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About hugging Dan in COS (2005): "It seems like nothing, I made a huge deal of it, I was so mortified. For me, hugging a guy, oh! (bursts out laughing). In front of everyone in the Great Hall... I was mortified."

BAFTA Portraits and Site Awards // 11 February 2009

We have some low resolution portrait shots from the BAFTAs, taken by Ellis Parrinder. Credit:  thephotobox

And is Site of the Month at and Stylish Designs and they have sent us the following awards. Thank you both, we really appreciate it.

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30 Responses to “BAFTA Portraits and Site Awards // 11 February 2009”

  1. Chris says:

    Nice shots. Hope we get some HQ's soon. 🙂

  2. Chris says:

    Oops. Sorry, I meant High Res. 😆

  3. Shau Gifford says:

    Hey OMG 😥 u look sooo Beautiful oh by the way u looked AMAZING on the Awards the other night 🙁 I LUV U SO MUCH

  4. cemal says:

    great 😆

  5. muggle_born says:

    CONGRATULATIONS guys on site of the month!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. Cathe says:

    Nice job people!Congratulations 🙂

  7. Michile says:

    lol her hand looks as if its glued to her hip until picture 7. Still nice though

  8. Anna says:

    Actually those are taken by Ellis Parrinder, the other two you posted yesterdat, are taken by Martin Pope.

  9. dook says:

    Hi Anna, I won\\\’t disagree, but can you tell me how you know? I know Parrinder did some shoots but that was of nominees, and like a week before the BAFTAs.

  10. Kenne says:

    😥 putts, forum is down 🙁

  11. KS987 says:

    Emma looks gorgeous in the pics. Congrats on being site of the month guys. 🙂

  12. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Congrats for winning some more SOTM awards! Emma looks absolutely delectable, as always. ^-^

  13. Lola says:

    Hidous dress….she didnt win any awards! she was there for presentation….

  14. Amber says:

    Lola – what do you fine hideous about the dress? the patterns around the shoulder and neck compliment her features and the dark material compliment her skin tone. I think you need to look up on styles hun x

  15. Valentina says:

    Yeah,it's great being site of the month. Congratulations! Nice pics 😛

  16. Rob Roy says:

    Emma you look sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Beautiful however,really 😉 😉

  17. 8888 says:

    This is good news. Congratulations guys :P.

  18. Anna says:

    Sorry for the late replay 😛 I saw it on a picture, here:

  19. dook says:

    Thanks Anna, I\’ll fix that.

  20. karinaki says:

    xmm i was sick for a couple of days and missed so many photoshoots.. such a pitty.. she looks lovely in each and every one of them.. but i just saw i video on the red carpet where photographers are taking photos of her… thats a little hillarious.. wonder how wierd it is for emma.. but i bet she's already used to this..

  21. iKing says:

    With Valentine's Day everyone 🙂 Site, staff, fans… Emma 🙂 Love ya 😉

  22. iKing says:

    Kewl pic (which was/will be fixed) – I can imagine what she's looking on me 🙂 lollll…

  23. Anna says:

    No problem. 😉

  24. KS987 says:

    Today is Valentine's Day. 🙂 I wish Emma would be my Valentine *sigh* 🙁 *cue sad music*

  25. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    *feels KS's pain* *stuffs chocolate into mouth* Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. 🙂

  26. Jaana says:

    Beautiful pics of Emma, once again! ^^ Gongrats on being site of the month! Happy Valentine's Day! 🙂

  27. Valentina says:

    It's my nameday today…!!!Happy Valentine's day!! 😉

  28. Johnson says:

    Too bad we know that old man, Jay, is her Valentine. No offense, guys, but that's pretty disgusting. Her pics look nice though. 🙂

  29. sarvesh says:

    hi salut voila mont adresse msn pour parler de tes tournage ok moi c'est merci 😉 🙂