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More from Vs. Magazine // 3 April 2009

We told you before about Emma’s photo spread in Vs. Magazine by Ellen von Unwerth. We now have a scan of the bio page from the mag. Emma talks about the media, and the end of Harry Potter.

“I wanted to create a little fantasy with Emma which reflects her personality and charm in a playful way.” – Ellen von Unwerth

On the magazine’s website,, you can see preview images of the article. For those of you who are interested in fashion, they’ve added a feature where you can click on the images and get information about the clothes and accessories.

Finally, there is a small video from the photoshoot used on the main page animation with Emma in a scene like an old time movie.

You need the Flash to see this video.

Thanks to bravelittletoaster for the scan and tips.

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59 Responses to “More from Vs. Magazine // 3 April 2009”

  1. Luis says:

    Hey guys, I´ve been reading some other websites and many people there says that there is a new HP6 trailer… Is that true? 😕 Also that Al Pacino is gonna work alongside Emma in Napoleon and Betsy movie… Well, that´s the rumor.. Anyone knows? I don´t like to spread false rumors but I didn´t know whoelse to ask about it… 🙁

  2. DHA says:

    I also like the POTD, and the film was pretty cool. It's nice to see a young lady sticking to their roots. Marvelous.

  3. KS987 says:

    Luis, that is a different movie about Napoleon and Betsy that Pacino is starring in. It's called "Betsy and the Emperor", while Emma's film is called "Napoleon and Betsy".

  4. iKing says:

    Em, if you have been… mmm… talking with one soul at 8 March give me a signal – I need to know – whether I'm real crazy or… U2 (crazy) 😉

  5. iKing says:

    Great… No. Greatest picture BTW (with BIG lips 🙂 ). You can do not do it (give me a signal), but anyway I'll get you – I'll built greatest EVER web site about you. But I really doubt now – whether it is right or not – trying to catch you. All what I have to say – I can't talk with majority coz I have another themes for talking. I can only listen what they talk and hide my own interests. It's… I need you for talk (and much more 😉 ).

  6. iKing says:

    If that what was at 8 March is true we'll be together even if I'll die. But I think what it must be in that life… Coming soon… We are the same soul (I guess what God is group of dots (souls) and they get more by separating – you mine second part). We have to carry each other, carry each other… ONE. 🙂

  7. EmRocksSocks says:

    iKing, sit down for a while. O_o

  8. rahul says:

    cool 😉