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About fair trade (2010): "I first started learning about Fair Trade fashion simply because I did a piece of geography course work on it. I thought why isn't everything Fair Trade? From that point I started to look for labels that were Fair Trade and started researching it. When I thought of Fair Trade I thought of bananas and coffee and I thought this was as far as it went. But, of course pretty much anything can be Fair Trade. My collection is very much based on cotton and jersey which all can be made Fair Trade and organic. It's so great to work with something that hasn't been made with chemicals and is helping someone abroad who isn't earning a lot of money. The great thing about these clothes is that they are comparable to high street prices so affordable but go towards a really good cause. You win all around."

New Half-Blood Prince Photoshoot Pictures

Two new photoshoot images of Emma Watson have been uncovered by Oclumencia.

EWO has been updated with a new e.m.s. from Emma.

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61 Responses to “New Half-Blood Prince Photoshoot Pictures”

  1. eunbin says:

    taking~ 🙂

  2. KS987 says:

    I believe that these are pictures from an old photoshoot, but they weren't released until now. Good thing they were still released eventually. Everyone agrees Emma's stunning in them. 🙂

  3. jake says:

    Where are the other pics then, does anyone have a link?

  4. tree says:

    Just click the image…and Emma's beautiful photoshoots sill show up.

  5. haeronmhay says: so gorgeous at any pics and words can describe her beauty.. I adore her,really.. she's my idol and inspiration in everything..wish i could be her.. 🙂

  6. ME says:

    She looks great…she's a natural beauty. 😆 🙂

  7. lovlela says:

    awesome to see her feet that close! 🙂

  8. Tymnglymn says:

    Hi People How are you doing?

  9. charlie day says:

    😛 :smile:you are sexy and hot you have a nice face and hair and cute feet my phone number is 07599224631 mobile

  10. Chirag says:

    emaa ur just nothing i mean priceless. simply the best thats u r!!! 🙂

  11. mohammad reza says:

    i love emmas film