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About flying first class (2006): "Oh my god, you have no idea! I love little things like the airplane bags you get with all of the moisturizer and the little toothbrush. And the reclining seats! For me that has to be a highlight."

New Vs. Magazine Photos, Deathly Hallows part 2 release date // 25 February 2009

There are some new pictures on EmmaWatsonOfficial from the Vs. magazine photoshoot. Just go to Emma’s official site, click on Media, then on the cover of the magazine to view them.

We also have the release date for the second part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1 will be released in cinemas on November 19 2010, while part 2 will be released on July 15 2011.
Thanks to

Update: We have another picture from the Vauxhall Fashion Scout show. Credit to

[ Katy ]

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49 Responses to “New Vs. Magazine Photos, Deathly Hallows part 2 release date // 25 February 2009”

  1. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Very yummy. 😛 It's also nice to know the exact release date of DH part 2, even though we have two movies to get through before that time. 😆

  2. Luis says:

    WB should release the rest of the movies on July, so fans around the World could wait for them exactly a year: HP6 –> July 2009 HP7a –> July 2010 HP7b –> July 2011 I dunno why they decided to release HP7a till November 2010, that´s so much time from now! It´s gonna be finishes a whole year before its premiere… I don´t get it 😕 Let´s see what happens next. 🙂

  3. daniel says:

    wow. the gallery looks amazing! I can't believe the final of the movies is coming soon 😥 But I don't like david yates sorry.

  4. DHA says:

    Well, isn't that nice? I don't blame them for November, a good month since it's both at the end of the year(more memoriable for awards), and after Halloween.

  5. Me says:

    uhm why is there two parts of the movie???

  6. Almaz says:


  7. cemal says:

    I have very amazed 😆

  8. andrew says:

    cool pictures, thanks for sharing

  9. Jac;yn says:


  10. BJS says:

    Can someone get those new pictures and post them on in highres thanks

  11. dook says:

    BJS, if anyone knows where that magazine is sold, I\’ll see if I can get a copy to scan.

  12. joe says:

    OMG those pics on emma's site are just gorgeous! especially the last one,, you can see a twingling in here eyes, soo cool! 😛 great photoshoot, a realy good theme

  13. Julia says:

    I absolutely LOVE Emma! She looks incredibley stunning in that picture, as usual. . . 🙂

  14. cemal says:

    good! 😆

  15. nilvesse says:

    one more pictue, foun on

  16. Kate says:

    ME – there are two parts to the final movie because the producers (David Heyman etc) decided that there was so much in the Deathly Hallows plot wise that it made sense to split the final movie so that everything could be incorporated. Not that I'm complaining. An extra movie is always a good thing.

  17. leah says:

    by Me @ 25 Feb 2009 10:15 am uhm why is there two parts of the movie??? Because the book had SO FREAKING MUCH in it that they can't cut out!! 🙂 Re: London Fashion Week… I read an article that made a big deal over the fact the William Tempest show was the only show she saw the entire week… I was sitting there going "DUH.. She's filming at the moment!!"

  18. ewatson says:

    yeay! she's brunette again! hope the hair stays like this. didn't like the blond! she's very cute.

  19. ewatson says:

    november is the best time to release the movie! at least it has to be somewhere around winter. i hate it when it releases in july. not the right spirit. i don't like yates either actually i didn't like the fifth movie at all. hope the next ones will come out good. it's not a story to spoil. absolutely not! and emma beautiful as always! glad her hair is stil darker!!

  20. stacy says:

    omg i can't believe there are people asking why the movie has two parts. i hate to watch a movie that i've read the book of. always a lot cut. come on even two may not be enough. MORE IS BETTER!

  21. DHA says:

    I know, and HP5 was favorite book of HP. They butchered OOTP so bad, so now, if you don't read the books, you don't know what's going on. That's why I hated when they added that scene in HBP when they left out so much in OOTP. Anyway, after GOF, I think all the movies should have been in two parts. Oh, looking good, Emma.

  22. muggle_born says:

    I liked the OOTP movie, but that may be because it’s the only HP movie I’ve seen in a theater and it was on an IMAX screen. It was fun to watch on a really huge screen. I try to remember that the movies and Rowling’s books are different animals. But I’m still bummed that Dumbledore’s funeral was left out of HBP. Why leave that out and then add the attack on the Burrow – a scene that Rowing never wrote?? A friend of mine says most HP movie fans have not read the books. I’m sure they couldn’t care less. Oh well.

  23. Rose says:

    They're leaving out Dumbledore's funeral?? How dare they!

  24. DHA says:

    True, but one part of making a movie from a book is to see the book come to life. At least they follow the script, but the funeral of Dumbledore would have been awesome to see. Much emotion in that Chapter. If I'm not mistaken, J.K. Rowling said that she cried writing that Chapter. Anyway, I hope they remember that alot of people also read the books, too. Don't make another "Queen of the Damned" please. I mean if it weren't for Emma I might not watch it.

  25. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Your friend's omniscience is overwhelming, muggle_born. 😛 Just because he/she says it, it doesn't mean it's true. I think the majority of HP movie fans have read the books, simply because of their popularity. I mean, come on! They've each sold a gazillion copies. 😛 The only thing you have to be aware of is that movies=/=books and that different=/=bad.

  26. KS987 says:

    Emma looks yummy indeed, EmmaRocksSocks. 😛 Great new pics. Since DH part 2 is in the summer of 2011 we shouldn't have to worry about any more sudden delays, so that is a good thing. She also seemed like she enjoyed the Vauxhall show. She looks very lovely. 🙂

  27. muggle_born says:

    @EmmaRocksSocks, my friend is not that smart! 😆 😆 😆 He says he read it somewhere a couple years ago. He's usually pretty reliable, but maybe not this time.

