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About whether or not she wants to remain an actress (2006): "I really don't know. Daniel and Rupert seem so sure. I don't know. I wouldn't want "Harry Potter" to be the last thing I do. Nothing is ever going to be quite on the scale of this. I appreciate that. And also I've come into acting in such a funny way. Most people who want to act have to sit through hours of auditioning and work their way up, whereas I seemed to have come straight in at the top, having had no experience at all. That's quite a strange position to be in, but amazing at the same time because it has given me so many options and choices. I definitely would like to try other films to see what it's like. I'd really like to try some theater, actually, because I think I would really enjoy that immediate response from an audience. I love making people laugh. I love to perform, but there are so many things I love doing (pauses) Maybe that seems ungrateful. I have been given such an amazing opportunity, but I'll just have to go with the flow and see what happens."

March Calendar // 1 March 2009

Congratulations to Andrea. She is our winner for the March calendar competition!

Honorable mentions go to Keekey, Juliane, Lerie, Lars, and Lerie again.  Thank you to everyone that entered.

Update: I’ve fixed the dates on Andrea’s calendar.

Warner Bros. has released HQ versions of that Featurette video we posted the other day. Jo has updated Emma’s site with links to windows, flash and quicktime versions.

Comments closed for this item.

33 Responses to “March Calendar // 1 March 2009”

  1. Lars says:

    Congratulations Andrea 🙂

  2. ~Roni~ says:

    the dates aren't right on Andrea's calendar. The 1st is Sunday, not saturday… Congrats everyone! Lovely calendars all of them 🙂

  3. Rose says:

    Wow, congrats to everyone, I love all of them! I think my fave is the one by Lars, even though the dates aren't right on that one either. 😛

  4. Aragon Watson says:

    every thing about Emma I like it and love it with my love Aragon this my name love Emma

  5. Aragon Watson says:

    pleas any one told Emma about me pleas !!!

  6. Hermione2 says:

    Andrea's dates are wrong on her calendar…. the 1st is sunday not saturday 😕

  7. britishemafan says:

    Lovely 🙂

  8. KS987 says:

    Great calendars guys. Thanks for letting us know of the updates of Emma's official site as well

  9. Valentina says:

    The dates are correct… Congratulations Andrea,and everybody!! Really love the calendars 😉

  10. cemal says:

    Wonderful! 😉 🙂

  11. Lars says:

    Thank you Rose 😆

  12. Almaz says:

    GreaT!!! Calendars///…))))

  13. Marcely says:

    Oi. .. I'm from Brazil, I'm big fan of emma … very same! I love it .. my dream is to know her personally! Some of you already know her personally? Kisses 😛

  14. DerBluffer says:

    Gee, I thought these calendars were supposed to be made for march. But, apparently, I was mistaken, they look like "somebody had had a terrible day". People, what's wrong with you, we aren't celebrating the doomsday. Come on, get out of your depression and make something happy. It's spring outside, people falling in love, birds singing, trees and flowers growing. P.S.: I'm not saying, that they are bad, just not exactly fitting. *bluff* 🙂

  15. Aragon Watson says:

    i do not know what i say i like Emma for ever i wish i die with her 🙂 😉 😆

  16. Aragon says:

    pleas any one can help meeeeeeeee pleas 🙁

  17. Larissa says:

    DerBluffer i agree. They are nice calendars. But the one i entered i made full of color to break us out of winter, but there must have been alot of entries this month apparently void of some color. Heres mine

  18. andrew says:

    That's a nice looking calendar Larissa. Congratulations to the winner and to the contestants. They all look really nice xD.

  19. shiv says:

    🙂 i am deadly fan,she is nice looking calendar.

  20. Aragon says:

    hi every one i have some thing for Emma soon i will do it and thanks for every one know Emma with my love Aragon

  21. Ola says:

    emma go to Yale university ;] congratulation ;*

  22. DerBluffer says:

    @Larissa: I like it :smile:. In my opinion, you should be the winner. By the way did you make it with Adobe Photoshop? I'd like to learn more about this programm. Maybe you have some tips for me, like where should I start. *bluff*

  23. DerBluffer says:

    @Aragon: Man, you really are obsessed by Emma. Calm yourself down, Emma appreciates your devotion to her. Be realistic, there lots of girls outside waiting for you. I mean, put yourself in her place, you wouldn't want somebody to get hurt because of you. She just wants to be accepted as a normal person and not as a sexsymbol or smth. like that. *bluff*

  24. Lasa says:

    well done everyone Im quite impressed. i wish i was good at this but i guess i cant compete wif u! 😉

  25. emma says:

    is any one else having trouble with the links on ?

  26. BellaSwan89 says:

    I'm not sure if I like these calendars They do seem a bit lacking the march colors and spring stuff 😕

  27. EmmaRocksSocks says:


  28. Rupertfan13 says:

    Wow, beautiful Calendars

  29. Larissa says:

    DerBluffer, thanks for the beautiful comment. But i can't help you too much with Adobe, never liked it much. i use mostly paintshop pro. but if you have any general questions i can give you my email address so we don't clog up the comment box 🙂

  30. Liivi says:

    How can I send a calendar of april to competition?

  31. dook says:

    Liivi,You can send your calendar to will announce the April contest later today or tomorrow, but you don’t have to wait. If you don’t know the rules, you can read them for March contest.