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About how people react to her fame (2007):"I've had people be funny with me, but never seriously nasty. More like people not knowing how to act around me and it coming off in an unfriendly way. But I don't tend to confront people, I just hope the longer they're around me, the more they see how much I'm like everyone else, and the awkward feeling will go."

Half-Blood Prince Trailer, New Poster // 17 April 2009

A new trailer for Half-Blood Prince is now online, and it looks amazing. Many new scenes including several with Hermione. I’m quite looking forward to this film. We have links for downloading, thanks to Leaky, or you can watch it below.

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You need the Flash to see this video.

There are also new posters for Half-Blood Prince that were released today, including this new one for Hermione. I think this one looks much better than the last, more realistic.

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84 Responses to “Half-Blood Prince Trailer, New Poster // 17 April 2009”

  1. TheKookieMonster says:

    The trailer is AMAZING!!!haha Ron deserved that.I LOVE the poster Emma's angle is perfect, it exentuates her lovely figure.Her facial expression is beautiful as well.She looks great in pink but Hermione in leather,HA this isn't grease. 😆

  2. guile says:

    why was hermione crying and why she hit ron with a book?

  3. visa says:

    sorry guys, the link b4 is wrong, this is the right link :

  4. Shubhro says:

    Hallo Emma, you are really a nice performer, nice character and nice girl. Loves for you from Bangladesh. Be happy- Shubhro

  5. monisha says:

    Good tralier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But why does hermione cry???????? 😥

  6. Fonty says:

    I´much rather vote for Which teen idol is most likely to succeed with getting a degree from a university? 🙂

  7. Sterre says:

    Wow…that's so cool! Who's that girl hanging in the air at 0:53 or so? That's so scary! :O

  8. Yaroslav says:

    Happy Easter! I have to sign an egg initials Emma))) See:

  9. johnny gadarr says:

    very good 🙂 🙂 🙂

  10. Guille says:

    can someone tell me why hermione is hitting ron and why is she crying????

  11. dook says:

    Guille, I don’t know exactly what is happening in that scene, but have you read the book? Do you know what goes on between Ron and Hermione?

  12. spencer says:

    🙂 k i love the new update trailer hey does any body know how to tget the other trailers from apple on your ipod cause ive been trying and it makes no sense at all 🙁 plz and love the poster <3

  13. DHA says:

    It looks like Emma had fun with that scene, but even though Hermione's greatest asset is her mind, who would have guessed she would use a book as a weapon? Lol. I think this should be rated-R. (Too violent for TV. Lol)

  14. guile says:

    of course I know what happen between them but I'm only curious because I want to know what happen in that scene

  15. dook says:

    I think we’ll need to wait for the movie.

  16. teddy bear says:

    The person hanging in the air is Katie Bell. She is the girl who gets cursed by the necklace. Why is Hermione hitting Ron with her book? I don't remember that being in the book.

  17. teddy bear says:

    Where do you see Hermione crying?

  18. peaches says:

    Oh come on it's obvious.Hermione is angry at Ron because he is with Lavender Brown and not her.That's also why she cast that spell to have the birds attack Ron.She's upset and jeleous and Ron is trying to make her jeleous by dating Lavender because he is mad she went with Victor Krum to the Ball. 🙁 😡

  19. teddy bear says:

    Oh yeah I forgot. When she sends the birds at ron and starts crying. Thanks for pointing that out peaches. 😉

  20. DHA says:

    I remember seeing Hermione, Emma, cry on the trailer that was downloadable on Emma's official site. I still liked that one better because they show Draco favoring the Death Eater's mark on his arm. Man, they really got good actors in this film.

  21. KS987 says:

    Fernanda, the link you posted doesn't work, but the Interview mag cover was posted on other sites as well. Can't wait for the rest. 🙂

  22. Dalma says:

    AMAZING TRAILER, woooow!!!

  23. Dalma says:

    I love the new trailer, and the poster rocks. In my country, Hungary, we celebrate name days, its almost like a birthday, we give a small present and a cake or something. Today is Emmma's name day, So: Happy name day Emma!!!! 🙂 😛

  24. nikki says:

    hey, just found tonnes of pictures from HBP on IMDB. most of them look like stills from the trailer, and old news. but i dont think ive seen this one:

  25. Seb says:

    Great video ! We can see a lot of extract of the movie !

  26. miguel says:

    where do we see hermione hitting ron in the book?????

  27. Crazi-J says:

    I laughed out loud when Emma hit Rupert with a book in that scene, so funny! That trailer completely blew me away!! They're growing up so fast . . . 😥

  28. Nat says:

    Wow! I love your site! It is on Emma's official site – amazing=] Keep up the great work!

  29. cemal says:

    Beatiful poster:) 🙂

  30. Hemma says:

    I think the trailer's great! I'm not sure, but the music sounds a bit Hans Zimmer to me … !!!!

  31. dk says:

    где его скачат&# 1100;?