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About the subjects she likes... and dislikes (2005): "My worst subject is chemistry. It's a killer - I hate it. My favorite subject is probably art, maybe English. But yeah, chemistry is the one that is a killer, and geography coursework is pretty painful at the moment as well."

September Calendar Vote is now Open

Voting for the September Calendar Competition is now open!

On the voting page, you will see small thumbnails of each entry. Click on the thumbnail to see a 640×480 preview. To vote, select the Radio button above the calendar you like, then scroll to the end of the page and click the Vote button. If you see the message “Thank you for voting” your vote was recorded. If you see the thumbs and radio buttons, try again.

You may vote once per day. Voting will close at midnight GMT, August 31.

Voting is now closed.

Please let’s keep this a fair competition. If I detect improper voting, I will throw out the results and the staff will select the winner.

Update: There has been some questions about how many times you can vote. You can vote once a day for one calendar. So, you can vote for one today, and then after about 22 hours you can vote again. It can be a different calendar of course. Then the next day you can vote again. So you should be able to vote 5 or 6 times in the competition if you come back every day.

Update: Four calendars have been disqualified for cheating already. If this continues, we’ll go back to the staff choosing.

Comments closed for this item.

122 Responses to “September Calendar Vote is now Open”

  1. tree says:

    oh…I see 🙂 So I don't exactly have to come back to vote precisely 24 hours later, I can vote a bit earlier. That's nice. Well, I think its a bit sad that 4 calendars were disqualified. That's really too bad for them. But how were the "calendars" disqualified? 😕

  2. Jen says:

    They were caught cheating…lame

  3. lovelii_ladii says:

    this is awesome. ssoo manyy to choose from. these are brillant calendars. im really proud of this voting. it makes the site even MORE interesting besides the picture of the day, video of the week and watson weekly. which by the way dook, you guys should update soon. don't want to be a drag about it but just a reminder. 😉

  4. KS987 says:

    Never thought people would get this excited over making calendars. 😛 But once again good job and I voted. It's nice having Emma help me remember which day it is. Problem is, I am too distracted by Emma's beauty that I still wind up forgetting what day it is. 😛

  5. kat says:

    wow…the calendars are all really amazing!! Im so gald there is open voting for september. My favourites have to be 1, 5, 31 and 32!! 😉 Love them all…

  6. Valentina says:

    :))!yes,it does 😉

  7. Ivana says:

    I don't understand all about works,Yonica is my friend,and I wrote to her to vote for me If she like my works,or for one she likes,and she voted for mine so many times.Then,I shoved her rules,and she stopped doing that.Now,because of that I can't enter the site… 😕

  8. Alexandra says:

    Ivanna not guilty of voting and Yonica was voted a hundred times for her .. 😉

  9. Yonica says:

    I admit that I am guilty, because I had no idea that it was forbidden… I stopped when she said me that is cheating voting more then 1 time a day… you can ban my IP from visiting the site, but banning Ivana because I didn't pay attention to rules, is so not ok! … I just want her not to be depressed and everything, so just allow her to visit the site, and in stead, if you want, you can ban my IP address…

  10. noel says:

    vote for emme, she could win. at the moment sge is on the second place! you can give her 5 points as often you want!!!

  11. jule says:

    @Marie: ahh i see, awesome. thank you very much :]

  12. Arturo says:

    @dook: youre completely right maybe i was kind of upset/angry because its just not good or fair that cheating thing i think the only way to get things fair is not to count the cheaters votes. i know its weird but maybe they vote for other´s work to take it away of the contest (its not the case) because getting your work on is a BIG achievement 🙂 Well, please dont remove the competition. It would be deceptionant 😥 @Yonica hey, come on i understand you, i would also may vote for my calendars a million times, i would tell people i dont know to vote too. i dont really think that you didnt know that you couldnt vote lots of times, it cant get through me, haha. 😆 😆 Its not ok, but its like if you kill a man with your car because you didnt saw him, YOU KILLED HIM, it´s done. But i instist, i dont think that happened. You´re not a bad person, about the banning, i think you know you can change your IP adress with no hands, you may ask dook or someone to forgive you, that may fix the problem, about Ivana, i just dont know, what happened. You may tell her how to change her IP if you dont get a solution, well. Have a nice day you all 🙂

  13. tree says:

    Well, she deserves it somehow. But I thought she couldn't enter the site, so how is Ivana posting a comment?

  14. DeanBean says:

    whats wrong with voting ONCE… then the problem isn't so big I guess

  15. Rachel says:

    My favorites were 5, 14, 18, 39, and 40. But I won't say which I voted for! 😉 Great job on all of them!

  16. tree says:

    I liked only a few…the calendars this month were just a tad bit disappointing. 🙁

  17. Middy says:

    I think the best one is 18 🙂

  18. Harald says:

    Hi, where's the photo for Nr.47 from?Does anyone know?

