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About her favourite directors (2009):"Well, I shouldn't say I have a favorite director-that wouldn't be very diplomatic. But one of the people I enjoyed working with most was Alfonso Cuaron [who directed Watson in the third Potter film, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)]. I have a real thing for Mexican directors. And I love Guillermo del Toro and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu."

New Hermione Picture // 8 March 2009

On the Noble Collection’s French site, it looks like they have used a new Hermione picture in the banner, along with a new Harry and Dumbledore. Thanks to UHP for sending it over.

Gallery update: I’ve added more MQ pics from the Sean Cook photoshoot (thanks Princess Watson), higher res versions of the Ellen von Unwerth shoot (thanks Palpatine), and HQs of the BAFTA portraits (thanks Ohmywatson).

And finally, is March Site of the Month at Hero Empire, a new site for Hero Fiennes-Tiffin who plays the young Tom Riddle in Half-Blood Prince. Thank you for the award Laetitia.

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20 Responses to “New Hermione Picture // 8 March 2009”

  1. Twirler<3 says:

    yay 1st!! Beautiful picture!!

  2. cemal says:

    Yup beatiful :wink:picture I agree you Twirler!

  3. janda says:

    nice picture 😉 😉

  4. cemal says:

    happy WORLD WOMEN'S DAY :wink:!

  5. Hiltje says:

    I really loved the 4th, 5th and 6th picture of the Ellen von Unwerth shoot! Never seen them before and they look amazing!

  6. Thessalie says:

    the pictures are soooo great, thanks for posting !! I love it and it's in a good quality !!! 😀

  7. muggle_born says:

    CONGRATULATIONS guys on being chosen Site of the Month again!!! They're starting to come fast and furious!!! It's great to see you getting all this recognition. VERY WELL DESERVED!!! 😛 😛 😛 BTW, Hero Fiennes-Tiffin is sooooo CUTE!!!

  8. Aragon says:

    you soo beatiful in all your picture my princess Emma my love

  9. f.E.W. says:

    CG to SOTM!! 😛 😆 Nice work! 😉

  10. DHA says:

    I apologize for my other comments, at the time I thought it was a thoughtful motive. I guess I'll loosen the "chain." lol. I would also like to wish every lady, including all the women here and Emma, a happy World Woman's Day.

  11. muggle_born says:

    @DHA, Happy Women's Day to you, Emma, and all Emma fans out there!!! 🙂 🙂

  12. KS987 says:

    A late "Happy Women's Day" from me to Emma and to all lol. 😛 Another website naming site of the month? Cool. Thanks for the great pics of Emma as always. 🙂

  13. Almaz says:


  14. kaustubh says:

    yaaaaaaa………. REALLY NICE ONE. 🙂 🙂

  15. rupertfan13 says:

    Love the picture,congarulations for the award btw

  16. Adnan says:

    THANKS for posting the HQ version of 'Ellen von Unwerth's' photoshoot. I was looking for them for ages.

  17. cutegirlme says:

    :wink:that one really roxx ! 😉 She is gorgeous…. 🙂 🙂 You rock in that one emma !!!!!!! I wish i had that dresss 😥

  18. shani says:

    hey cute girl….the dress is emma's! 😛 :razz:don't dream such big! You will look idiot in that 😆 :razz:Emma is beautiful ….not u 😉 😛

  19. Abhishek says:

    Hey emma u rock ! That one is really cool 😉

  20. shani says:

    Hey shani sweety u r absolutely right :wink:!!! Love ya shani and ofcourse EMMA ! 🙂 🙂