this issue. Fan art and music videos have been regular features in WW, but we would like to start including more articles contributed by fans. In this issue we have several articles received over the past few months; a Ballet Shoes review, a look back at Emma’s life over the years in Remember Emma, and a fan story about Emma at the Oxford Christmas Lights event. Neve also tells us about her trip to the Vanity Fair exhibit, and Amy talks about the making of WW, and how you can contribute.

There will be even more changes for the next issue which we hope you will like. For those who would like to contribute articles for WW, I will post some guidelines soon. If you wish to design your own pages, please wait until I have done that.

Have a nice day!

Comments closed for this item.

67 Responses to “Watson Weekly Issue 16 // 28 April 2008”

  1. andrew says:

    The Watson Weekly is great. I enjoyed looking at the fan art and some of the interviews from Ballet Shoes :lol:.

  2. andrew says:

    andrea, I beat you now: looks like I'm first, whooho :lol:.

  3. Lily says:

    Aw cool

  4. Chris says:

    Great WW. Loved the videos. The first one was my favourite because it has some clips in that I haven't seen before. Well done to all three. And everyone else that contributed. 🙂

  5. Jade says:

    It's awsome thank you! And how come it wont let me onto the forums? Have they gone down again? It hasn't let me on since yesterday.

  6. ALIN says:

    Well I will send the videos made by me and some fan art and music videos of course. All will be awesome and I will be happy to see them there! 😉

  7. Maki* says:

    waaaats up with the forums? down AGAIN? 🙁

  8. muggle_born says:

    Another GREAT job with WW guys!!! I wish I was the creative type. I'd love to contribute to WW, but it's just not in me. 🙁 🙁

  9. Cathy says:

    er…i am new with this…..dook can u tell me more about WW…….?thanx

  10. dook says:

    Cathy, Watson Weekly is an online magazine we put together about Emma and other topics. You can see all the past issues at

  11. KS987 says:

    It is also the best magazine(online or other) out there. Fun and interesting to read without the rubbish gossip of other mags. 😆

  12. ALIN says:

    Yes…. I will send a story about how much i like and for how time i like so much Emma and I am obsessed by her and HP… and I will send some drawings and hope some new music to Amy and random staff and videos of course with Emma. I will try my best this time 🙂 😉 .

  13. ALIN!!!!!!!!!! says:

    KS987 PLease e-mail me about that job on a Emma site and more staff we must and I would ask you because I see you are a great fan 🙂

  14. Cathy says:

    thanx dook i would be glad to check WW sounds great …thanx again….

  15. anon says:

    it's great that there's a new WW, but really, the forums being down twice in as many days?

  16. KS987 says:

    The forums lack discipline. *slaps forums* 😛

  17. anon says:

    again, you prove several people's points: why do you feel the unquenchable hunger to have some 'witty' comment on everything anyone says?

  18. lala16... says:

    The WW is good! But im sorry, 'Remember Emma'?!? Shes not dead !!

  19. chris87 says:

    🙂 😛 Hi everybody, I like this issue it's really good !! 😉 The two first videos were my favourite clearly and I love the song of the first one PS sorry for the mistakes I'm French ^^

  20. frederique says:

    wowo!! the vids are amazing!! it's crazy! you guys rock really. 😆

  21. dook says:

    lala, no one is suggesting Emma is dead. Not everyone’s first language is English. The phrase might sound a bit strange to you, but I’m sure you knew what was meant.

  22. Luis says:

    Anon, let him to comment whatever he wants. You´re not the right person to stop him. If dook or anyone else (from staff) sees that there is no problem with his comments, we have no right to stop him 😕 If he starts doing something against the rules, surely dook will stop him, not us. 🙂 BTW, long time no see WW 😛 it was really cool seeing those videos, thanks for sharing 😉

  23. jenny says:

    i love this issue so much! i have one minor problem. it hasn't been weekly in a really, really long time. i know the alliteration is nice and all, but does it bother anyone else that a magazine with that name isn't produced weekly? perhaps it's time to change the name? i think the level of detail is definitely indicative of how much work goes into it (hence, it's not weekly). i don't mean to be harsh or anything…it just always irks me a little.

  24. jenny says:

    the "almost" is a cute touch, though. i dunno.

  25. ami says:

    :smile:I am really glad that another edition of ww has come out and being a huge fan i would just wanna wish best of luck to emma and to the whole staff who r doing a wonderful job maintaining this site . Awesome

  26. KS987 says:

    Well, thanks for another issue of Watson Weekley. Although it isn't exactly weekly, the effort put into the magazine makes it worth the wait. 🙂

  27. Katy says:

    jenny, we have discussed changing the name before. But we all decided we still like the name Watson Weekly, and decided to re-name it Watson Weekly Almost. 😛 So, it's named Watson Weekly, but yet not.

