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About fair trade (2010): "I first started learning about Fair Trade fashion simply because I did a piece of geography course work on it. I thought why isn't everything Fair Trade? From that point I started to look for labels that were Fair Trade and started researching it. When I thought of Fair Trade I thought of bananas and coffee and I thought this was as far as it went. But, of course pretty much anything can be Fair Trade. My collection is very much based on cotton and jersey which all can be made Fair Trade and organic. It's so great to work with something that hasn't been made with chemicals and is helping someone abroad who isn't earning a lot of money. The great thing about these clothes is that they are comparable to high street prices so affordable but go towards a really good cause. You win all around."

Bravo, Girlfriend, Galaxie and more

Bravo in Serbia features Emma Watson on the cover and an article. Thanks Jelena for the scans.
A cover and 2 page article are in Girlfriend magazine from Australia. Thank you Ronette for the scans.
Galaxie Magazine in Malaysia has Emma on the cover and an article, “Bewitching Beauty, Emma Watson Puts Us Under Her Spell.” Thanks to Hazim for the scans.

Us Weekly has a 2 page fashion spread featuring her outfits from the premieres, talk shows and press junket. We don’t have scans of this so if anyone can scan this we would appreciate it. Thanks to Fabienne for the tip.

David Heyman had an interview last month at the Apple Store and talked about the cast and movies. Mina attended the interview and captured audio from it. She has posted it in 4 parts on youtube, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. In the third one, Heyman talks about Emma, her acting and her grades. Thanks Mina.

Emma was on the UK’s Heart Showbiz Radio show last month. It’s a good interview, I think you’ll like it. Thanks to Emma C for sending it in. (mp3)

You need the Flash to see this video.

Emma was also interviewed on Irish radio RTE’s The Slate last month on the 9th. Thanks to Order partner RGN for the tip. (mp3)

You need the Flash to see this video.

RTE also interviewed Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Bonne Wright, Jessie Cave, Matthew Lewis, Evanna Lynch, Tom Felton and David Yates. You can listen to those interviews here.

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32 Responses to “Bravo, Girlfriend, Galaxie and more”

  1. Sean says:

    Emma sounded very pretty and cute. Emma, your the best!!

  2. Jaclyn says:

    Um anyone remember during goblet of fire movie she said she would pick harry in real life?? maybe she is saying rob for deathly hallows? idk…

  3. Mariano says:

    You are so beautiful! Y love you Emma! From Argentina! Besos!

  4. C says:

    Maybe she said Ron now because she is quite a bit older and what you want in a guy changes with age. She always sounds so professional but also personable-she is very admirable.

  5. EmRocksSocks says:

    Thanks for the sizable update! Listening to her is quite a wonderful experience. So cute. 😛

  6. KS987 says:

    Thanks for the updates once more. Emma looks gorgeous in the scans(even though we've seen the pictures before). And yes her interviews are wonderful to listen to. She's so sweet, kids want her to adopt them(at least hopefully that was really a kid). 😛 She truly has "put me under her spell".(sorry for repeating a Harry Potter style pun).

  7. Ivana says:

    EmRocksSocks – totally agree definitely cute 🙂 and,there are more things about emma in the other Serbian magazines,so I'll definitely send them 😉

  8. Dreamer says:

    It“s nice to see new stuff about Emma every day. Thanks to 🙂 🙂

  9. Valentina says:

    She has such calm and amazing voice! I love listening her 😉 KS897-loved that sentence:''put me under her spell''-I totally agree with you! 😉

  10. Krixtina says:

    Thank you for Serbian magazin 🙂

  11. Hiltje says:

    In don't recall ever having read or heard what she said in the 'Quote' (About not knowing what the movies look like before the premieres (2007): "People always expect me to know what the finished product will be like, but I don't have a clue because it is all shot out of sequence. Before I see every film my nerves are just terrible. I remember after the first ten minutes of the first film my dad turning to me and saying, "Emma darling, I really think you should breathe now." ) From which interview is it?

  12. dook says:

    Hiltje,The quote appeared in an article in the Daily Mail. I don’t know if it came from somewhere else first.

  13. muggle_born says:

    Love the Heart Radio interview! 😛 😛 😛

  14. ShamWow. says:

    this is quite random but has Emma,Ron, and Dan come to Toronto for the premier?

  15. ro says:

    Download plz!!!!

  16. naro says:

    guys i ve just read teen vogue n cant believe emma refuses fame that much!! oh my gosh she really wanna live her life i nvr senn such a sweet actreess

  17. Jaclyn says:

    I realized in my comment I said rob when i meant ron X] Twilight is in my brain too much 😛

  18. Hiltje says:

    thanks dook! I was actually hoping to hear her say it, but well I guess luck wasn't on my side seeing it was written down in an article 😛 thanks anyway!

  19. Racingman says:

    Lovely interviews! It made me really happy hearing them especially the one from heart, you just got to love her accent. Again, are they probably possible to download?

  20. wastingink420 says:

    yes she loves lasagna 🙂

  21. Sabrina says:

    You are cute and beautiful! 🙂 🙂

  22. carmen says:

    'that's really sweet,O i love to be a mum'haha,the way she said is cute o*v*o

  23. Francisco says:

    I like more the first one because she speaks about herself… The second one is about Hermione, like many other previous interviews…

  24. V says:

    great interviews 🙂 is it possible to download them??

  25. Racingman says:

    Thanks for the downloadable versions =)

  26. autumnweasly says:

    lol beba

  27. Michelle says:

    I just love hearing Emma's calm and sweet voice! Both of these interviews are great. 🙂 😉

  28. IsaBella Granger says:

    I love her voice, so cute, so sweet… so Emma… 😆

  29. Poof says:

    Lol, I love the interviewer and the fact that she said Rupert wasn't as animated as the rest of the class, haha, how great. And is Tom Felton really over six feet? Hmm

  30. ^^ says:

    Really nice and cute voice. But i really dont like the english pronunciation.^^

  31. hrery GSE says:

    😉 😛 😆 😡 😥 🙂 😛 🙁

  32. etienne says:

    tu es trop bonne ( you are beautiful) dsl je suis francais (i am frensh )