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October Calendar Vote

Voting for the October Calendar Competition is now open!

On the voting page, you will see small thumbnails of each entry. Click on the thumbnail to see a 640×480 preview. To vote, select the Radio button above the calendar you like, then scroll to the end of the page and click the Vote button. If you see the message “Thank you for voting” your vote was recorded. If you see the thumbs and radio buttons, try again.

You may vote once per day. Voting will close at midnight UTC, September 30.

Voting is closed

Please let’s keep this a fair competition. You can vote once a day for one calendar. So, you can vote for one today, and then after about 22 hours you can vote again. It can be a different calendar of course. Then the next day you can vote again. So you should be able to vote several times in the competition if you come back every day.

Comments closed for this item.

70 Responses to “October Calendar Vote”

  1. Jaclyn says:


  2. Marie says:

    yeah Mary that's a really great Idea !

  3. Nicole says:

    🙂 these are absolutely amazing number 32 is incredible x

  4. jemi says:

    bautiful Nº3

  5. Thessalie says:

    DOOK please, there is something that disturbs me a bit. the thing is, the 1rst time i saw the article it was like 10:00 PM. So i voted, not to loose my first vote (for the 1rst day) but then, i can only vote late at night, which is quite uneasy… Couldn't you change the thing for us to be able to vote once a day, like once between midnight and midnogh 24hrs later, even though there is not always 24hs between 2 votes? I don't know if you see what i mean 😕

  6. Thessalie says:

    midnight * I mean, this way we don't loos a day of voting (as we only have few days to vote…)

  7. dook says:

    Thessalie, it would be much more difficult to make it so you could vote once a day at any time. But you only have to wait about 22 hours, so this day you could vote at 8pm, then 6 pm, …

  8. Thessalie says:

    okay, thank you, i'll try not to vote too late the next time =)

  9. tree says:

    I dunno about the Layout Competition thing. I mean, I guess it's a new idea, but aren't calendars enough? And if there's a new layout… navigation at first will be hard for all of us fans. It's a good idea though. Just don't switch to a layout similar to Besides, I love this layout well as it is. 🙂

  10. andrew says:

    I think it would be cool if you guys would make a new layout for

  11. Dina says:

    tree… stop being such a downer lol this site is fun for fans with the competitions 😛

  12. tree says:

    Dina, sorry if I'm being so :sad:. It's just I'm giving out my opinion, and did I say it wasn't a good idea? no… 😥

  13. DIna says:

    tree…basically you were saying it wasnt a good idea lol your all like "idk about layout competition…isn't calendars enough?" that right there is a fun sucker thing to say lol (Not picking on you) 😉

  14. 130671 says:

    😕 Don`t know about this layout-competition… I pretty much like the simple "Shannon"-type-layout… You`d have a hard time beating it if this is not just just about changing a few colours. 😕

  15. 130671 says:

    😕 Delete one "just" – whichever you like…

  16. tree says:

    just drop the darn subject. 😡

  17. Katie says:

    Vote for Emma. People aren't voting anymore!!! Other celebs are catching up or getting really far ahead like Evanna

  18. Xandra says:

    Wow, I think the calenders are really fantastic. They're all really beutiful, it'll be a hard time choosing just one of them, since we still have like 20 hours left. Really well done, guys! 😆

  19. tree says:

    by tree @ 3 Oct 2009 time? 🙂