  28. Valentina says:

    I love her outfit!

  29. camila says:

    thank goodness her hair is back to her lovely brown!!

  30. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    "@EmmaRocksSocks, my friend is not that smart!" Make sure he doesn't read that. 😛

  31. GCFaNmAN23 says:

    She has got 2 b the hottest chick i have ever seen, just so dreamy!!:smile: I'll never get anybobdy as good as you :sad:, but nothing wrong with dreaming :wink:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. AustrianGirl says:

    hey this is for the fans: on this page they have emma as a dress up doll with a few outfits she actually wore 😀 link :

  33. Belgiumboy says:

    beautiful picture.Moreover I know now thr exact date of DH part 1 and 2 🙂 😉

  34. sarah says:

    New pictures from the Sean Cook Daily Mail shoot.

  35. Juliet says: All the photos from Sean Cook photoshoot Untagged.

  36. KS987 says:

    Thanks for the pics guys. WOW is all I can say. Emma looks tremendous as always. Lord, how could you torture me like this by having such a beautiful woman live so far away from me?

  37. emma says:

    Dook, there's been an updatew on EWO–some behind the scenes footage from HP6 🙂

  38. jacquelinedanvers says:

    wow! guys thanks for the heads up, i checked out the sean cook photoshoot and emma looks AMAZING! i JUST LOVE HER! SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT! 😛

  39. Fonty says:

    I would like to offer a slightly different opinion about the Sean Cook photoshoot. They look cheap, the production values look cheap and she looks glamerous/sexy in a way that basically contradicts what she says in the interview. This tarted up version of her makes her look cheap. Compared to her appearance at the Baftas, where she looked heartbreakingly beautiful, this shoot is my least favourite – ever. Vogue Italia (Mark Seliger) / VS Magazine (Ellen von Unwerth) are still the photoshoots with best production values and pictures that are actually telling a story. And the Sunday Times (Rankin) one is great, as were the Flare Magazine and Harper´s Bazaar (both 2008) photoshoots. Basically all the ones that are featured on her official homepage. But these, "Emma the sex kitten" ones, I don´t like. And I don´t think I will change my mind, even if these eventually show up on her homepage.

  40. Thessalie says:

    Fonty i completely agre !! I find this photoshoot was a bad quality .. They just dressed her and put a dress on her, and not the best … Also, what they did of the clich

  41. muggle_born says:

    Fonty, I agree with you too. Most celebrity photoshoots are about looking sexy, especially those with younger women. That’s how Hollywood “sells” celebrities. I don’t think they’ve ever done it any differently. Hollywood is all about making $$ and nothing sells like sex. A lot of photoshoot pix are “enhanced” to the point of being ridiculous. Maybe they should call them PHOTOSHOPS instead of photoshoots. Picture #26 of Emma is a good example. I adore Emma. She has a lot of wonderful qualities in ample abundance, but cleavage is not one of them. Are they trying to make her look like Pamela Anderson?? HONESTLY!!! 😕

  42. Chris says:

    Well I love the Daily Mail shoot. Even though it is not one of my favourites, she still looks fabulous, especially in the second one where she's scrunching her face up while trying to put something in her hair. is the outfit with the hat supposed to be a Sally Bowles/Cabaret theme? I'm sure if Emma was uncomfortable with anything she wore she would have said something. I see some people above me in this comments page find the shoot cheap and a little tarty looking. But if you look at the Vs shoot with the Baby Doll/Lolita under age look, I find that a little more disturbing than that. What sort of story are they telling? We all have our differing opinions on Emma's look, but I think she looks pretty good. 🙂

  43. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    muggle_born, Pushing up and together can make a big difference. 😛 Honestly, to me that shoot doesn't look too touched-up. I mean, if you look closely you can make out Emma's arm hair, which these people are usually quick to remove. :/ I love the pics (and the VS. shoot, too!). I don't think there's a single photo shoot I didn't like.

  44. muggle_born says:

    Hi EmmaRocksSocks, I like the shoots that are like stories better than the others. I just found that particular picture offensive. I’ll never be persuaded that Emma’s chest is not “enhanced” in that picture. I don’t think the look came from “pushing up”. The upper part of the dress would have to fit very tightly for that to work. My point is simply that Emma has a normal-sized chest and that seems to be OK with everyone except some in the media!!! I remember some of the early OOTP posters showed Emma with an “enhanced” chest. There was a bit of a furor over it and WB withdrew the posters claiming it all had been a mistake. OH PLEASE. WB was absolutely shocked when they were called out on it. And why wouldn’t they be? Calling out Hollywood on anything is almost never done outside of complaints from the Religious Right. I’m VERY TIRED of this kind of treatment of women in the media. But until more women are willing to protest against it, nothing will change. This morning I read that Emma was accepted at Yale. Don’t know if the story is true, but if she does have a choice between Cambridge and Yale, how GREAT is that?? 😛 😛 😛

  45. KS987 says:

    muggle_born, the rumor originated in some article that claimed they got the information from Emma's blog. However it isn't in the EMS on her official site. So they apparently got it from a poser blog on another website. I wouldn't be surprised if the Ivy League schools accepted her, but this rumor is false and Emma hasn't mentioned anything yet.

  46. EmmaRocksSocks says:

    Yeah, I'll wait until it's confirmed by Emma in an interview or on her site. Or maybe she doesn't want people to know. :/

  47. muggle_born says:

    I didn't even know Emma had a blog! 😛 You guys are right about this stuff. One of these days I'll learn to wait until Emma says it!

  48. Rupertfan13 says:

    I hope more pictures will come out

  49. shani says:

    Wow….i love emma she just rocks! I can't wait for the HBP!!!!! luv u emma 🙂