  28. Amy says:

    ALIN, New music is more than welcomed! My iPod has been updated with anything but new groups. Announcement! Amy's iPod has reached 13GB, lol'

  29. Dimethylmercury says:

    Yay!(: New issue of WW. have one comment though. There are some spelling errors in the "Remember Emma" section. Half-BLOOD Prince, and the 'coming's. Yep. But great job overall. I especially liked the Ballet Shoes review(:

  30. hermione jean says:

    am so happy to see WW again.. 😆 :lol:thanks and needless to say all emma stuff is wonderful! 🙂

  31. Ali says:

    sorry, i tryed to send you a video but it didn't work so don't be suprised if you get some e-mail of me without video in it

  32. helena123 says:

    Seriously, when are the forums going to be up and running again? 🙁 Hmm, I've never read WW before. Sooo, I think this will be my first time 😛

  33. KS987 says:

    I like the name Watson Weekly as well. That way it has two W's. Watson Montly doesn't sound as cool. 😛

  34. KS987 says:


  35. ALIN!!!!!!!!!! says:

    OMG AMY!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE THAT WILL BE OK AND YES I WILL SEND NEW MUSIC SURE! Hope we will get well in this project and we can work ok and be friends 🙂 thx! I am so DELIRIOUS AND GLAD AND NAUGHTY AND CRAZY AND WOW AND I LOVE THIS ISTE , I LOVE UK, I LOVE EMMA . I LOVE IT!!!!! 😉

  36. andrew says:

    Don't get too excited Alin :lol:.

  37. andrew says:

    The forums weren't hacked, so I'm sure they will be back online soon: we just have to wait for them to reopen again :smile:.

  38. Dave says:

    at last!!! i was waiting for this good work guys! 😉

  39. Raina says:

    Great job with the fan art, Alex. Yours rock!!! 😆

  40. Abz says:

    WW(alsmost):razz: looks great, i really enjoyed reading the fan stories and the remembering Emma section.I really want to contribute to the next issue of WW, i'll probably create fan video and send it in so watch out that. You guys did a brilliant job! Well done!!:smile:

  41. Alin says:

    Raina wait yil u see mine…I really put soul in what I do and that will show you how obsessed I am by Emma Watson because I draw her perfectly!

  42. afia says:

    can i get the original DVDs of Ballet Shoes n Harry Potter n ootp (with behind the scenes n cast interviews)from canada.bcoz my khala is comin to pakistan frm canada on june3 n i want to ask her if she can bring these two DVDs for not so sure abt the dvd of Ballet shoes.i live in pakistan i dont know can someone tell me pls

  43. afia says:

    ooooooopppsssss khala means aunt im so used of saying this word that i didnt realize that its in my language n that most of the ppl waont b able to understand what it means

  44. afia says:

    hello im waiting can anyone tell me 😥

  45. dook says:

    afia, this isn’t a chatbox. people aren’t reading this all the time.Anyway, I don’t think Ballet Shoes is available in Canada yet. OoTP is, but I don’t think there are any extras with the cast. However, I don’t think it would work for you. Canada has Region 1 dvds and NTSC video while Pakistan is Region 5 I think and uses PAL video.

  46. afia says:

    come onnnn 😕 😕 😥

  47. afia says:

    thanks mate. oh no wat should i do now it stinks over here in pak but thanks anyway buddy it could have been the waste of time n money. another plan of getting the DVDs floped.sorry for all the chat but im on a run its 4 o clock of the morning here PS ive never used chatboxes ive been visiting this site for 4 years n have never even passed a single comment so im really sorry n thanks 😉 😥

  48. KS987 says:

    Since Emma is a fan of this site, she is probably a fan of Watson Weekly. It is probably even cooler with the possibility of her reading your hard work. 🙂

  49. Alin says:

    Yes, Well I will not get very excited Andrew but I will get excited for sure 😛 and I hope the new WW will have much great or crazy things lol and I know that Dook said that the new oen has some kind of surprise in it so will wait and see and I can't wait to see the Guide wich will show us how to make a Magazine our selfs and the fonts , colors etc so we can know what will gonna use… i have some ideas because I work at the School Magazine and I'v design it mostly , so I will wait to see .. It's not such a big thing to make a school magazine but surely it's great to try 😆 . So lets see what will be ;). *Relax and laugh a little*

  50. A big fan of Emma's says:

    Good job you guys!!