  19. Ivana says:

    @Arturo I guess you're completely right,but,I've known that I can change my IP adress on the easy way,but,you know,it's not just about that,about blocking me,It's about everything,I mean,I wanted them to unblock me legally,I wanted another chance. And all you,I mean It's ok to tell a friend to vote if he wants,and when I said that to her,I have no idea about voting a hundred times. First,It's not fair,and I wanted to keep it fair,and second thing,I've won once,and It was enough.I am doing graphics with love,and there were NO IDEA for cheating in my head.I mean,I've done 3 calendars,and everybody who knows that can tell that I've done EVERYTHING to make them perfect. If my intention was to win,I could make bad calendar hoping that I'll win anyway…. 😕

  20. 130671 says:

    @ harald Not sure, but maybe the Ellen von Unwerth photoshoot? It`s that kind of style, and I know the gallery here doesn`t have all of the pictures that were taken.

  21. Marie says:

    @jule: Your welcome !

  22. Rose says:

    Great calendars indeed!! Emma on 29 and 30 – is it pen work?

  23. Eva says:

    WOW!! GREAT calendars! i didnt know what to choose! i liked #2 #30 #36 and # 37 !! great job emma fans! bytheway which photoshoot is in num. 14 ?

  24. selena says:

    why some calenders are not there?

  25. Sab says:

    Hello everyone! I've found two Burbuerry ad (with Emma, of course 😀 ) in the French "Elle" of this week (p. 55 and 57). I can't scan them, but if someone can do it… She looks really beautiful !

  26. dook says:

    Selena,All the calendars we received by the deadline and that followed the guidelines are there. We did not receive any calendars from the email you listed.

  27. loveHPEmmaRupertJB ! says:

    hello !! i am french but i love soooo much this is so cool !!and i love sooo much Emma !!i hope my english is not horrible (i love soo english but at school i learn german…) love !!!<3<3<3

  28. Lindy says:

    Oh gosh! They were all really wonderful calendars, I was stuck between the two of them… but I voted. Great job everyone! <3

  29. loveHPEmmaRupertJB ! says:

    for what calendar have you vote ???

  30. alex says:

    I voted for the 7# one. It has got something really fresh and exciting on it and I like these extreme colorful colors but it is still elegant. the picture is nice, too. (It's from the Elle Shoot, right?!?!)

  31. alex says:

    oops, I mean the #9….

  32. Eva says:

    shelly: thank you!! 🙂

  33. Eva says:

    shelly: thank you!! 🙂

  34. Dreamer says:

    Uhh this thing makes so many emotions, i hope some of you guys wont start to yell again about spaming… btw i voting for random calendar coz i don`t have my favourite one, they all just look good 😉

  35. viveEmma says:

    i have change my name i am "loveHPEmmaRupertJB" i vote for 41 but i love evrytingt…so so so sorry for my english… 🙁 🙁 😥 😥 soooo beautiful and amazing calendar !!!

  36. viveEmma says:

    where is the august calendar ????

  37. hugeemmafan says:

    wow they are all so em-azing and everyone did a fabulous job, Emma looks so good in every one of them!!!!!

  38. tree says:

    Weeeee! I love voting for calendars. It keeps me occupied on I missed my chance this time to enter… But I'll enter next month. 😆

  39. amy says:


  40. tree says:

    Oooooooo… That's great! I'm so happy she's in the States now. Maybe the American news will report her arrival or start of school. Blimey, its hard to believe. I can't breath now! HAHAHAH! 😆

  41. 130671 says:

    Is this really true? She`s gone to the US already? 🙁 So the times of HP will soon be over.

  42. tree says:

    Maybe she'll film an American movie or another series of Harry Potter,(I WISH…) 🙁

  43. Arturo says:

    @Ivana Yeah, you´re right. The thing is to be legally accepted :smile:, and there isnt anything wrong about telling a hundred people to vote, although they vote, it´s ok. The thing is, that someones doesnt have a hundred friends and they feel bad about losing (well, no one has lost yet :razz:) maybe you didnt know that you couldnt vote more than once a day, weird thing because there is a big title saying it when you already voted… To vote a hunred times, you need a hundred friends if you want to do it legally, and a lot of people here doesnt have a hundred friends to vote, so, logically, they get angry:wink… Anyways, i am not against you, or anybody. I like, your work, as you know :wink:. i just wanted you to be friends, i dont like problems :razz:. About winning, youre half right, because you have already won, and you have satisfied that worm :razz:…but, everybody likes to win huh? Maybe i would also change my IP, MAC and hide my PC name to vote :lol:, but… only 2 times a day :wink:} Ok, bad joke… have a nice day. PD, if you have any problems changing IP, etc… you know the right guy 🙂 But, i would prefer that you enter the site legally XD

  44. tree says:

    Well… Let's not talk SOOOOO much on this situation… This is solely for posting comments…