Total Film magazine has a feature on Half-Blood Prince in the May issue. It doesn’t look like there are any new pictures, but there is an interview and Emma has some interesting quotes. You can read the article on their website here.
Last chance: Time for one last reminder for the 19th Birthday Project. The deadline is here.
like the interview not bad. 🙂
ps. i like being number one because people really read your comment. 🙂
I like all of the pictures in the article. I am busy at the moment. so I can't read it yet, but I will later on. I am glad to see more than just the cover of the magazine.
well only i want say that she is the woman more beautifull of the world and i would like know hom speak with she if you konw please tellme
You cannot contact with her directly (unless you see her face to face in a Premiere :razz:) but you can indirectly try by going to her official webpage 😉
is this selling in the U.S.?! 😕
That interview with Emma was cool. I always found it funny that Emma Watson and Emma Thompson not only share the same first name, but also the same birthday. And they both appear in Harry Potter. It's not hard to see why they got on well. 😛 Luis, speaking of Emma's official site, Jo has updated it with the promo pic of Hermione. 🙂
Good stuff! ^_^ I always found that interesting, too, KS. Those Emmas sure are great, aren't they? 😛
I can understand that Emma wants to be annonymous at college, but I fear that is going to be a lot harder than she realizes. Hers is one of the best known faces in the world, and she may well find that she is pestered by autography seekers, etc., every bit as much as she is in public at the moment. I certainly hope not, but I do have to wonder.
Oooooooh! I will have to checkout Emma's official site to see the new picture! Yes Emma is a very beautiful woman and she does wonders as Hermione. I am going to read the whole article and comment on it then.
Actually, Emma can do it. Believe it or not, if she would walk anywhere in my town, no one would know who she is, ironically. Lol
I would know who she is and ask for her autograph and if I can get a picture with her.
I think agree 😆
Does Emma live in London now? Cause she said "since I've been living in London" Did I miss something LOL
🙂 hi emma hi i am boss of the radio for young and children in iran i like report you by mobile or phone plz give me mail and yor phone number thanks
I love the new posters for the HBP all of them. I think Emma looks wonderful as Hermione in the new poster. I can't wait to see the HBP movie it looks a lot better than the OOTP adaptation and more to how I imagined what the HBP looked like when I read the book for the first time almost four years ago come July, 16th!
No, I'm serious. I live in a naive town, which only knows or cares about things from here. If you would say Emma's name, that person would ask who talking about. Only about a couple of people in my town know who Emma Watson is. So, I think it's possible. And, anything's possible.
Yeah anything is possible and we all have to keep our minds open to all possibilties.
What they don't read or watch Harry Potter?
@bigbookworm, no. They're just ignorant to change or anything different. I suppose it's Cajun nature, but if one town is like this, others have to be, too. Like Emma once said, even about herself, not everyone watches movies but focus on academics instead.
I focus on my academics too and I read more than I watch tv hence my name. The only time I watch tv is if I am watching a movie adaptation of one of my favorite books or bookseries, but that isn't often! I am going to college now and I don't have time to watch tv much at all!
I love the fact that Emma is academic like me. Emma Watson rules! I love her so much!
actually.I can't live without my love. and my life think that tooo !!!! Emmm please save me I'm alone…. I need your help..I can't wait.. my angle E&M
Emma b-day is in a moment ;O I forgot about it : loll pic!
I like that picture of Emma frederique, she looks cute there.
wow did emma really get the highest marks in the country?? i knew they were excelent i mean shes so perfect!! I ADORE YOU EMMA:lol:
hey! ks987 you believe thats emma reads our coments i want know if to answer me
luis, I have no idea if Emma reads the comments. We know Emma is a huge fan of the website, as Jo mentioned it a long time ago and a link to this site is even posted in the "links" section of Emma's official site. But I doubt that she looks at stuff like the forums or the comments, either by personal choice or because Jo may have warned her about it. People can write rude or bizarre things. So it's best to avoid stuff like that
Has anyone heard a while back about when James Franco was followed by swarms of fans who blocked the hallways and disturbed classes just to see him coming and going from them? I think it's quite naive of Emma to think that fame will stop at college.
Don't get me wrong. I love the girl. But you have to admit there is some naivete in that assumption.
I can't believe she got the highest English marks in the country. How awesome is she? I would literally abandon my entire life just to be her.
Yes Emma is awesome and she is academic like me!
How is anyone going to run a "normal" class at university with Emma in it? Would that really work? And I don`t believe she has the time to read either the comments on her site or the real-world fanmail…her days would have to have 48 hours for that alone…
I believe Emma DOES read the comments on her own site. I believe Jo mentioned this a while back. But those comments are filtered by Jo and the EWO staff, so no negative or rude comments really get on the site at all, while on fansites comments are posted immediately on the site once the user clicks "Add My Comment", and while the nasty ones are deleted they are briefly visible, which is probably why Emma is likely to avoid them. Same with fan-forums. And it is not naive of Emma to think that way. You have to consider the actual school. Some Ivy League schools have had several celebrities but everything went well with them.
I`ve always wondered what constitutes a "negative or rude" comment…especially when the content has nothing to do with Emma personally or her work as an actress.
anonymous, I’m quite sure Emma doesn’t believe she will be invisible, but many celebrities have been able to attend university and have an almost normal experience. Cases like Franco are not the usual.130671, negative comments are allowed here, as long as it’s not just bashing. Not everyone is going to like everything Emma does, or wears. Rude comments, well, I think you can imagine what they are.ks987, comments are filtered here to some degree. quite a few comments never appear at all. it’s also possible to moderate all the comments, but I would like to avoid that if possible.