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About Hermione (2004): "I think Hermione uses this kind of act she has of being clever and knowing all the answers, it's kind of like a mask to mean that she doesn't really have to deal with anything. As far as she's concerned, there's always a logical answer that she can bring from a book. It's her way of dealing with everything."

Napolean and Betsy rumor news // 1 May 2008

EWO has been updated with some news about Emma’s rumored role  in Napolean and Betsy that we told you about on the 18th. Go check it out.

I said the other day that I would put up some guidelines on designing submissions for Watson Weekly. I still need to do that, but I thought I would give some basic information in case anyone wanted to start on something right away. If you don’t want to design the page(s) yourself, you can ignore this.

  • The page size we will be using is the international standard A4 (210
    Comments closed for this item.

38 Responses to “Napolean and Betsy rumor news // 1 May 2008”

  1. Laura says:

    First! I would love to participate in Watson Weekly, I have already started planning! Thanks <3 😉

  2. andrew says:

    This will be great :smile:.

  3. lionpaws says:

    I hope she does do the role of Betsy, it would be nice, but either way I support her all the way.

  4. Cathy says:

    thanx man we'll check …… 🙂 😉

  5. ???? says:

    wats up w/ the forums it hasnt been wrking 4 me since days=(

  6. KS987 says:

    ????, the forums have not been working for anybody. Anyway, I hope she does get the role, since it is something she is apparently interested in. 🙂

  7. anon says:

    Dook, do you have any idea when the forums will be working and/or why they aren't? thanks

  8. sarah says:

    I hope she does the role. It will be so cool! 🙂

  9. dook says:

    anon,No and/or no.I’m waiting too.

  10. Marie-Jo says:

    I hope Emma will get the part, even though I somewhat doubt it… 😕

  11. joanne says:

    you should take another server, the forums are so annoying

  12. dook says:

    Joanne,We don’t run the forums.

  13. Alin says:

    Well I must ask this Dook so all can be ok. The magazine what will have on it; I mean what will us to make the magazine with? Because I really don't have an idea about the theme that should be in the magazine. I know that it must be with Emma and staff but can you say what will you like the magazine ;with what staff would you like us to post in it? Please 😉

  14. Alin says:

    And yes… I hope I can make the magazine on Word because I have there all so I hope it's no pb.

  15. Luis says:

    Can anyone see the POTD? 😕

  16. dook says:

    Luis, POTD is fixed.Alin, Word is ok. For the theme, it would be good to have it about Emma, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be about other things if you think it would be interesting to Emma fans.

  17. Jade says:

    Hiya i can't wait to see Emma again. In something other than HP.! Yay! 😆 Not that she isn't awsome in HP but you get what i mean. 😆 😛

  18. andrew says:

    They should restart the forums again. It's getting annoying 😡 :sad:. They have not been working for four days now :wink:.

  19. andrew says:

    dook, Did you post a deadline for the project?? 😕 :???:.

  20. Sarah says:


  21. dook says:

    andrew, do you mean WW? No, there is no deadline. People can send things in anytime. If it’s not in time to be considered for the issue we’re working on, it will be held for a following issue.

  22. Guest says:

    Are the forums down?

  23. Guest says:

    ^ohh sorry, ignore that.. i just read someone esle's answer!

  24. mollywobbles23 says:

    *sigh* Did the forums often do this before the big revamp in January? I wasn't here that long before that, so I don't know.

  25. dook says:

    The IPS Driver error is new since the forum upgrade. Before that, there would be periods of hours to maybe a day when there would be lots of server busy messages. It was never down like this for days at a time though that I recall.

  26. KS987 says:

    The reason they got rid of the old forums was because of the board messages. However, while annoying, they didn't cause the forums to be down for several days, in fact I don't even recall the forums being down for a day period, except for when they were deleted earlier this year. The IPS Driver Error, however, has numerous times caused the forums to be down for days, this so far being the longest, but not by much.

  27. Dax says:

    About a day longer then back in January so far. I think invision released an update to the IP boards on tuesday which might solve the bug issue (fingers crossed):razz: Any who, I'm a bit late here but great WW 🙂

  28. andrew says:

    So does anyone know if the forums will be restarted or something?? thank you dook for the reply.:smile:.

  29. KS987 says:

    No on here knows what is going on andrew. Only the forum staff know what is going on, and they will let us know if anything needs to be done. So if something happens, it will be announced on here. 🙂

  30. andrew says:

    ok 🙂

  31. Smem says:

    🙁 I want the forums back But awesome that Emma is interested that the role.

  32. Alin says:

    Yes and //// ummm this will sound a bit I don't know…. what about the title of the magazine…how shoud I call it…. give me some examples please Dook and I promise this is the last question 😀 😆

  33. Deniz says:

    Dear Emma I'm Deniz from Turkey. T've just learn your netsite. You're my favourite actress. You're so successful. I wish you'll visit Turkey Takecare

  34. Pocketmouse says:

    Wheres the may calendar?

  35. KS987 says:

    It's been an entire week(or perhaps one day short of it) that the forums have been down. Hope everyone else's week has been great other than this.

  36. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Alin, I don't work for the site or anything, but the magazine is called Watson Weekly. That's it. If you mean the title of your article (or what have you), I assume they'll let you call it whatever you want, as long as it's appropriate.

  37. lorin says:

    i love that magazin ei hope they will….