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About getting up and going to school (2007): "There'll be some days where I'll wake up in the morning, and I'll feel really good and want to make an effort. I'll wear a skirt and a nice little jacket and look real nice. Other days I'll wake up late, sleep past my alarm, feel very groggy and I'll quite literally go to school in my Ugg boots and my pajama bottoms and just put my hair back in a ponytail."

September Calendar Vote is now Open

Voting for the September Calendar Competition is now open!

On the voting page, you will see small thumbnails of each entry. Click on the thumbnail to see a 640×480 preview. To vote, select the Radio button above the calendar you like, then scroll to the end of the page and click the Vote button. If you see the message “Thank you for voting” your vote was recorded. If you see the thumbs and radio buttons, try again.

You may vote once per day. Voting will close at midnight GMT, August 31.

Voting is now closed.

Please let’s keep this a fair competition. If I detect improper voting, I will throw out the results and the staff will select the winner.

Update: There has been some questions about how many times you can vote. You can vote once a day for one calendar. So, you can vote for one today, and then after about 22 hours you can vote again. It can be a different calendar of course. Then the next day you can vote again. So you should be able to vote 5 or 6 times in the competition if you come back every day.

Update: Four calendars have been disqualified for cheating already. If this continues, we’ll go back to the staff choosing.

Comments closed for this item.

122 Responses to “September Calendar Vote is now Open”

  1. amy says:


  2. cristy says:

    wow Emma in the u.s.a yaaaaaaaa 🙂 i start on the first too yaaa 🙂

  3. tree says:

    Welol School already started a week for me… 🙁

  4. Liz says:

    I start classes Monday, I hope she enjoys herself here!

  5. tree says:

    I hope she doesn't see obese or a trashed community when she's in the States. 🙁

  6. cristy says:

    hey Liz i start on Tuesday wow along with Emma its my first year at college to and i am nerves!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

  7. cristy says:

    Liz are you in college or high? if college what year r u ? i don't know what to expect aaaaaaah!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 I'm so scared! 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

  8. KS987 says:

    Emma should be going to university soon, yes. And I hope that she enjoys the school she goes to and people respect her privacy.

  9. cemal says:

    Hi I think simple calendar is good:) 🙂

  10. Ivana x says:

    @Arturo – I'm glad you don't want to make problems,because neither do I.I love Emma Watson with all my heart,I love to make graphics,and that's all. I was very upset because of all thishappening,'cause,I just want nice contact with all fans.No tension,and problems. I mean,I wanted one more chance. And,about winning,yeah,winning is great,but winning with fake votes,is…….definitely AND ABSOLUTELY STUPID!!!

  11. viveEmma says:

    Eva : tank you so so so much !!there are so beautiful !!! emma is in us ??? you are so lucky !!!i doon't know when she go in french…so so so sorry for my english he so so realy horrible !!! 😥 😥 I go to school thusday and you ???the holydays are over this is horrible !!!!!!! 😛

  12. viveEmma says:

    what is youre age ??? and do you like or dou you know the Jonas Brothers?

  13. Dao Tu Thao says:

    I saw some gorgeous advertisement of Burberry on Vogue Paris issue when I got to the downtown area today but I had no chance to take any photo (the shopkeeper didn't allow me to). Does anyone here has some scans?

  14. Dao Tu Thao says:

    That issue is so expensive (if you exchange it into Vietnamese currency) so I didn't have enough money to buy it, either 😥 anyway, I had chance to take photos of Burberry's banners featured Emma and sent them in, have you guys received them yet?

  15. dook says:

    Dao, yes we got the Burberry pictures. I will probably make another big Burberry update later today, or tomorrow. I would guess that the Burberry ads in Vogue are the same that we’ve seen in other magazines, so I don’t think we need scans, but thanks for mentioning it. Someone may want to buy the magazine so they have their own copy of the ads.

  16. Eva says:

    @viveEmma:welcome at anytime :wink:, you're not so bad in english :smile:,you will get better by time 🙂 am 17 and not really, i dont really like the jonas brothers but i dont hate them too 🙂

  17. tree says:

    I absolutely HATE HATE HATE all the crap out of the Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡

  18. Arturo says:

    @Ivana Hey , that´s the attitude 😆 I agree with all 😛 @tree please, let me be, i know you also like LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGE comments XD Yeah, i also hate those ****** ***** ******** of**** ***** but, that´s something i dont want to see on this wonderful/awesome website @Dook Please, erase all comments incluiding "brothers"

  19. tree says:

    yes I do enjoy posting LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAARGE comments 😆 But I do hate the le Jonaaas Broathers… Like a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!! 😡

  20. tree says:

    oh god! bloody hell. I forgot to vote! I'm such a bloody idiot! Bloody timing. 😡 rrrrrrrrrrrrr…

  21. tree says:

    Well, since I messed up my bloody time, and forgot to vote may I ask dook when the results will come out? 😕

  22. Arturo Picazo says:

    Hey, tree i also hate those bunch of idiots… But like ive said, thats something i dont want to see in this site… Jejeje, i like your sense of humor, i thougth that you was going to get very mad about my laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge comments post(although that wasnt the point), but you didnt. Im glad theres pepople like you in this world well, have a nice day