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About Daniel, Rupert and friendship (2006): "It's been an intense and very long friendship. We've known each other for six years now, and have seen each other almost every day. I mean, they've seen me in every single state. They have seen me at my most glamorous and they have seen me at six in the morning with no makeup on. They do feel like my brothers. And we've been through all the ups and downs of this mad experience together."

Emma in AskMen’s Top 99 Women, and Det Nye’s Best Dressed

Emma Watson is one of’s Top 99 Women for 2010. Coming in at number 55, Emma is the youngest to make the list, and one of two teens. (Kristen Stewart also made the list, and is a week older.) The annual poll looks at more than just who is ‘hottest’. “The Top 99 asks readers to rank famous females based on traits beyond sex appeal, for instance the traits that they would want in an ideal companion.

Emma is #3 in the Norwegian magazine DET NYE‘s top 6 list of best dressed women in 2009. They say about Emma, “British actress Emma Watson (19) has switched her robes for sparkling dresses. The child star is now looked upon as a real fashionista!” Thanks to Nienna for the tip.

We also have a couple scans for you thanks to Elmira. Emma appears in the January Elle Girl and December Vogue from Russia.

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63 Responses to “Emma in AskMen’s Top 99 Women, and Det Nye’s Best Dressed”

  1. Roger says:

    I think Dakota Fanning has already captured the guest appearance as a bad vampiress in New Moon. She's pretty scary as Jane. We wouldn't want to see our Emma doing that, now, would we? 😆 😆 😆

  2. Jaclyn says:

    I actually thought Emma could of played Lucy for Eclipse but I love Kirsten Prout anyways 😉 but yeah Dakota is scary as Jane I mean I still can't go on New moon's website because her blow up picture scares me so much lol

  3. Xandra says:

    When is the votings starting again? I thought it's today? 😕

  4. KS987 says:

    Emma doesn't HAVE to post a message to the fans every day. You have to consider the fact that she goes to school, has a fashion line coming out, is filming the last Harry Potter movie, and between all of that may want to spend time with family and friends. If she has big news that she wants to tell us, she will post an EMS. But forcing herself to write something minor like "My class is going well" every week would probably get annoying for her and take the fun out of it.

  5. Xandra says:

    I thought we are letting the problem down? 😕

  6. Jaclyn says:

    KS987 We all realize she is busy but she isn't THAT busy. When i say that I mean se is basically done with Deathly Hallows…Yes she has school. My friend goes to YALE and she is very busy with school and she is doing a internship job which kicks her a** so much more than her school work does. Plus she has an actual job when she is done with her internship job. Also she is a mom of 3. BUT has time to update her twitter, facebook, myspace, Blogs, and w/e else. Many celebs are busier than Emma but have time to talk to their fans on their websites or fan sites. I realize Emma doesn't want social network sites but you can't blame fans for wanting to hear from her more than what we do… We aren't saying Emma is a horrible person or anything… We just would like to hear more from her. That's not wrong. 😕

  7. Jaclyn says:

    Typo **** SHE 😉

  8. 130671 says:

    🙂 Maybe there`s a misunderstanding…a lot of fans want to hear exactly that which Emma thinks is too trivial to post as EMS on her site…

  9. yay says:

    she is truly an inspirational figure…great actress with a brilliant head on her shoulders and exceptional looks! definitely should have been #1 🙂

  10. Jaclyn says:

    blah w/e I still love Emma though so it's all good 😛

  11. 130671 says:

    😉 Where are the calendars? 😆

  12. Chris says:

    Emma is so wonderful. 🙂

  13. Yurik[53RUS] says:

    all #25 😛 🙂