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About Paris (2007): "I went over to Paris to sort out the clothes for this junket and I have a great nostalgia for it. I really love it. It feels a bit like home."

New Photo // 9 February 2009

A new photo of Emma has appeared on the Storm modeling agency site. The picture is by Arved Colvin-Smith, and was taken last November I believe. Hopefully there are more from this shoot, and we’ll see them all in HQ. Thanks to lily and for the tip.

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44 Responses to “New Photo // 9 February 2009”

  1. Sterre says:

    Then I'm to be first :lol:. Love the photo!

  2. ewatson says:

    emma is gergeous as always but "modeling agency" i didn't get that..

  3. chris87 says:

    gorgeous as usual and i love black and white 😛 🙂

  4. jenny says:

    she looks like a different person , it's a new look.. very edgy! anyway the she's beautiful

  5. cemal says:

    hi good picture 😆 😆

  6. Chris says:

    Fantastic. 🙂

  7. lily says:

    you're welcome 😉

  8. f.E.W. says:

    Oh, third photoshoot… GREAT! 😉 I don't recognize her on my first look… wow! 😛 I very pleasefor HQ's!! Nice job here! 😎

  9. Thessalie says:

    unbelievable !! she's perfect on it … <3

  10. Aerendyl says:

    Yeah, she is perfect! 🙂

  11. frederique says:

    she looks like a real model!

  12. Kelsey says:

    wow, i really did not recognize her at first. i love all of the new photos of emma coming out! 🙂

  13. britishemafan says:

    wow she looks great!!! as usual.

  14. AshleyLovesEmma says:


  15. Roger says:

    I think this may date back a little bit to when she was getting so thin, and people were starting to comment about it. It's certainly very arty, and she is super attractive as always. I was one of those who was getting worried that she was getting too thin, but I notice–with relief–that recently she has been looking like her normal self again. It may be that she went on a temporary diet to do that whole bunch of photoshoots in a row that did about six months ago. In any case, it's an extraordinary photo!

  16. Rose says:

    What the heck are you talking about Roger? Don't make up stuff about Emma's weight. If you start picking on healthy actresses what are the rest of us supposed to think?

  17. Roger says:

    You have it just backwards, Rose. To express concern if someone appears very thin is an act of compassionate concern. To insist that perfectly normal and healthy girls get thinner and thinner is to pick on them. (And there are some modeling agencies, and fashion designers who do just that) I am not alone in thinking that for a period (mercifully, short) Emma was looking very thin. Several people were concerned. There were even adds running about the "Emma Watson Diet" saying she had lost 35 pounds. Very likely not true, but it was a kind of commercial attempt to cash in on a phenomenon that was visible. I am very glad to see her now, because she looks very much as she did. During last night's presentation, for example, she looked wonderful, as she characteristically does.

  18. Kristin says:

    nice attempt, but a little too edgy

  19. Francisco says:

    Mmmmm… I extremelly love Emma, but I have to say it: Id didn't like that photo. It's so… I don't know but it doesn't seem her… She is so pretty being herself, does not need another face…

  20. kenne says:

    this is soo edgy it is OFF the edge. If the title had not mentioned her name, this would have seemed to me another monochromatic twiggy 14yr old. I cant see what she is selling 😕

  21. AshleyLovesEmma says:

    I find it weird when, someone says that a picture or whatever 'isn't Emma' 😕 If Emma does a edgy or sexy photoshoot, why do so many people say it isn't (like) Emma? I hate how people keep categorising her.

  22. Hey! says:

    There is an new interview ! Watch it here —>

  23. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    ^ Indeed.

  24. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Whoops. That was for Ashley.

  25. dook says:

    Yes, i\’m working on the update now.

  26. KS987 says:

    I don't really see how this picture is "edgy". Just wearing a unique dress. Emma looks great as always and hopefully we get more, though we probably will.

  27. Almaz says:


  28. Hiltje says:

    I also agree with AshleyLovesEmma. I don't understand why people keep saying things like: 'it's not her' In my opinion we aren't able to say something like that because we don't actually know her. I think a lot of people have this 'secret identity'. Someone they like to be (maybe just for once though) but don't (often) show this to the world. But this doens't mean it's not 'like' you. I'm a cameleon myself. I can be dressed like a boy this day and totally dress up the next day. Change is good and helps you find what you like 🙂 And btw, Emma looks great in every way. She's just awesome!

  29. ethan says:

    i am thirty years old i am a taiwanese taiwan is a smell islet i like your very much please e-mail me back…..

  30. Jade (Alice Cullen: forum) says:

    She looks gorgeous. 🙂 <3

  31. Mima says:

    I am with the people who seem to think this is "not like Emma". What I mean is, we're used to seeing Emma doing a certain type of movies–Harry Potter, Ballet Shoes, Despereaux, all children's/young adult films–as well as attending fashion shows and being associated with Chanel. That's what we're used to, a very smart girl who gets straight As and is interested in fashion and film. So it's a bit disappointing to see her, as Kenne said, looking rather skinny and the wearing the same look/clothes as so many other young models being recruited. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say we like the youthful, energetic, unique, non-Hollywood, extremely talented Emma, and not another Paris or Lindsay. All of that being said, I think it's always wise to keep in mind that we don't really "know" these celebrities. We know nothing more of Emma than the tiny segment of her live we see on screen and in interviews, we have no idea how she is at school or on set. But when something "isn't like Emma" I think we mean it's not consistent with Emma Watson the image, as in, the girl who plays Hermione/Pauline/Princess Pea, rather than the real Emma Watson. We refer to what she's showed us in previous interviews/press releases (though we don't know if it's consistent with her actual personality).

  32. Rose says:

    OK, Roger, maybe you're right. I'm not really a fangirl of her (far too jealous–I know it's petty) so I wouldn't know. But I will say I've never seen her look unhealthy, so it SEEMED like you were picking on a healthy actress.

  33. Cathe says:

    Mima, I have just read ur comment….Why so dissapointed?…I don't think Emma will ever change and become another Paris or Linday as you say….she is quite brainy not to…And we all have to except that people grow up and change….you can't always watch her as Hermione…i don't think she even wants people to do so… Anyway Emma look fantasticlly as always…and i love the dress…she always suprise me with her choice…

  34. LUNA says:

    AMAZING!!!!!!! 😉

  35. I says:

    Emma Watson, you the best!!!! If you it read that know that in russia at you many fans!!!! All of us very much very much love you!!!! Also we hope that when

  36. Adel' says:

    🙂 I am from Russia. And u are perfect for me!!!!!!!!

  37. Shau Gifford says:


  38. Emma says:

    i don´t like that photo, it doesn´t look like watson. Don´t like that they are fixing it so much you can hardly recognize her…

  39. Virginia says:

    Emma you are so beautiful,i am from Moldova, here a lot of of people love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  40. alecsandra says:

    you are fantastic!!!!it is so great that you can show us your beauty 🙂

  41. IlyaDmitriev says:

    Looks like Voldemort new minion) Nice but not "watson", as Emma said 😉

  42. 欧阳雨薇 says:


  43. jasper♥emma says:

    HElLo EmMa!!! It's Very NiCe THAt Soon,, I Can WaTch YoU In THe TeLeViSion AGain.. Good LUck.. GoD BLesz. KEep UP The gooD WoRk.. ♥AlWays RemEmBEr THat Many PeoPle LoVe YoU verY MuCh♥ ♥♥InCLuDiNg me♥♥

  44. jasper♥emma says:

    You're SUch a PRiNcess..