Congratulations to Esma! She is our winner for the April calendar competition. Actually she had two entries tied for first place, so after a tie breaker (I picked my favorite of the two), she gets first place and first honorable mention.
Honorable mentions go to Esma, Lisa, Rachel, Jonathan, and Marta. Thank you to everyone that entered.
i really liked the first place 😀 and the seconds also great 😀 some day if i have time i WILL send one not that im gonna win though hah much love
excellent calendars; they all look awesome and congratulations to Esma for winning the competition 😛
April Fools!!! The REAL winner is Esma's OTHER calender. 😛 But congrats to Esma and everyone else
I love the first n second one:) cngrats to Esma!! The others are good too! I wish my calendar had an honorable mention too U.U lol
woohoo nice april page, love the very hot shoes she wears there. Cant get enough of Emma sexy feet 😛
🙂 🙂 😉 😉 Super kalendarze 🙂
Oh dear, "the british sunshine"…I always associated sunshine with a smile! A beautiful Emma none the less, but how about a smile for spring!?
love em all but may needs 2 b more colourful 😀
good Calendars…
that roxx 😉
The calendars and stuff rock!!!! Totally cool 🙂 😉 😆
I love all of them and Emma looks really gorgeous in everyone! My two favorite's would have to be the first two! I agree with other people of having more bright colours for spring! Emma Rules and she is very beautiful,
All of them are really good, but my fav this time I believe is Rachel´s. Very nice job! 😉
Great Calendars, i think that this moths they are more colorful and really nice!!Love Rachel´s and the winner!! p.d. Fernadno , can you share your calendar with us (you are the winner of august 2008 , aren´t you??.)? 🙂
Another great job of calendar creations. Congratulations to everyone, even those that didn't quite get an honourable mention. My personal favourite is the one in the middle at the bottom. Jonathan, if that's yours, good work. 🙂
Oh my God! Thanks for selecting my entries. And my favorite calendar is Marta's. Congrats to everyone!
Great job whit the calendars, I like very much. 🙂 I think that this moths they are more colorful and really nice!!. is cool!!! I enjoy this website. I love Emma & this month is your birthday 😛 😆
Thank you for selecing my calendar as an honourable mention! 🙂 I love everyone else's! Congrats Esma, yours are great! 🙂 😛
I liked the other calendars that were entered better 😕
Congrats to everyone! My favorites are Esma's honorable mention, Lisa's, and Rachel's.
love them all!
lisa's and rachel's are super cool! i wish mine had gotten mentioned… 🙁
Very good. Congrats to all. 🙂
YOU are very beautiful plz visit my sight and comment
Rachel's is definitely the best. I LOVE the "E" in it.
sorry Ali… but i dont think many people will be able to read ur Blog… 🙁
😀 ……all those merchandise 😕 it pretty cool
Oh my god, forgot to check on the website. I didn't realize I came at 4th place thanks to all great comments and congrats to everyone!
wowss…those r 2 cool , eh? 🙂
:smile:Congrats emma for winning the calendar comp :wink:…..i m sooo proud of u!!!!!And those calendars rock!!!!!!!!! 🙂
it's so cool i like it!!!